Is Xi Jinping a Robot?

By a certain age one’s character is often writ into one’s face. Just looking at Trump’s you should see what he is. And look at Hitler’s speeches. Putin’s nature too is detectable.

But Xi Jinping is a creepy mystery. Often seeming as an empty suit, a zombie. I’ve never seen him display any emotion at all; any human feeling. His face a sleepy blank. Or maybe a self-satisfied supercilious smirk.

Shown riding in a tank in a military parade, he looked as animated as a Macy’s Thanksgiving-day balloon.

One moment was particularly telling. At a big Communist party ceremonial leader-worship fest, seated up front with Xi was his now elderly predecessor Hu Jintao. Hu was seen to crumple in some health episode. As the man was led away, Xi reacted not at all. Shrugging, as it were, with face empty, he turned his back.

All this contrasts bizarrely with Xi’s “cult of personality” gone mad. As if he has a personality. In fact, there’s no such cult in the populace. It’s all ginned up by Xi himself, asserting what must be an insatiable ego beneath that blank exterior.

He actually does see himself as a great know-it-all. Just like Trump, in fact isolated in a bubble of sycophants, Xi doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. So far his economic policies have been ruinous. Now he’s on a tear for government-run industries (not private ones) to flood the zone with Chinese-made goods. Never mind who’s going to buy them, and the fallout for the whole global trade picture.

But all of Chinese society and government are dragooned into pretending to idolatry. With a vast propaganda machine, replete with gilt-bound multi-volume opuses (no doubt ghost-written, almost literally). Deifying “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” The title’s pretentious unwieldiness belying emptiness of content.

If this is “thought,” no thanks. If these are “Chinese characteristics,” I’m glad I’m not Chinese. If this is a New Era, I’ll stay behind, thank you.

4 Responses to “Is Xi Jinping a Robot?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    His bland, feature-less mien? A simulacrum of imperial serenity in erstwhile ‘exciting times’. The regime cannot be saved, thanx to ecodinamic antinomies & cohort collapse to 785 M circa 2085-90…A new planet will emerge by 2124: green, cooler, geogineered, syntelled, fiscally seamless, choice-maxxed, power-blocs rendered nugatory by force majeure. Colonia Martialis will be terraforming apace w/10K CRISPRed specimens, + a few ‘imperfecta’ ascending from this proto-centenarian. His prophecies [1941-2024] have seldom failed. [Don Bronkema]

  2. Anonymous Says:

    His face a sleepy blank.

    He is 70 years old and his face is fairly wrinkle-free… too much botox?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I have always thought Xi’s lack of lack of facial expression (other than the one he perpetually has), very disturbing. He impresses me as a profoundly disturbed human.,completely lacking in virtues such as kindness and empathy. But these and other character traits that we in the west deem virtuous would not have aided in Xi’s survival in the society in which he was raised. At the age of 13 he was denounced as a counter revolutionary at a mass rally in Beijing.One of the accusers was his own mother.He lived under constant threat of execution,once fleeing for his life from a gang of club-wielding red guards.His father was similarly denounced and spent decades in prison. His sister committed suicide after a period of intense persecution. I believe all these things have left their indelible marks on Xi,and thus China today is led by a man who probably belongs in an asylum. That the destinies of great nations are being guided by such men is of course horrifying. I only hope we do not again elect a similarly unfit president this Nov. as we did in 2016.P.S.- Auto parts arrived last Saturday.Payment has been sent.David Lettau

  4. rationaloptimist Says:

    David! Thanks for the very incisive (and knowledgeable) comment. As ever.

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