Why so many blacks in ads?

One morning at breakfast I said to my wife, “Does T.J. Maxx especially cater to blacks?”

“Not that I know of. Why?”

“Well, they have a big ad in the paper showing two black women.”

“That’s not unusual. Lots of ads do that.”

“Yes, that’s what I’m noticing. Why do you suppose they do that?”

We are often told that America is still a fundamentally racist society. Not all, or even most, Trump voters are racist. But his campaign did push racist buttons, and racial resentments and anxieties did play a big role. A lot of less educated working class whites were voting against minorities – with a feeling they’re getting more than their due (to the detriment of those whites), and that a less white America is a worse America.

Yet since I noticed that T.J. Maxx ad, I’ve made a point of tallying blacks in ads and commercials. And in fact they are way overrepresented, relative to their 13+% population share. I even saw one TV ad with a white couple whose child looked kind of black. Of course, if you show a bunch of folks, you want to include some minorities. But what about ads with only one or two people, like T.J. Maxx’s? Let me offer a theory.

If this were indeed a racist society, where white people basically dislike, resent, and shun blacks, presumably no business would want to feature blacks in its ads. The purpose of advertising is to make a brand attractive. Advertisers must calculate that black faces actually do that.

Of course, the blacks shown in (modern) ads are not disadvantaged stereotypes; far from it, they are instead middle class people, speaking plain middle class English (not ethnic dialect), shown in typical middle class activities.

And while these ads don’t specifically target black customers, they certainly don’t target less educated working class Trumpites. That’s not at all the consumer demographic advertisers want to reach; those people are just disregarded. Instead, for a lot of ads, the target audience is better educated, more affluent and, especially, younger consumers. (Indeed, the content of some ads today must baffle older Archie Bunker viewers. Some baffle even me.) That yuppie demographic is where the consumer-spending money is. And for them, blackness is actually attractive; connoting coolness, hipness, with-it-ness, knowing what’s going on. Not inferior but superior. And to this demographic, an America fully integrating blacks is a better America. Putting them in ads hence creates a positive buzz.

Yet this is just one more way in which America is dividing into two very different cultures inhabiting the same body politic. How long can this split personality endure?


607 Responses to “Why so many blacks in ads?”

  1. All My Guts and Soul Says:

    Hi Frank,

    I don’t care to venture a guess as to why you see more people of color in advertising. I leave that to the advertising experts and the people paying for the advertising. You are entitled to have curiosity regarding this. I do want to respectfully let you know what I think about a few things you have written.

    Accepted language changes frequently, so maybe you aren’t aware that the term “blacks” is derogatory. The preferred term is “people of color,” which could also refer to people of Latin, Indian, Arab, Native American descent, etc. Simply “black people” would also be acceptable. I find it disheartening that you feel the need to defend a non-racist portrayal of this country or a voting constituency of this country, but your reaction is not uncommon among white people. No one likes to be judged, especially in a negative light. I know I’ve had a few defensive reactions myself over racism.

    I’m trying to let go of my defensiveness and be open to understanding from other points of view. Currently, I am very clear that being white has allowed me more privilege than a person of color. I have benefited from a long history of the subjugation of people of color. Not only are the lives of people of color affected negatively by white supremacy (I know it’s a hard term to accept, but it is accurate and honest), but the lives of white people and every person on the planet are affected by it.

    It is a high learning curve for white people, but there are plenty of resources available for us to learn from. I know that I am a racist because I have benefited from racism. I will always be a racist, but hopefully a racist that continues to take action to dismantle white supremacy.

    As for the split personality – I’m having difficulty viewing that from your perspective, but I do believe Americans are split on many aspects in a form of cognitive dissonance – racism being one, especially considering the time people spend denying it.


  2. Roger Green Says:

    Here’s a different take from me: if they had all white people, you might not have noticed at all. Not that it’d be racist, but “normal.”

    Oh, and I reject the notion that the term black is derogatory. People of color is far less descriptive if what you mean are African-Americans.

  3. All My Guts and Soul Says:

    African-American is also not accurate. Many dark-skinned Americans are descendants of places other than Africa.

  4. Roger Green Says:

    Historically, most the people who are considered black at one point had ancestors from sub-Saharan Africa. But it’s not a term I like either because not all blacks in the US are from America.

  5. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    I get a lot of things from the UK and they also over-represent dark-skinned people. A lot of the stuff I get from both countries features colleges and universities, independent schools, intellectual trips and tours, the UK National Trust,Episcopal/Anglican churches and church activities, you get the picture, and my sense is that it is a message to dark-skinned people that they are welcome to participate in whatever it is. My dark-skinned friends indicate that it is not always clear to them whether they will be actually welcomed here or there or whether there are unverbalised barriers even today but the pix tell them that the school, church, club or whatever, even if it’s still almost lily-white, wants to change.

  6. Lee Says:

    I am thinking that comparing the fraction of ads with people of color to the fraction of the population is not quite right. This is advertising, not an allocation of resources. If seeing someone “like me” is a way to get me to buy then companies get more bang for the buck if they feature all major population groups, in roughly equal proportions. All people will see people like themselves and want to buy!

  7. K.l. Asher Says:

    It’s about impossible to find a commercial for security-alarm service without a black spokesperson and white criminals. FBI stats will tell you a different story.

  8. Bruce Haas Says:

    Forgive me. My bias as an over-educated Trump supporter (MBA, career included marketing and advertising and research) may be a problem for you. As a conscientious, growing, practicing follower of Jesus Christ I have a personal spiritual mandate to see all my fellow humans as creations of our Creator God, and until they prove otherwise, they are to have my love and respect.

    Granted I have not conducted any scientific study of this and related issues. However, if I did my hypothesis to prove or disprove would include the following: 1) Blacks are overrepresented in commercials of all types for all products and services in America. 2) Women as the head of household and/or the “brains of the outfit” are overrepresented. and 3) Biracial relationships with a black male paired with a white female are overrepresented, and 4) children are most often shown to be dominant characters, especially when a white male is part of the presentation. The same will apply to Government advertisement as the private sector.

    Urban liberal advertising agency powers are still directing ad content and money to buy ad campaigns, so this should be no surprise.

    However, are they risking a backlash? Are they fomenting a bit of “reverse racism” and unnecessary divisiveness?

  9. Roger Green Says:

    I want to understand Mr. Haas’ point. If there were fewer People in Color in ads, would this avoid a backlash? Or would having POC NOT seeing themselves have them draw the conclusion that the product/service is not for them? .

  10. Chris M. Says:

    Bruce, you are spot on. I feel like the media is (again) shoving a agenda down our throats. I went to my bank (Union Bank) the other day and they had 4 financial brochures on display. Three had black people and one had white. This is not unusual at all. What about Asians and Latinos? I do want diversity in all but let’s try and let it be a little natural.

  11. Rich Says:

    If a person from eastern or central Europe would come to are country for a vacation and after seeing tv ads, newspaper ads he or she would think America is a Negro nation.

  12. Donna Rachiele Says:

    I think since Obama came into office commercials bias toward african americans

  13. scottpageusmc Says:

    WTF!? You’re stupid, period. Obama, and the liberals/socialists, pushed this country to another wider racial divide.

    You couldn’t write an article about how 13.2% of the U.S. population is black, yet they are in 65+% of commercials.

    You should move in to Starbucks, you’ll find several other village idiots, and you’ll fit right in.

    You’re inexperienced, small minded, and a racist.

  14. John Says:

    I’m a minority… and I’m just going to call it what it is….Pandering. Ever since the 2016 presidential election, more companies have strategically placed blacks in their commercial ads. Quite honestly it makes me sick. Blacks only make up 14% of the population, but yet they’re in 70%+ all commercial spots on television. Some are very comical… I mean, come on… blacks buying and owning a suburu?? Yea right. As for TJ MAXX… can you say Mexicans? That’s all I see in that store. I feel badly for whites. They really do get a bad rap.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    Buy from whites only, trade with whites only

  16. joe john james Says:

    All you people, who left a comment. Kill yourself. This is an article, not an internet discussion so shut the fuck up, because nobody clicked here to read your stupid ass opinion.

  17. No PC BS Says:

    ^ What a fantastic display of Irony…

  18. No PC BS Says:

    The other aspect of this over-representation that is overlooked is that if blacks are 13% of the population and whites are 65 to 70% but blacks are 70% of the commercials, this means that black actors have a 5 times better chance of getting hired for a commercial than whites do. Which means the advertising industry is severely plagued with racism, and it’s quite hard, statistically, for a white actor to even get a job in this industry.

    (And, ugh, every 50 years we have to come up with a new term to refer to black people with since every previously-used term offends them…)

  19. Anonymous Says:

    joe john james (August 9, 2017 at 4:40 pm) – Well I was one of the people from the UK who clicked on this article to find out why there’s an unbelievable amount of black people on UK TV adverts ??

    2017 seems to have been a turning point and as a white family, we now find ourselves changing channels to get away from these commercials only to find the next channel showing ads featuring blacks.There’s no escaping
    We can’t quote the sponsors because we elect not to run the ads that long.to find out. This forced representation in to our homes has quite frankly turned us racist.

  20. Little Willy Says:

    joe john james (August 9, 2017 at 4:40 pm) – Well I was one of the people from the UK who clicked on this article to find out why there’s an unbelievable amount of black people on UK TV adverts ??

    2017 seems to have been a turning point and as a white family, we now find ourselves changing channels to get away from these commercials only to find the next channel showing ads featuring blacks.There’s no escaping
    We can’t quote the sponsors because we elect not to run the ads that long.to find out. This forced representation in to our homes has quite frankly turned us racist.

  21. Lee Says:

    This argument that having many black people in ads causes racism is too farcical to be allowed to stand unanswered.

    Middle class people are overrepresented in ads too. @Little Willy, @Bruce Haas, @Chris M., etc., would you say that this forced representation in to our homes has quite frankly turned us into people who hate the middle class? Would you sat that the overrepresentation of tall, thin people is the reason that we hate good looking people? Or does your “inescapable logic” only apply when the difference is race?

  22. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    Little Willy, get your DNA done and you are really likely to find that like myself you have some residue of the British Empire in yr gene pool. Mine is First Nation fm Canada, yours cd be Indian fm British India or African or something else but far fewerBrits are lily white genetically than , say, Germans.

  23. Little Willy Says:

    Me personally, I subscribe to the natures rhetoric of: ‘birds of a feather flock together’ Its only natural that you feel more relaxed with people of your own type. No one objects to the occasional foreigner once in a while, but when images are being beamed in to your house alien to the English norm, then you have to question the reason why??

  24. Anonymous Says:

    Hit the nail on the head. I notice this everytime I watch tv. Most commercials feature sophisticated black people.

  25. “Why so many blacks in ads?” | Ramblin' with Roger Says:

    […] so many blacks in ads?” is one of those burning issues that I was totally oblivious to until Frank S. Robinson, no relation to the Hall of Fame outfielder, as far as I know, laid it out […]

  26. Anonymous Says:

    13% of the nations population is black +/- 80% of of commercials are black or mix marraged. This is reverse racism at its WORST.

  27. Anonymous Says:

    Black privilege in action right here. Held up as cool, successful, well-integrated…it’s a lie to promote good feelings of equality among liberal whites and feelings of entitlement among blacks. But flash back to reality and these lies just spawn more discontent when blacks don’t see this magical ad fantasy play out. And then come the demands for MORE affirmative action, MORE equality and diversity measures.

    Meanwhile, Asians and Hispanics and non-black minorities get shit on…welcome to black-and-white lives matter America

  28. Jean Richardson Says:

    They are popping up everywhere. Why don’t they give opportunities to other cultures. For example, the American Indians, the Indian people from India, more whites, Hispanics, Japanese-Americans, Etc. Since they say blacks are only 13% of the population, how come you see them everywhere on TV. They’re in sports, music, commercials, TV and theater movies, etc etc. Since they are 13% of the population, how come it seems that they are seventy-five or eighty percent of the population by via TV commercials. What is funny and is even funnier to me is that they are in situations or commercials than in reality they are not even in or will never be. The black family is very dysfunctional, Dad left Mom for drugs or a gang or a very ignorant uneducated white girl and all the black kids and the Mom calling each other cuss words while praising Africa and having multiple kids from gang members – a vicious cycle. As they say monkey see monkey do or lets imitate the white culture. Ha ha…how true. Ha ha ha. You can take the blacks out of Africa but you cannot take the Africa out of them.

  29. Jean Richardson Says:

    Too, too many blacks. Like an Ebola plague of control. Just like in sports it is the white man’s fault. These rich owners are putting these blacks on pedestal after pedestal after pedestal. Ignore everybody else but black must be preserved, according to the white man’s, rich man’s mentality. For what purpose, I have no idea why they have forgotten about the other Americans who live here also. Why do they get so much special treatment? What about us the other people who make this country go round and round, who made this country great. Blacks are mostly on welfare or under bridges asking for handouts. Yes they do work but a very handful only.

  30. Jay Harding Says:

    I have a lot of friends who come from Mexico and South America and from Spain. They look everywhere and they say if America is already a negroid Nation. They tell me that because they see all these blacks running around committing crimes and on TV commercials and movies and music and sports. They asked me what happened to America? I’ll tell them I don’t know. They tell me laughingly that one day we are going to turn on our TVs and the screen will be all blacked out. It will not be because your TV is broken but because there are blacks everywhere on the TV, movies, commercials everywhere and everywhere and everywhere. Truckloads and truckloads as if they’re being hauled over here from Africa and as if Africa’s dumping them over here by plane loads and truckloads. When will all this absurd obsession with blacks which is absurd stop! I already disconnected my cable because of all the stuff going on. I do not go to the movies. I will soon stop going to sporting events.

  31. rationaloptimist Says:

    Thanks, Jean, for providing a nice parody of racism.

  32. Anonymous Says:

    Negro was an ole term for these savages.

  33. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    Middle class, college, educated, professional people of colour are in fact everywhere outside the white ghettoes like Delmar. In downtown Albany they are visible on all the campusses, churches , and cultural institutions.

  34. Jean Harding Says:

    Hi out there. This is Jean. I live Austin, Texas. The mayor offs San Antonio, Texas and his cohorts, took down the Confederate statue from Travis Park, which had been there a little bit over 100 years. I hope that everyone who has made a decision in the receives a curse from this removal of statues from the dead Confederate soldiers and people who defended this nation. Today the statues, tomorrow the $20 bill of Jackson to be replaced by an ugly, ape-like looking image of a lady, if I may call her a lady….yuck…and after this, believe me guys, they’re after reparation payments, absurd, and finally they want to and they will take your daughters if you let them. I’m putting my daughter’s behind locked doors at home and in my SUV, from this ape creatures. Take care and keep your guard up.

  35. rationaloptimist Says:

    Thanks again, Jean, your parody of the racist mind-set is delicious!!

  36. The Watchman Says:

    I am staggered by how many blacks and non whites are over promoted and presented in U.K. media especially adverts. I have travelled the world and never seen so much obvious inverse racism as is going in British media. Simply virtue signalling among advertisers to each other or a more sinister conditioning by the media to accept vast increases in ethnically diverse immigration who knows.

  37. Cheshire Observer Says:

    The Watchman Says :

    I couldn’t agree with you more and I really don’t know why coloured people are over represented in tv ads. I googled the question and came upon this web site so I’m obviously not the only person who has noticed this. Personally I don’t use our buy from companies that over represent in this way.

  38. Jean Hepsinger Says:

    The weird thing is that you will never really see them in situations like that; astronauts, lawyers, doctors, very, very few but a handful. They fit more your style of looters who are looting the stores after hurricane Irma hit Miami, Florida and the rest of Florida. Their true colors, if I may say so, came out. Don’t believe me, look at the videos where they are looting the stores like savages running wild. I’m glad they got caught by surveillance video and now what are they going to do, run into the ghettoes and hide or perhaps under the bridges. All I can say to these people is get a job. Stop waiting for the NFL to call you. They will not. The NBA will not call you either. Get a real job and stop stealing from the White Man. Jean


  39. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    Join the Episcopal Church in any city and you will meet Black lawyers and doctors.

  40. Jeane Harding Says:

    You are right Sylvia but a counted handful. White-educated the white man’s way though. Majority are waiting for the NFL or the NBA to call them. Otherwise they don’t give a darn about anything else. They just left for today with a bottle of whiskey or Islands. Their motto is “live” for today and die tomorrow, we dun care mamma. So true. I grew up in Harlem and I know how they are down to the Core.

  41. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    At a recent reading by undergraduate poets at UAlbany, one young student poet proudly identified herself as coming from Harlem.

  42. Jihandi Buford Says:

    Perhaps that is true Sylvia but perhaps but very few. Don’t forget that this country was built by Blood, Sweat & Tears by the arriving Puritans, the Spaniards, the Chinese who built the railroads, the Mexicans who did most of the labor and still continue to do it today. Don’t forget Sylvia that blacks or Africans came here as slaves and therefore don’t really have much of a history except in the motherland of Africa. The only history today they lean on is Martin Luther King. The Anglo-Saxons in their countries and the Spanish Empire in the country perhaps goes back hundreds or thousand years ago. Blacks were living in loin cloths and running away from lions while the other side of the world was highly developed. Blacks are just a recent arrival into the new world but I’m sure they want to know everything about what the white men can teach them.. That way they can assimilate to their world. All in all, where are the other cultures and races in this country, they can’t even get a job in a commercial. There are truck loads, truck loads, and truck loads of an immense number of blacks infiltrating into our TV sets. Pretty soon the whole screen will be all black. Talk about diversity, where in the heck is diversity. There are many other cultures of people who want to be in commercials to get a little job but I guess if you’re black nowadays you have an advantage. I hope that whoever owns these commercial companies finally wake up one day and see what they have done.

    Where has the diversity gone to?
    Blacks are not the only diversity and i hate to break your bubble. Look around that the world is not run by blacks but by other cultures, many other cultures.

    Where is the diversity.

  43. Ron Says:

    Are companies being forced to OVER REPRESENT blacks & minorities, perhaps some law Obama has forced down the throats of businesses during the final days of his administration? I wonder….

  44. rationaloptimist Says:

    Yes — and Hillary was head of a pedophile ring operating out of pizza parlor. While Trump always tells it like it is.
    And God created the world in 4004 BC and watches over us.

  45. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    Blacks go back 400 yrs in the New World and are among the oldest ethnic groups on this continent.

  46. Little Willy Says:

    Perhaps as a rebellion against the brilliant Donald Trump in the US and Brexit here in the UK the advertising media are akin to the Liberal Hollywood luvvies and the British leftist remoaners and are doing it deliberately to piss us off.

  47. Truman Says:

    Forget reparations, we’ll just own tv instead!

  48. micky Says:

    its getting over the top with this including blacks culture…when did we become a black country…we dont need it forcing down our necks to accept that blacks are part of our population because we already know they are but to keep re-enforcing it with every poster, advert, t.v. show, disscusion, police shows anything you can think of where there is more than 3 people included…its becoming so annoying and starting to incite the wrong effect as it cunjers up a negetive reaction…

  49. Anonymous Says:

    I believe the blacks want genocide of the white race….. as a GROUP, they hate and resent the white people. and I ask this about ‘DIVERSITY’….the proper definition of that is ‘different’….not the same…so perhaps we should put more emphasis on UNITY?
    I have never gotten an answer for this question…If GOD wanted us all to be the same, why did HE create other races?

  50. Pete Says:

    I live in the UK too and I find it absolutely mind boggling to see the amount of blacks on TV adverts here nowadays. I’m reaching the point that I may dispose of my TV. There are plenty of Asians in the UK nowadays but you never see them in TV adverts, why is this? It seems as though they are scared of black people. The UK has become a disturbing place in recent years, if you are a white male you need to be ashamed of yourself.

  51. Ryder Briggs Says:

    My understanding is that we are all Americans. I also understand that historically could we call the British racist against the Scottish and Irish, or the Japanese against the Chinese? The Spanish and French against the Native Americans? Or does any one remember the triangle trade? That Africans would conquer other Africans and use them as trade with Europeans and Americans? Did everyone skip the part in American history about the beginning of the civil war? It had nothing to do with slavery and everything to do with creating machine’s that would replace the work that slaves did so that all slaves could be sent to Panama? The southerners had fought to keep the slaves here as slaves of course but also as a part of their families believe it or not. Also there are many different derogatory terms for people of color but let’s not lump them all together please, as far as I know that wouldn’t be acceptable. Hispanics Don’t like to be called Mexicans because they’re not from Mexico, Spanish people are from Spain. Koreans don’t like to be called Japanese because they’re not. There are many different types of white people. Jews are white and so are Germans, Russians are white and so are the Polish and French. I think there has been alot of hatred in the world for a very long time and some how all “White” people are the same? White people hate white people more than they ever hated any race of color. White people fought other white people in the civil war and if you want to believe that it was because of the slaves then you also have to believe that there are some white people who I guess are “not racist?” Racist is the new nigger which is pretty comical considering it bridges all creeds, religions, sexual genders ( even the new 3rd gender of hermaphrodite? ) but whatever so some how everyone is supposed to play nice and like everything about everybody but it seems as though the ones who are fighting for acceptance and equality hate straight white men…… but just aren’t sure what kind of white they are. I do wish Dr. King was still alive he was a very peaceful man who could reach out to all people of all colors except that one son of a bitch. I grew up in a culture where there were many awesome Americans Bo Jackson , Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, Eddie Murphy, Michael Jackson…… really it’s a very long list of BLACK people who were admired by a lot of people from all races. Do you really believe that 13% of the population of people who supposedly all are from the poorest economic and social class in America somehow came up with the funds to make even one millionaire from that same social place? White people like all people and hate all people equally believe it or not, it honestly has nothing to do with your race it has everything to do with you as an induvidual and place the blame appropriately. If the cops are being racist then maybe you should be angry with the cops, just like if the Patriots cheated it doesn’t mean all teams in the nfl cheated… got me? If all white people are racist then they wouldn’t buy black music, laugh with black comedians, buy Jordans to be like Mike, Pay for Mayweather fights. They wouldn’t support anything black people do in any type of way so that blacks could be completely ostricized in our culture. I do believe that some fucked up shit happened back in the day…. yes we know that you were slaves…. no not you but some body in your bloodline in a time long ago. But there were also people called indentured servants ( Irish ) who were illegally immigrating into the United states and the only place they could go was to the plantation with the slaves to pick cotton right next to them…… they weren’t promised 40 acres and a mule and they don’t complain about it either. Just like LeBron James didn’t complain his way to being one of the best basketball player’s ever, Jordan didn’t complain his way to the top…. so I’m confused about one thing how come it’s ok to say the word slave? Isn’t that the most derogatory word that could be used ? The other one that gets all the attention only means ignorant but OoooOooOOo watch out you’re saying someone hasn’t learned something and that means they’re going to go get all of their friends and shake the trees, burn building’s, flip car’s over, loot from buisness, then be arrested and go to jail only to say it’s because the black cop who arrested you did it because he’s racist? Do you see how we just did a full circle that is the definition of the word by action? I’m baffled by the perpetuating ignorance and I am truly not ashamed to be white but I am becoming numb to the BLM, like most white people I know when it started we were like whaaaat!? Let’s go and find that racist bastard and put him in his place …. violently if necessary because if he or she thinks it’s okay to hate someone based on their race, color, religion, you know all the standard pc bullshit then what’s going to stop him from finding other excuses to hate people including myself? We stand together all races or we all fall because the only side we should be standing for is the American side not yours, not his , not hers, not it’s ( sorry you Transgender fucks if you don’t know what you are how the fuck do you expect the rest of us to?) But whatever you decide to choose is okay with us because you’re just not that important to the rest of us, I mean yay you like to play and gain pleasure from poop with your genitals that’s awesome for you…. I think it stinks when someone leaves a turd in the toilet in a public restroom but I guess you like it and I need to praise you for it….. do you also like to pick gum off the ground and put it in your mouth? Yay! I don’t hate you for it but I’m not going to try it, and I’m going to think you’re a little weird, but I’m sure you think I’m weird too for not wanting to be just like you right? I will continue to use the word midget or retard to describe some one who is a midget, or Is retarded, honestly I don’t think the retards care. Just like I’ll call deaf people deaf and blind people blind. Sucks for you guys but there is nothing different that could have been done and I support science figuring out ways to make everyone exactly the same and perfect. I would hate to see diversity go but that’s the only way people will stop Hating each other right? I mean if everyone was exactly the same then I’m sure there would be the long fingernail gang or something and they would complain because you get something when you complain. What I want is what I want and you’re just going to give it to me because I have ten toes or two eye’s. Really dogg ask the plug if you get a discount because of your race? He is going to tell you to kick rocks and come back when you have enough money right….. so in closing fuck the police officers who are dirty and fuck the criminals who are FUCKING CRIMINALS. If you’re a piece of shit in life it has nothing to do with your skin color and the rest of us are not going to accept your behavior you don’t get a privilege card to play if you don’t follow the acceptable rules of society dumbass, salute the flag because it means a lot more than a freedom of expression it means we stand together and will die together fighting for what’s right don’t tell everyone you’re not into that kind of thing because you haven’t presented an alternative flag to salute …… didn’t think of that one first and I can’t blame you jocks aren’t historically known as the smartest people In our culture but please tell the police that you do not want their services or the military so that the ominous ” they ” can come to your house and do things to you the ski mask way. Seriously all this boils down to is accountability and holding those accountable for their actions or rewarding them for their actions. I wish we would have seen this many people pissed off about what them priests did to those little boy’s. If you’re offended then good , if you’re going to do something about it good, make it positive I want to see a unified united America not one divided over shit that no one is willing to really get to the bottom of a specific problem if an induvidual steps out of line and does something socially unacceptable then everyone around that induvidual has the responsibility to teach them the correct way to act weather it’s by ridicule or a bloody nose, by being fired or put in jail….. we need to pull all the weeds out of the wheat one at a time.

  52. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    White English people were also indentured servants in colonial America. They were not all Irish.

  53. Ryder Briggs Says:

    😉 that’s it?

  54. Little Willy Says:

    Nice monologue Ryder, but as far as I can recall you haven’t said why you think that the featuring of black people in adverts has explode exponentially to the point where it is now a novelty to see a proper white person??

  55. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Good morning Little Willy,
    You’re right I didn’t address it because honestly it doesn’t matter, there is obviously an agenda to push for the black demographic to purchase items across the board however It could be a ploy for us to “accept black people” in your living room. I don’t care about black people being in more commercials, I do care about the subliminal message behind it. The one thing that does bother me is that it’s cool to be black, so if you see a black guy driving a Toyota Prius it Promotes the cool status….. since when was it cool to be black? Who said that they were cool? Sure they can wear pink and i can’t but I’m not trying to dress like an Easter egg either. Black guys can drive a Prius but I don’t think that is a common practice similar to motor cycles and trucks. Yeah it happens but not really very often, but in the same token who is trying to prevent them from driving a Prius or a motorcycle, or a truck? I thought it wasn’t a common practice based on individual preferences and choices? Now to the what bothers me part….. If anyone let alone myself was proud to be them selves and proud of their heritage and proud of being white ……. watch out for the racist MOB! (BLACKS) there are a lot of white people looking out for black people helping them make thing’s fair without it being earned and yet I can still see the BLM has some more complaining to do….. I just found out that white people should turn over their inheritance to the nearest black person asap…… wtf? I think Black people are pushing to see where their boundaries are of how much free shit they’re going to get from these stupid ass white people!
    (Tell me please any situation in life where you were benefited because you were white) I’ve only seen situations benefit me because I was prepared for them. Because I had the knowledge and skills to accomplish the goal better then anyone at the moment in the place and time that it needed to be done. There has been an everyone is “equal” thing going on for quite some time except when it comes to being a white male. I remember there was one female that tried out for the football team when I was a kid and she wasn’t very good but she was on the team and she did everything that the team had to do except block…. she just wouldn’t block anyone, same thing with the black player’s, they wouldn’t block. You cannot be a good football player if you don’t block and I felt that it didn’t matter what or who you were if you didn’t block you shouldn’t be on the team, but yet they were, everyday self preserving while the rest of us were sacrificing our bodies for the success of the team…. chew on that in comparison to today’s society of entitlement.
    I noticed a few years ago that every Commercial that had to do with chicken had black people in it Except for the Colonel Sanders. It was if they were saying that the chicken is so good that we should try it because it has the stamp of approval from blacks. Check it out If someone is selling a new chicken sandwich or they put chicken on a pizza the Commercial will only have black people in it. Now I guess it’s the same thing for granola bars and vegetables you will only see white people in those commercials…… but I’m waiting to see that.

  56. Ryder Briggs Says:

    What I would really like to know is what are we as white people afraid of? Minorities get a head start in every aspect of business. If you don’t believe me then start a new one and see what it takes to do it and then look at what advantages there are if you do this or do that. If you hire a minority then train them the state /or federal government will give you half of their wages. If you hire a white guy…. nothing because apparently he is supposed to already know how to do the job and your business will be successful because you have a white guy? Really….. they’re both learning how to do the job at the same time their skin color isn’t going to determine if they are good at it or not. If I was black I would be pissed off. I want to run a race against 9 other black guy’s in the 100 meters and start from the 50 meter mark if I beat them all do I still win and does it count that I’m the fastest man alive because I can run it in under 6 seconds? I would hate it if everywhere I went I was competing with others that have a handicap that benefits me because I wouldn’t feel as though I’ve earned it. How much do commercial actors make? If they make more than a doctor then I think we would all want to be commercial actors….. I look at commercials having more black actors as being a pity and saying awe look at these cute black people… let’s put them in every Commercial so people can see that they are doing something positive in life. Honestly does it take any special skills to be put in a commercial? It doesn’t. It only takes one person saying this is what I want because it fits in my idea. If you don’t like seeing black people promoting those products and you want to out a stop to it then boycott those products. If their marketing department isn’t bringing in sales they will be forced to use different sales tactics or go out of business. The 13% is not enough to support any company in any market.
    What I do think is fucked up is that I live in a state called New Mexico, it is predominantly Hispanic which is fine great food, good music, Beautiful women, rampant crime, nice sunsets, highest drop out rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, lowest education, lowest wages, where Hispanics are the majority by far! But are still some how treated like a minority? They get all of the benefits of being a minority but are the majority. I know I am veering off the point but I’ll get back to it, there might be 8 black families. Most of them are military transplants but some how most of them end up being questioned about something un ethical and the answer is always ” well….. what had happened was…..” I’m sure there are decent black families here there has to be but they are represented in a smaller number then 13% and yet some how they aren’t the only ones who are marching in a BLM movement there are always more white people willing to stick their necks out to promote equality between races but when it comes to minorities hell no! They are not trying to help out white people in any way. So why are we helping them get into our game and making it easier ? We don’t have to? For example…. it’s awesome that blacks are good at football, basketball, rapping, selling crack whatever….. but I thought that white people invented it all? If I invite you over to my house to play ping pong and you’re better than me at it awesome but that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to come into my house whenever you want to play ping pong, sit on my couch, change the channel, eat a sandwich, smack my girlfriends ass….. doesn’t matter what color you are. Get your own ping pong table and host your own games. Stay the fuck out of mine.

  57. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Except rap white people didn’t invent that, but are catching up quickly without any assistance.

  58. rationaloptimist Says:

    “So why are we helping them get into our game and making it easier ?” — “Them” — “OUR game” — !!
    If “they” were Venusians trying to take over our planet, so that they could eat human beings for lunch and dinner, your comments might make some sense.

  59. Anonymous Says:

    here’s the reason:
    whites don’t care who is in the ad. apparently, blacks do

  60. Nate Scott Says:

    If you’ll notice more closely, most of the black men in TV commercials are dark brown in skin tone and have noticeably heavy Negroid phenotypes, whereas most of the black women in TV commercials have mixed race phenotypes and are notably lighter in skin tone. Looking further into the spectrum, the roles depicted by black men tend to be dumb and buffoonish in nature, but the ones depicted by black women tend to have a sophisticated and intelligent flair to them. IMO, advertisers are missing an entire segment of the black American consumer audience. This role casting appears to be intentional, to say the least.

  61. Jeanna Harrison Says:

    Uncle Tom! Where the hell are you so you can control your kinfolk! They are out of control! They want everything! And they don’t want to work. The Kinfolk are waiting for the NFL or NBA to call them. Why there’s even an 85 year old man who ain’t worked all his life and waiting for the NBA and NFL to call him. He be getting them welfare checks. She be wearing a cane acting like he came to walk just to get them disability checks! At the same time praising Africa, Africa, Africa and we all his Kinfolk all have African names so we don’t want to be part of the white man’s name system!
    They be wanting to rape anything that moves especially white people. They be mad cuz he trapped in that black covering. Their skin color is their only downfall.

  62. Poppy Cronin Says:

    It is simple, they are trying to cram down our throats that blacks are our equals. They are not, call it racism if you like, but it is the truth.

  63. Paul Says:

    I came to this article because I saw an interesting headline. What the author reveals, and infused in many of the comments here, is an unabashed whites-first attitude. I’m not surprised this little corner of racist ideology exists online; it is nevertheless shocking and disgusting.

    My take on the advertising subject is a big SO WHAT. So black people are “over represented” in ads? Big deal- we all know that ads exist to help sell products and that advertisements aren’t necessarily representative of the product/service quality. Nor are ads necessarily representative of a company’s target demographic. SO WHAT.

    The implication that this so-called over representation isn’t “fair”: gimme a break. Oh the poor beleaguered white consumers! And the implication that perceived under representation of other minority groups is giving black folks “more than their due” is racist as hell. Gimme a break! As if any of those commenters wouldn’t hesitate to shit on other minorities if they too were “over represented” in media.

    If this blog post seriously got your hackles up, consider your options. How about not watching commercials if the very sight of black people angers you? And while you’re at it, how about you begin to examine why you are angry?

    It’s white privilege to fight this “battle” of media shoving their “agenda” upon you. What agenda, exactly? A message of inclusivity wrapped up in a profit-driven industry.

    Meanwhile, black mothers and fathers are legit terrified that their children will be shot indiscriminately by law enforcement. Every day is life or death.

    And you’re fed up with the black faces on your screen. Try looking outside your limited perspective once in a while. Your white supremacy is showing.

  64. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Who the fuck is this guy?♤♤♤♤
    There is no one who lives in fear because of their skin color. If you live in fear of the consequences for your actions that would be a legitimate stance. There may be such a thing as a ghetto pass but white privilege is a myth, a very distant 2nd cousin to Paul Bunyan.

  65. imedbone Says:

    there no end of trouble encurage to many “proud” tribal foreigner bring when they live nother majory land an refuse assimilate. usa only like 12% max any1 claim black blood but so many problm for the many generation. you mus never get away with open slight an offend majority that create any other country like usa tv do. now you have western black come china, japan, korea, and evwhere other people land an try complain “racism”. they alway make problem. they are the race obsess. think here is usa where cry protest give u what u want. dont understand u r some1 else land. u can go yur own people place if not comfort. place they made. not complain somebody else place. even poor asian make nice peace place nice to live not crime. poor asian at usa do that to. no problem. every black place in world i visit wad bad. no develop culture. no prosper. terrible. they think all world people to stupid study they habit & reptation. 3000 yearwhole sub africa no prosper city. only mediterane have city. anywhere on world some1 ev day no like u. get over. diverse only white europe create and desir anyway.. only stupid white people let minor group make so much trouble so long in they country. usa especial. china have 56 ethnic group all speak different language an culture, but all only encouraged be “chinese”. that is proud first. no problems. usa tv jus want black $. and chinese much $!

  66. Paul Says:

    @Ryder and who the fuck are you??
    “There is no one who lives in fear because of their skin color.”
    Oh is that a fact? If so, cite your sources.

    If you don’t have any sources, kindly sit the fuck down

  67. Ryder Briggs Says:

    If you live in fear it’s because you are more prone to your flight response then your fight. Not because of your skin color, Do you have phobias? Do you think it’s because of your race? I think you’re a social crusader. A “Captain Save a ho” What… you have 3 back friends? or are you trying to impress to get some pussy? Between you and me I don’t give af where you’re from or what you believe in, if you like to suck dick or not. If we’re in competition for survival I will take your cookies, fuck your gurl, take your job, sit on your couch, kick my feet up, smoke all your weed, and turn the fucking heat up. While my black friends are getting the cops called and bringing more bitches to your pad.

  68. Big badd ben Says:

    All my cuts and sores your respectfully full of proverbial fecal matter no the world is currently in love with all this its cool to be black b.s.and there its no white privilege so nock it off there’s no reason to have a bleeding heart for a race of militant uneducated morons.but i fear u desperately want to perform intimate Fellatio with a sub saharan watusi mandingo. Since your desires are So obvious from your writings i suggest you hurry to it and leave real concerns to those intelligent enough to both address and deal with the very real unnecessary overplayed black b.s.that most in this country are oh so very tired of.

  69. Paul Says:

    Just as I thought. No evidence to support your claim. And yes I am a bleeding heart liberal who believes in speaking up when injustice is happening. No matter who the president is, this country perpetuates injustice of all kinds.

    But who am I kidding, you’re just a common low life racist who doesn’t care who gets screwed, as long as you get yours.

    And big badd Ben ahahaha you are just trolling lololzz

  70. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Hahaha so you’re a pussy begging to be fucked. Facts are fun like what’s the percentage of convicted criminals and you think that because you’ve known some one for two whole weeks they wouldn’t do that huh?

  71. Big badd ben Says:

    And and ryder niggs you’d try that nonsensical b.s.but would find my size11 boots so far up u and your subsaharan friends greasy cornpipes it would knock out what’s left of your diseased teeth.next you would realize that my biceps would be wrapped around your face as your world started going dark and Boom your nappy head would be hitting the floor and your homies would be running down the street with their fros on fire.then i would run up in your Two thousand dollar house the government bought for you and cornbore any ladies in your nasty house that didn’t look like boot lip apes. Dropping my proverbial load all up in dey booty holes…finally taking all the money from your crack sales and taking your ps3 as well.lastly torching that mess you call property….lmfao eat dukey 🐵 man…

  72. Little Willy Says:

    ******Straying away from the original topic!!
    “Why is the advertising media noticeably increasing the ratio of black people to the exclusion of other races”??

  73. Ryder Briggs Says:

    You sound like one of us Ben…. but you’re not. I was tali to Paul but you’re welcome to get your teeth stomped in and shortly after your shit pushed in. If you’re sympathetic for Paul then you’re welcome to get served up as well
    Go back and read my posts, then come again at me like an English class gangster

  74. Jeanna Harrison Says:

    To Sylvia Barnard: I thought the American Indians were the oldest minority here in this continent. They were here probably several thousand years before Columbus and the Spaniards arrived or the Puritans arrived. This is Jeanna darling. Study your history. Read, study, read, study, read, read; you do know how to read?

    Footnote to all: People out there reading and responding to other people please don’t say any bad words or vulgar words please – it shows your ignorance and there is no need to say bad words or use vulgar language. Respect yourselves and all others.

    Thank you,


  75. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    Please note that I said AMONG the oldest ethnic groups. The irony of yr comment is that I am partly Mohawk, but, although I can be identified by some Canadians, I just look like a woman with seriously dark eyes to most Americans so nobody goes ballistic if my picture shows up somewhere, thank God! I am a graduate of McGill and Cambridge with a PhD from Yale so I do know how to read and, as I have just pointed out, I did not say that African-descended people are THE oldest North Americans. I wd hardly overlook my own ancestors!

  76. rationaloptimist Says:

    Sylvia, you’re wasting your time responding to these extreme pathetic racist comments.

  77. Casey Hill Says:

    The bottom line is the ads with blacks are disproportionate to the population. I thought to be “not-racist” you had to have equal amounts of each group (as if a group is identifiable by the naked eye). This is another. More disturbing is the race mixing agenda (I realize its the same goal…Marxism). So no more explanation is required. The goal is to create a lower-IQ and divide the people to take power. Both objectives are accomplished by Black empathy and ultimately mixing. The IQ data is crystal clear here fellas. Oh and for the tired retort on culture, environment, etc…black and mixed non-white or Asian IQ is substantially lower than white IQ. A dumber, compliant and poorer America is but a guarantee based upon its current and foreseeable motion. Bye, Bye wealthy America and Hello Middle East number two. Europe is jealous that the American white elite out does them on creating the compliant underclass within the same nation. Europe is to their own credit now reshaping the population as to be more suitable for the elites. Wow, fun while it lasted!

  78. Sylvia Barnard Says:

    I shall refrain!

  79. Gary Wickert Says:

    Because they are oppressed.

  80. Anonymous Says:

    pissing me off tbh. sick of seeing them and hearing them!

  81. Anonymous Says:

    Blacks are a cancer in America. Starting with the Muslim Obama (Barry Soetoro).

  82. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Blacks are used as pawns in the advertising world, sounds like operation hide behind the darkies to maintain buisness as usual. All Black’s know that the white devil doesn’t like them so they have found it’s best to not try and single out the wheat from the weeds and just call them all weeds. The one’s who give a damn about blacks in commercials are a group of crusading white people who won’t drink anything less than starbucks, shop for organic food, let their kid’s and wife run their house, shop at rei for socks, and complain that fixing their furnace, plumbing, or car is expensive. It’s because you are a promoting a nation of gatherers……. while the hunters are growing slimmer it is becoming easier to hunt because the competition is limited and absolutely worthless. The corporation of the United states of America isn’t what we thought it was or is it going to be ever again.

  83. Margret Says:

    Not fair ! Everyone wants us to play fair but no one does…

  84. Uncle Tom and proud Says:

    We 13% of population in U.S.
    We got more black people in television commercials than anyone. We commit 85% of the crime in the U.S. but at least we be active and mobile. We own most of the NFL, NBA, baseball, and high school and college sports. Not bad for a 13% population of U.S. How you like that white boy! We join the military so we can gain the confidence of them white women so we can look like Heroes and then rape them. We don’t care what fat man Rocket Man does. We just want to rape them white women. We want to turn the whole U.S. black looking. We be getting more guns and cussing more and more and conquering of this white man land. As Nikita Khrushchev once said, We will bury you.

  85. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Hey Uncle Tom, can you give me some White joke’s? Like what’s white and 10 inches long? Ron Jeremy?

  86. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Come on moon cricket, gimme something. We might not be able to say the n word, but at least we can say thing’s like hey dad and thanks for the warning Mr. Officer.

  87. Anonymous Says:

    Globalists are pushing this in many countries. Stop watching the networks, boycott the NFL, don’t buy the products just like most are doing in the US right now. They wont tell you its working because they control the media and social media along with search results. But it’s working and we know it. #boycottnfl

  88. fred bloggs Says:

    im sick of having it rammed fown our throats..im mot racist at all but i do feel blacks and semi blacks are over represented for fear of recrimination that it becomes annoying as most people cant focus on the subject when the first thought is ‘ not more of the reverse racism to be P.C.

  89. fred bloggs Says:

    brainwashing to be P.C.

  90. Anonymous Says:

    The companies do it because their afraid of being labeled as racist. It’s overkill.

  91. WEHO boy Says:

    They don’t want the older middle class viewers, the ones with money?? They want the hip, cool poor young viewers? TOTAL BS. They are forced by the government(liberal members) to do it.No question, positive it hurts their sales. Same thing with the massive influx of blacks into the white areas, government mandated. Welfare supported.

  92. Not Amused Black Man Says:

    I found this article out of curiosity in google searching the very exact same points you make about the overrepresented number of black people in advertisements. It boggles my mind the insane amount of (seemingly) attractive, middle class, black Americans I see in ads, TV commercials, in magazines, on billboards and even on the sides of public transport and in government buildings. As a black person, I could not help but question the motives behind why this is, as we clearly know corporations spend billions on ads, and nothing is featured in them without a ton of highly paid executives approving it. And to not be offensive, I have also seen an overwhelming number of black people in adult entertainment advertisements and movies. On dating sites and other social apps, I see NOTHING but attractive black people. With all the hate, vitriol, aggression, jealously and outright contempt for black Americans in this country it really starts to make you think. Simply, these companies are purposely using black people in their advertisements for mass appeal and solicitation to a majority of the population in this country who have professed an irrational hate for black people. Not only is there unprecedented, and irrational “hate” for black people in the United States but across the world too. All these people (white, Indian, Asian, Hispanic and Middle Eastern) claim to hate black Americans but they can’t keep us out their advertisements, they can’t keep us out their businesses out of our communities, they can’t stop imitating our music and culture and they simply can’t stop dating us (where I live I see a HUGE number of black men and nonblack women couples). You cant even watch an award show without the performers being black, the winners being black and the topics centered on black people. Many have even raised speculation about the high number of black men and white women advertisements in particular. I read the comments on related articles and such and I see nothing but negative comments about black people, especially black men. I see news articles with nothing but negative and racist comments about black men, etc. They claim to hate black people so much but every time you turn around they are either talking about black people, collaborating with black people and/or seeking to associate or benefit from black people in some capacity. My thing is: if I dislike or hate something I try to avoid or disassociate from it. Why do these white people who claim black people are unattractive, poor, uneducated and undesirable all spend billions of dollars to promote their brands and products with black people? The fact that mostly white America chooses to focus on black Americans while claiming to hate them is an oxymoron in itself. They want to talk about racism and hate as if it’s irrational or as if it is isolated (not all white people are racist) and almost as if it is a phenomenon that doesn’t really exist, while they willingly flood the country with everything black. Top 40 radio is black, EVERYTHING IS BLACK. Even in the black neighborhood I live in, an enclave of a much larger white and racist metropolitan area, I see white people in these areas clearly very far from where they live, mostly seeking the attention and interaction with black people, especially black men. The number of interracial couples is astounding. They are racist to us in the white areas but then come to our areas to smile and seek companionship. White women clutch their pearls and cross the street during the day, but sneak through the black mens’ bedroom window at night. Again, how do you hate a group of people but put so much of your time and energy into pursuing and thinking about them? Maybe the constant stream of racism and hate against black people is actually a sign of admiration? Maybe the constant abuse and oppression is a sign a cry for attention? I don’t know the answers to these questions but a logical person would conclude that the events are conflicting. And if the goal is to attract black consumers then they need to know they are pushing us away. I am disgusted by the happy smiling black people in mass media while the country treats black citizens like dirt. Why they continue to engage in this hate-inclusion relationship is beyond me. And while it annoys me that they want their cake and eat it too, I am more disappointed and ashamed of black people for going along with it. At this point, I cant blame white people. If I could take your money, your body, and your talents while claiming to be superior and hate you, then why not?

  93. rationaloptimist Says:

    Thank you, Not-amused, for your comment. I too am somewhat taken aback by the outpouring of disgraceful racist comments here (I am white, BTW). But to answer you, the thing is that the racists like those commenters, and the people making those ads, and responding positively to those ads, are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT sets of people. If it is a kind of schizophrenia, it is not a schizophrenia within individuals but, rather, within society as a whole. We have both these very different kinds of individuals in America. That was kind of the point I was making. And I would add that the makers of the ads, and the consumers responding positively to the ads (which is the ads’ purpose of course) are in the VANGUARD of society. The racists who don’t like them are the backward parts of society. They are being left behind by progress. Which, of course, fuels their resentment.

  94. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Funny how the great empires have thrown their slaves into the colosseum for the entertainment of the masses. Furthermore because someone can get an A in physical education that’s what defines how awesome they are!? Yes….. please take all the white bitches you can, they’re dumb, lazy, and should be bred out of existence with the far superior IQ of the American black man. I thought black dudes only liked white chick’s because of their credit scores? I appreciate the forward moving thought process of America let’s push a physically superior athlete to rush for 2000 yards a season against some of the hardest hitting linebackers and defensive line man the planet has ever seen and give him financial advisors that flush his money into their pockets while he spends the rest on flashy cars and a luxury home that he has no idea what “property taxes” are or what they can do when you don’t have a job any more because your acl is torn or has no idea what aflack is for you lose it dummie and end up on the news like mc hammer O.J. simpson…. Clinton portis………. the list goes on and on and on as long as there is unemployment there will be a line of black people in it…. far superior race indeed…. please can we all drink from the same kool aid? Look call it what you want, if you smell funny, if you wear the same socks everyday, if you never have any money to pay for things that were going to do together, I’m not going to want to hang out with you. Doesn’t matter your skin color but it would be nice if there was a designated area for undesired people to go and hang out far away from the rest of us.

  95. Truth hurts Says:

    Haha dont call them blacks its people of color lol get bent all my guts an soul how bout this a ton of ads show blacks as the smart ones wile the white person is making a fool out of themselves or having to be taught by the black. I love how they show black families with both parents in a ton of ads but the truth is the blacks have the lowest 2 parent homes in the nation so thats not pandering. Its like TV ads think well white people won’t get mad if we make everyone black in our ads but the blacks will bitch there victims if there isn’t enough of them in ads. An another thing blacks have the lowest average of disposable income to buy things so none of these marketing ads make sense I won’t buy anything where they pander to low IQ, violent crime committing , who suck on welfare at way higher percentage then whites do an they always play the victim. Flat out stop pandering to the poorest dumbest part of our society that has no buying power. Niggers dont understand commercials anyhow because they dont speak English they speak ebonics!

  96. Anonymous Says:

    I have been wondering WHY myself so “googled it” and would up here.

  97. Captsin Bob Says:

    Why, on government forms, do the checkboxes say, “White” for Caucasian and “Black” for Negro but don’t say, “Yellow” for Asian, “Brown” for Pacific Islander, “Red” for Native American or “Green for Other? Shouldn’t government forms be consistent?
    Further, some say, “African-American” instead of “Black” or Negro (correct) but have no breakdown for “Whites” such as “European-American” or “South American-American.” Silly isn’t it? And, it all started because the “people of color” (expect that on gov’t forms at sometime in the future) didn’t like “Negro” because the racist term, “Nigger” came from that. I believe the phrase “Black is beautiful” started the change and it’s continued on from there because they apparently can’t be satisfied…

  98. Anonymous Says:

    i’m sick of hearing about blacks and seeing them! all they do is bitch and cry but do nothing positive to help their image in anyway. its just all violent negative attitude

  99. Rick Says:

    I want anyone out their to name any country or city in the whole WORLD where blacks make up the majority and you find a well educated, low crime, prosperous neighbor hoods, high employment, or just a desireable place to raise a family. Having a hard time to name that place? It’s because it doesn’t exist. Anywhere blacks make up the majority you will find a hell hole of living conditions which is their DNA make up.. They are a disgrace race a burden to the hole world compared to any other nationality.

  100. Kenneth Peacock Says:

    The reason that there are so many Blacks, and so few Whites in ads lately is obvious. The Leftist Jewish elite, who have a monopoly on Media, hate us White, middle class, Christians. They are giving the middle finger to us “deplorables”. They have been trying to destroy us for a long time. Open borders, with peasant Non-Whites and drugs pouring in. Pushing a mixed-race agenda ETC. Ever noticed that most Whites in ads are portrayed as borderline retarded? They always are criminals, use the wrong product, and Blacks and snarky-ass Jews always are looking down their noses at us. Fuck them. I try to use smaller, non-Jewish owned products and services, whenever possible.

  101. Dave G Says:

    I just watched three adverts in a row the UK featuring a black family, another black family and then a multiethnic one where white people played about 25% of the roles. Yet in the UK over 80% of the population is white and just 4% black. If any other race were so blatantly discriminated against there would be riots. The powers that be are blind to discrimination against white people!

  102. Jerry Says:

    Why is it when there were less blacks it was considered racist but when there are disproportionately blacks in the media it’s trendy?

  103. Anonymous Says:

    I totally agree with the author. Considering they make up only 13% of our population, they are extremely over-represented in commercials. And the commercials also put them in highly unrealistic roles, such as living in upscale white neighborhoods and black families mingling with white families. This couldn’t be further from the truth of the matter.

  104. Sociology Professior Says:

    It’s fear and pitty – no more no less

  105. mbvann Says:

    No they ( the advertising industry) are trying to prove they are not racist, uneducated Trump supporters. Is it not racist to have all black commercials? Do you prove you are not racist by being racist?

  106. Anonymous Says:

    So please, use you economic “hammer” to pummel the companies that depict the Caucasian as buffoons, moron like, as idiots, and put that financial horsepower elsewhere. These companies deserve to fail, quicker the better. They are engaging in folding to minority based special interest on the basis that white folk have no protection and can’t collectively harm them. I now am in process of cutting my entertainment cord and have never been gullible to react to television advertisement. I dispise television advertisers for barging into my time for entertainment.

  107. CNN Supervisor Says:

    As my CNN co-workers and I cater toward, and uproar, you blacks, we embolden and embrace your tensions and viewership, towards us, respectively.

    Keep it up, ‘cuz you make us look good!

    Sorry that we here at CNN forgot to ask a few things:

    1. Where were all you — our non-viewers — (conservative persons) after last week’s elections results?;…

    2. Two Democrat-Runners re-took their seats, and not even one instance of burning-of-property, crying-and-fussing, and fist-fighting is out and about?; and…

    3. How come I, Top-Dog of CNN, can walk safely upon the streets of Atlanta, GA, and yet you conservative media personnel need a watchdog?

  108. Anonymous Says:

    Wow,and I love it. A reposed cardigarian has arose to proverbially, “rub my nose in it”. Your falseness is thinly veiled, and is obvious to the viewing public. Yourself, you have exposed as a bagger of carpets, so appropriately so.

  109. Quezebo Jones Says:

    There are a lot black people in TV ads but what I notice is they all dress, talk and look like white people. It appears the people that make these know they have to include black actors but the ads are primarily directed to white people.

  110. Val Blue Says:

    Whatever you call them eventually becomes offensive.. pro tip its not the terms that are offensive it is the blacks themselves that offend people. Niggggers, color’ds, negroes, blacks ,African Americans, people of color,etc etc. Different words to describe the same annoying pavement apes. Abraham Lincoln wanted to ship them all to Liberia. Fact. Everyone wishes he had!!! Think of the Paradise America would be without negroid.

  111. Lana Copenhagen-Landry Says:

    First of all I am a white woman 5’11” tall, blonde, very beautiful white skin and beautiful face (I love myself) and very proud to be 50% Spanish and 50% English and super proud of my ancestors and my thousands of years of our history. Let me know what you all think concerning this subject and please no bad words. I will title my concern like this.
    Rapers Of History: Black rich people pumping in millions of dollars to preserve African-American history; e.g. Michael Jordan donated 5 million. Just to name one. I guess this makes them walk taller and feel prideful.
    At the same time they are raping all the white history with fervor; Confederate flags, statues, white historical schoolsname changes to black people, attacking the Star Spangled banner and much more to come…..just wait and keep an eye on them. This is a nationwide movement. Beyonce brought Black Panther radicals on stage during an event. It is already getting out of hand.
    These rich blacks should pump in that money into their real motherland Africa to help relieve hunger and Ebola and many other diverse diseases there. They should pumpbin their millions of dollars to help all these thousands of blacks committing horrible and antisocial crimes in every city in the U.S. especially in the major cities.
    Wake up (white) America. God help us all to preserve our beautiful heritage and history.

  112. Anonymous Says:

    Before President Lincoln was killed, he was going to send all the AA;s back to Africa. I;m still for it.

  113. Cynthia Cox Says:

    I boycott companies which present bias against white people in the form of Negro superiority. I will first make a telephone or email the company then proceed to boycott. Have not purchased any item from Hanes in over 6 years due to the many cool black NBA star and puny white has been dude commercials they did. Hey if it isn’t racist-then reverse the races of the people in the commercials. Oh. Can’t do it? Well there’s the answer.

  114. Anonymous Says:

    I see all of the slack jawed racist violent immoral hateful uneducated liberals posting comments. Rest assured you are now irrelevant and will continue to be irrelevant.

  115. Mary Britton Says:

    You got one thing right; most Trump voters are not racist. They just want the USA to lose racism, immorality, gender confusion and the like. This newer, ‘richer’ generation largely consists of spoiled liberal babies that have grown up w/ minimal restrictions and a great lack of reality. Calling Trump prejudice and every other low-life name they can think of, doesn’t make it true and is a direct result of these entitled children
    finally not getting their way. We are seeing a giant temper tantrum that appears unending. Trump is doing a
    great job despite this loud mouthed group of brats. I’ve never been so completely disgusted w/ liberals; especially the rich, high profile ones, like Hollywood. I will continue to completely boycott all of those outspoken, idiotic people until they learn who pays their wages and grow up a bit. I am not prejudice, but I am unimpressed w/ these companies that are jumping on the bandwagon and filling their commercials w/ black peoples in an attempt to make money. Commercials should certainly reflect the actual percentages of the population

  116. gd Says:

    the first reply to this article slams the guy for using the word black,but then is quiet happy to label people as white!! lets get it straight-if you think it is ok to call people white it is ok for people to use the word black. or are you being racist towards white people?

  117. RichSal72 Says:

    I have noticed the same. My assumption would be that commercials that do not include black actors offend black people. Whereas black actors in commercials do not tend to offend white people. More to the point, this furthers your argument regarding healing racial relations. But specifically, I wanted to comment on the gibberish I read below your article. This so-called “white privilege” nonsense. I am white. I was raised in a bad neighborhood with a brother in prison, another addicted to crack and a single mother too overwhelmed to consider having a job and thus on food stamps and subsidized housing. Sound familiar? What privilege did my siblings and I have in this scenario? Further, my great grandparents came to this country, along with 2/3 of the other population work as rag pickers and a welder’s apprentice. They saved, bought a grocery store and served their community for 40 years, retiring comfortably. If they had chosen to stay rag pickers and menial laborer, they would have the same argument as he presents. The nauseating political correctness of this gentleman’s comments does indeed reflect some form of privilege. I’ll give them that. But there’s a difference between being “privileged” and “white privilege”, the latter being overtly racist.

    The truth is, caucasians aren’t marching in the streets behind their favorite Rev. to argue the fact that black actors are disproportionately represented in commercials. That’s a good thing. It means we as a society are making strides toward equality, and despite Gutter Soul’s comments. We are in an accelerated era of racial equality. That doesnt mean income equality, education equality, judicial equality.
    Poor kids without a father raised around drugs and other poor kids without a father beget poverty. Not racism, results are the same in impoverished white neighborhoods, look it up. Any effects of lingering racism is dwarfed by the culture of children growing up around drugs and without fathers.

    *Pardon the many type-os. I attended a poor performing public school….

  118. Edward Says:

    YES I noticed this also all the sudden every commercial has black people in it . It looks completely unnatural and fake .

  119. Fuck you Says:

    100% liberal bullshit!

  120. Pat Says:

    I’M 72 years old and just sick of the racial thing. I think the over representation of the race in commercials make me angry. It causes me to dislike the blacks because of the way they are being shoved down our throats. Every year the nomenclature changes for this race and who can keep up with that BS so we don’t offend them. Boo hoo.

  121. Chris Davidson Says:

    It’s completely unrealistic and does not correctly represent the current national demographic period !! These companies and advertisers are actually racist and doing this.

  122. Craig Says:


  123. Eddy Tom Says:

    If you really watch ads on TV you will see 99% of the time if there is an Asian woman the previous or very next image will be of a black man. Why is this because commercials are highly edited and not by chance.

  124. Anonymous Says:

    Well black man only wants white woman? What do the beautiful black women feel about this?

  125. Gina Bellacosa-Pizzeria Says:

    I am just amazed that all these black, negroid NFL players do not go to the major cities and ask all the blacks, black youths and any black they may encounter to stop shooting at anything that moves. Black on black crime is at its highest ever and black on white rape crimes is at it highest ever. Why don’t these NFL players who have millions upon millions of dollars amassed and congregated together start a program to rehab this ape – like, Neanderthral Behavior. Go ask these kids when you are at the podium to stop shooting, doing drive-bys or raping anything that moves that is white. These are ape creatures. They belong in prisons, in the jungles of Africa or dead. I cannot say I blame the police that shoot first and ask questions later. To all the NFL players, if you really care about the black race, get all your amassed money with at least 100 NFL players and go to Every major city and start speaking to the black youth from the podiums. Otherwise being trapped in their black African skin will be their major downfall if you did not speak up for them. While you are at it, take along that trailer park trash Mariah something. Maybe she can sing a lullaby, a black lullaby, and that may soothe the Apes, at least for a while.


  126. CW42 Says:

    I think you are wrong about lower income white people not wanting to see images of middle class black people. This is exactly what people want to see–Americans of every color and description behaving civilly in true melting pot fashion, not embracing the negative stereotypes of any race. What they tire of is being told that they must press their cold, dirty faces to the window and look in on the level of coolness that they can never hope to obtain because they are too pale. They are told that they are supposed to revere all cultures as beautiful, but they are vilified if they choose to do anything that might be perceived as emulating them in any way. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery–unless you are not a person of color, and then, for some reason it is insulting. Remember when it was an acceptable insult to call someone a girl, implying that females are inferior? It is now socially acceptable to use the word white as an insult. Actually, they’ve doubled down, and “basic white girl” is the insult of the day. Is it all about acting out some revenge fantasy against any possible descendant of people who are not even alive anymore? How can people who claim to seek equality “mean girl” everyone with low pigmentation and still claim the high ground?

  127. James Gentilia Says:

    Doesn’t anybody get why things are the way they are ? OMG. Wake up!! The reason why blacks are over-represented in the media is the idea of acceptance of the blacks and to keep the other minorities down by not showing them in the media. You mean to tell me that other races are not into entertainment, give me a break. Minus African Americans, there is the remaining 87 % of the population. If they were to include the remaining population in the media, there would be more acceptance of all races and the more exposure of different ethnic groups in the media, the more likely there would be acceptance of the other ethnicities and things would have to change. For the people, by the people. The government knows this. The establishment wants segregation of all races for control purposes so what do they do, they only show African Americans in the media. It’s
    the diversion effect. They know if there were to be the acceptance in the media of all races and ethnicities, they would have a fight on their hands and things would have to change. They want to keep the control, so they separate everybody !!

  128. Chris Davidson Says:

    you are wrong Blackness is not related to coolness or hipness…… and the percentage of blacks on these commercials is way out of line with the percentage of blacks in the country the advertisers have no clue and are dividing America not bringing it together

  129. Anonymous Says:

    this is the reason i don’t watch much tv anymore, all the blacks in commercials, who wants to watch bet channel during every commercial break?

  130. Anonymous Says:

    You paint a broad brush that Trump supporters are uneducated. It’s quite stereotypical.

  131. Kimberly Wellington Says:

    Have you ever seen those old black and white movies about Tarzan from the 1930s 1940s? Well the African tribes that dance there around the fire resemble so much that hip hop and the rap dances everybody in the u.s. is dancing. To put all this under control and all the black crime in this country, we need to call Tarzan and when he gets here he needs to do that scream and say hangawa and all the black Savages will all settle down and go to sleep. We need Tarzan to control all these truck loads and truck loads off black masses running around shooting people, raping people, robbing people, and just being plain black. Their own skin is their own person.

  132. Little Willy Says:

    Back to the TV ads:
    Due to the rumoured , high costs of advertising, it needs to be cost effective. This would involve briefings and meetings between the companies and the advertising executives. With meticulous planning and story boards etc. etc.. So, who is it that suggests that black actors would be the best for the job ??
    I can’t vouch for the US, but here in the UK it seems to be taboo to feature British people in British adverts. Why are they so afraid to use white British people ?? How sad.
    Can we petition advertising authorities to say how the way adverts have gone offends the British white people ?

  133. PJ Says:

    Overrepresentation… plain and simple.
    A pathetic attempt to pander to blacks. Some advertisements are so unrealistic, it’s laughable. Others just push boundaries to make a political statement. Blacks make up 12 to 14 percent of the population… They shouldn’t be in 70 percent of TV advertisements.

    I’m not white by the way.

  134. Max Blood Says:

    its really pissing me off!!! getting sick of seeing all my fav drinks and shows chimping out now.. hearing fucking x mas songs all niggerfide up now it makes me sick.. watching these fucking ppl flop around on stage as they butcher everything

    or they show mixed race and its always a white female with a black chimp and a checkerboard for a kid..

    what i find really funny is if whites have to go through all this for just 300 or less years of slavery then why are whites getting such backlash for how they treat/view muslims? whites were slaves to muslims for over 1k years till we started the crusades.. blackes are slaves to muslims for over 1.4k years to this very day but you hear nothing from them and muslims are rich! lots of money they can try to wring out of the muslims like they try to do to us whites cuz they are too stupid to work or learn anything.

  135. Truth Says:

    Hey all, I’m not smartest man in this world, but, it does offend me when such an under qualified collection of idiots, known as media, entertainment industry, commercial advertisers have folded to black special interest groups, aka NAACP, black lives matter, urban league to show blacks in a positive or authorative lite, being that above of also shown caucasions. This is meant to frame thought of veiwer at any cost. And this message is calculated and formulated by a bunch of media based embosoles. That, I find repulsive. Not to mention every opportunity taken to mix black males with white females, just to soften how despicable that premise is by simplistic ally thinking that through repeatedly displaying it, through frequency, it will appear somehow,more acceptable. Also, I have taken proffesional sports off my tv completely due to the glamorizations of blacks they intend to glorify. Bottom line is do not patronize advertisers, companies that make Caucasians appear like buffoons and idiots, while glamorizing blacks.

  136. Randy Jorgensen Says:

    Of course you clowns are going to blame Trump for everything now days.
    The thing I want to know is how much more do we have to baby blacks.
    All this is doing is making people more racist and is only dividing American.

  137. SK Says:

    Television crime dramas almost always portray judges and the ranking police officer as black women. Commercials inevitably portray the “typical” American family as being bi-racial. I must be the only white guy left not married to a black woman. The pandering in the advertisement and entertainment industries is sickening.

  138. Little Willy Says:

    Yes the liberals won’t be happy until all families are mixed race and and have fuzzy-wuzzy kids

  139. David Johnson Says:

    The UK is not a multi cultural, multi lingual country we are predominantly white, Christian and certainly English speaking, so why is this not enforced – OR IS OUR GOVERNMENT SO WEAK AS TO TRY TO MAKE US BELIEVE OTHERWISE.

  140. Randy Jorgensen Says:

    This is the Democratic left-wing way of division.
    You see they pretend to be for the black race
    while they are the racist against the black race and they would love to to see an all out war that would end the black race in America.

  141. Concerned Patriot from Texas Says:

    Thank God for this webpage, I thought I was losing my mind. I was speaking to my mother the other day about this, telling her how I thought it was crazy to see so many black people in roles you don’t see them in. She said I was racist. I am not. I don’t care what color you are, but tv ads should represent the country’s demographic. I feel like racial diversity is being crammed down our throats. I think skin color is irrelevant, just like hair color or eye color. I feel culture is important, and values are paramount. I think diversity of thought is perfectly fine, and valued, but diversity of culture and values is a fucking terrible thing. We need to all value Conservative American values, and not this victimhood liberal BS. I am an educated 35yo Hispanic Male, married and we have a baby on the way. We both came from poor families, but intact and full of love. Our parents were just bad with money. We make well over $200k annually and are engaged in over 400hrs of volunteering in our community. The amount of people we meet who feel wrongfully victimized is staggering. Pick yourself up and make something of yourself. Also, I hope the advertisers quit pandering to blacks, I don’t even watch tv anymore because of it. I only turn it on when my amazing President Donald J. Trump speaks to the nation.

  142. Veeble Feester Says:

    I worked marketing for years. Here’s why blacks are over-represented:

    1) Years ago, black groups started tracking how few blacks were in commercials and how they were being portrayed. Nobody wants to be on their sh!t list.

    2) Contrary to what everyone tells you, white racists are actually quite rare. White people generally don’t care if there are lots of blacks in ads – you’re a racist just for noticing, right? So they generally don’t say anything. Blacks DO care if there are a lot of whites in ads, and will let your clients (the companies commissioning the ad) know. And they will let them know often. And, again, no one wants to be on that list.

    3) Well dressed, well spoken blacks aren’t “threatening” to whites, so the client can be “inclusive” yet safe. That’s why every black in a commercial (especially a Christmas car commercial) wears a sweater, drives a luxury vehicle, has an intact family (including grandparents), has a golden retriever, and/or lives in a mansion right off the cover of Architectural Digest, even tho that’s literally about 0.001% of blacks in this country. The only “real” blacks (I’m talking about the majority here) you’ll see on TV are on Maury, Jerry Springer, and Cops.

    Personal observation here: If you just landed on this planet and everything you knew you learned from TV, you’d think blacks were 75% of the population, had 90% of the wealth, and held every respectable position (judge, lawyer, doctor, etc.). You’d think whites were a tiny minority but were all criminals and morons, especially white males who are usually balding. I always found this odd because the primary complaint of those blacks who are tracking commercials (see #1 above) is “no one on TV looks like me.” But those 0.001% do???

    Pandering is fun. And it paid for my mortgage!

  143. Anonymous Says:

    When the HELL in all your life did you ever see a fucking NIGGER in a MACY’S ad or commerical

  144. B Says:

    All race related issues have been about money in this country. ALL. It will never change as logic cannot prevail.

  145. Ryder Briggs Says:

    Fuckin AWESOME! Congratulations on capitalizing on a silly agenda to some how create a false sense of equality, I’m sure there will be more lists made that accomplish absolutely nothing and I am going to keep my eyes open to see if I can do the same.

  146. Shron sabo Says:

    This has nothing to do with president trump. All of you millenials need to have respect for your country and who is running it. Black people are off the charts more racist then any normal respectful white person. They exspext to have everything handed to them and always play the race card. It starts at home. Raise your children to be hard working responsible respectful and kind people, but they dont know how to do that and never will

  147. Dan 2 Says:

    In Canada, blacks make up 2.5% of the population. However you would never know it by watching TV.

    It’s so ridiculous how they are portrayed front and center as if it is reality. Any negative message is always slanted towards a white person while a black is made out to be smarter or wiser in some way.

    Racism paid by the taxpayer to subsidize advertising to portray a fake message.
    It’s absolutely criminal to insult the average Canadian with this social engineering crap.

    What exactly is the left hoping to accomplish here?

    Before you left wing nut jobs start calling racism how about a better representation of Asians, Natives, or other minorities that have a greater percentage of the population? Where the he’ll is that?

    What’s the love affair with blacks all about?

    I bet that the bureaucrats that watch over this unnecessary BS have a very vested interest in the process.

    An insult to all Candians including black folks that do not need phoney agendas to secure their place in this society.

  148. Kent Henderson Says:

    In the United States, blacks comprise approximately thirteen percent of the population, yet they account for forty percent of incarcerations.
    Why do T.V. commercials sponsoring home security devices only cast white actors as perpetrators. .

  149. cartlidge Says:

    I may be way off, but the last time I checked on Google, the
    Negro or Black population of the USA was almost a third.
    Out of a population of approximately 300 million, the Negro’s
    accounted for 100 million. A whole lot more than the 13 percent
    everyone keeps quoting???? It’s bad enough with the ads, but I really get pissed-off with all the additional negroes they are putting
    in new series and old series shows that I watch. My solution is
    to cancel my TV subscription and hope millions of white folk do the

  150. RichSal72 Says:

    You are wrong. It’s 13%…that’s an 1/8th

  151. cartlidge Says:

    Sorry about that Rich, you are correct. Where I got those figures from is a mystery to me now??

  152. Mark W. Manning Says:

    Plain and simple colored humans are way over-represented in movies, TV shows and commercials. It’s cultural Marxism being foisted upon the American people whether they like it or not. Multiculturalism will eventually lead to a Civil War and balcanizing the United States. Different races of people cannot be forced together without causing tension no matter what these sociological exsquirts say. Typical insane liberals sitting on their high horse looking down at the great unwashed with hubris dripping from they’re pores in giant drops. Their grand plan of Utopia will fail just like their political correctness will eventually come crashing to the ground. The sooner the

  153. Mark W. Manning Says:

    The niggers are scum. That’s about 80 percent of they’re American population. The other blacks are normal people who hate niggers too. 14 percent of the population translates to about 40 million. Give or take. They make up more then 55 percent of all murderers, rapists, and armed robbers.. In contrast white people make up about 70 percent of the population including white Hispanics who consider themselves white. That’s approximately 197 million. We need to rise up and teach these shitskins a permanent lesson.

  154. heidi braum Says:

    Here in Germany we have it right. White people only because our country is majority white. That is how it should be. If you wish to see monkeys, then go visit a zoo!

  155. mbvann Says:

    There you go Mr and Mrs Bigot! Calling all Trump supporters un-educated. What idiots you are! Do you not know why people voted for Trump and not the serial liar/ con artist?

  156. jean Says:

    definitely white liberals kiss negroes asses and I am getting tired of ugly negroes on commercials and we need our own white channel as every race seems to have their own on shitty liberal tv that we have to pay for.

  157. Anonymous Says:

    This is a bullshit article. Less educated whites and trump in the same paragraph…thats racist right there.

    There is more blacks in commercials these day. Its stupid how they pair up people with each other these days. Personally it makes me less likely to buy the products.

  158. Donna Says:

    I have also noticed that commercials are favoring african americans since Obama was in office.Too many i say.Weve gone to far

  159. gerry c Says:

    The reason, I think, is because we are afraid of the violet section of the Negro population. If we retaliated when they start riots instead of hiding in our houses, ’till they get they’re way, maybe a lot of the violence would eventually end. At the moment, we are allowing 13% of the population to dictate policies and values that are not conducive to a healthy and happy nation. And then there is the welfare system that allows indiscriminate birthrates to individuals who can’t even support themselves. Who needs to work if you have
    multiple children at $600 a month per child, free medical, dental, low-income housing, food stamps, etc. My point is, birth control should be mandatory for anyone on welfare, which includes all races. We need to make changes before a race war erupts which would no doubt please the violent portion of our population, to the detriment of us all.

  160. Vincent Dapp Says:

    Read between the lines

  161. Raymond Lakner Says:

    Maybe ethnic groups spend their money differently. Advertisers concentrate on what works and they spend their money dearly. Since when have advertisers ever cared about what is real or true? If it did not result in a better ROI they would have stopped the practice a while ago.

    This question about why this and that about ethnic representation in advertisements is no different than asking “Why do advertisers show the same commercials over and over and over again?” The advertisers know we don’t like it seeing the same ads every 12-14 minutes, but if it wasn’t a proven way to make more money for their clients they wouldn’t do it.

    I conclude that the answer to this question is “Because it works.”

  162. Paper chaser Says:

    Perhaps it has to do with the over sensitive marketing companies not wanting to seem associated with the current liberal platform of President Trump being a racist. There is an overwhelming sense to disassociate oneself from the current administration, causing these companies to overcompensate and seem extreme at times. The liberal media is fanning the flames, while marketing companies are capitalizing on the sensationalism……from a purely business standpoint.

  163. Anonymous Says:

    Blacks suck

  164. Mattias Says:

    To program your subconscious to accept other ethnicities and their physical traits. There’s an agenda to force-mix population throughout the West. America and Europe. One ceavat. Overhere in The Netherlands where I live. It is very clear ‘they’ only have ahidden policy to push blacks into the spotlights. Other minorities are wilfully left behind. Like asians. And in rare occasions asians do get some attention. It is bad Koreans or some asian-female. This clearly shows intentful setup and a hidden agenda. Not random coincidence.

  165. rigamortice Says:

    avoid buying from companies who put blacks in adverts, its the only way to stop it

  166. Amber Says:

    Trump supporters are the cream of the crop in education and intelligence. Get your facts straight moron.

  167. Anonymous Says:

    every one is a person of color. Nobody is invisible.

  168. Education is Key Says:

    I am curious where you are getting your statistics; if its not too much trouble do you mind sharing the research article that found the data?
    I will say this to you. Advertisers are hired by businesses who aim for a specific demographic, therefore if it upsets you that business are not looking for your money particularly then maybe you should write a letter to them. Also the reason that black people are not driving a subaru is the specific reason why Subaru wants their business and thus focuses on marketing them.

    I will say this to people who believe that white people make the country go round, and a small number of black people feed off the government.

    Your ancestors went on boats and traveled months to a foreign land to abduct these black people from their homes and forced them into your homes. They build your building and your economy free of charge and you enslaved their children. Raped their women to create more labor and raped those children’s children. You gave them new names and made them forget where they came from because it was more efficient for your businesses. Made sure that they knew America was not their home. You fought a great war to keep it that way.
    Since the day Black people gained their freedom they have worked hard just as they have always done from the moment they arrived on this land hands and feet tied. Look up your statistics on welfare, white people use welfare much more than black people do. Africans earn the highest amount of PHD and masters than any other race/ethnicity in America.
    They came into this country with nothing and they crawled their way to the top which rarely change anything because you say they did not deserve it.
    Have you been to nursing homes? who cares for your elderly? have you looked that up? who cleans after you in the hotels? who works in your strawberry farm? who built your rail roads? Minorities did.

    From the moment white people landed on this country they have chosen shortcuts. Stealing land from the Native Americans, mass killing them, Stealing human beings from their land, forcing them into labor. Americans? what makes an american? Skin color? then that should be brown, race? that should be Native American. Fact is Citizenship is what makes a person American.

    Lets talk about the NFL shall we?
    Maybe have we considered that a team recruits an athlete for their ATHLETIC ABILITY and thus would want them to create a good team that will win them trophies and money? hast that ever occurred to you?

  169. Anonymous Says:

    lol education is key you are you delusional or just trolling?

  170. Joe Bookre Says:

    i call them jiggy jiggs.

  171. Joe Bookre Says:

    Apes like “Education is Key” mislead the other apes into thinking they are something special, when in reality they are only stinky jiggy jiggs.

  172. clap Says:

    To all of the uppity niggers in the comments,

    How about thanking the white man for everything he has done for you. Once us whites are gone, the Chinese will be running the show, and they will not tolerate your antics.

  173. Shari Disalvo Says:

    I will tell you what. I made the mistake of moving to St Louis and working in North County…. All black… I was discriminated every day by blacks
    because I am white, dressed nicely and didn’t talk ghetto. Then the shooting happened in Ferguson (which is in North County) All hell broke loose! And the crap was coming into South County… I had to leave there because I just couldn’t take it anymore. The nigs were shutting down major highways for hours! Just because a black kid was shot and killed… But remember he robbed a convenience store… The blacks brushed that under the rug. They don’t take any responsibility for their actions. They always have an excuse and think they are owed something because of what happened generations ago! They say “only if we had nice places to live, we could make something of ourselves” So we give them affordable housing.. They say “only if we could get a good education, we could get our kids off the streets” We give them tuition assistance. The majority of them are racist against white people and no one ever talks about that! I lived there. I know! I WAS NOT racist before I moved there and now I am because I saw it day in and day out how they treated white people. I dare you to move there and see it first hand!

  174. Sephen Andrews Says:

    Maybe I should get a black and white television licence. Like the old days. Ha

  175. RonJon22 Says:

    I am sick of it, here in the USA, Black people are only about 13-17 percent of our population, yet they are in about 85 % of the commercials and the most recent that I have seen, have them speaking ebonics (using ghetto slang) and other incorrect ways of speaking. When is this going to stop? Even commercial narration and music is out of control with the use of Black people. Nothing against them, but lets have a fair representation of the population.

  176. RonJon22 Says:

    Media is trying to make urban and ghetto seem so cool, but it is not and most people do not realize that it is a totally different life style and culture. I am White and grew up in an area that had a large influx of Black people in the 80’s. Once as a kid, I was pocket checked by 2 older Black males that wanted to steal money from me. As a young adult, I was robbed at gunpoint by Black males at a gas station. In my chosen career, I go to ghettos or deal with people from the ghetto on a regular basis, I know exactly what goes on and me being robbed and pocket checked was just par for the course because of the way my city had changed. The ghetto life style is one that people who did not originally come from, should stay away from.

    To some of you females out there that think that the guy from the ghetto seems cool, think again. If you want a guy that screws anyone and everything he can, beats you, and may dally in drugs and other crime, then go for it. I have seen many times that some female who was raised in a middle class area in a functional family, so to speak, falls for a hood rat guy that she meets at a club, etc. and ends up in a relationship where she is beaten and cheated on etc.

  177. Jeanna Churchill Says:

    Hi All:

    I understand what is going on with blacks being over-represented. It is getting bad also in Europe. It is already out of hand. Like my daddy used to say, “you give them the keys to the house and they are going to take over the refrigerator, sleep on the sofas, take your bedroom, and kick you out eventually”. People are getting fed up already with that, I can see. I thought it was just a fad but for some reason these big companies are obsessed with over representing blacks. Now it is an session.

    White and proud of my heritage. Were it not for the white man or white culture, they would be in Africa living in huts and running away from the Lions.

  178. Jeanna Churchill Says:

    I hope this serves as a WARNING to all girls out there, especially the white girls.

    Marry a black man and you will suffer for the rest of your life. 95% of black men are horrible people and 5% are okay. They are among some of the stingiest people you will ever meet; some of my girlfriends kicked the black habit and turned white. Even some black girlfriends of mine cannot stand black men. They are either drug-infested, cheaters, rapists, gang members, ex-prisoners, and very violent and are just bad, black hearted people with a black soul. You cannot tame a beast or better said you cannot tame a gorilla. Be careful who you date out there girls. Be very selective and discriminatory. For your own good physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially. If you had kids with a black man, may God help you. Don’t believe me? Go to Washington DC, Atlanta Georgia, LA, Chicago, Dallas, and so many, many other cities that it should be a disgusting thing to let other nations see that.

    They will not work, no place for you to live with your kids, living under a bridge.

    Good luck, you will need it.

    And they will rob you and beat you for any money for the drug habit.

    God help You.

  179. Lana Winters Says:

    How come the blacks that came to this country have no history of their country having great empires or great societies ; even Mexico has a history of having great empires in the past. All blacks have is Martin Luther King to lean on, their slavery history and Huts, loin cloths, spears, ebola and lions from their motherland Africa. Do you want to hear something worse than their slavery? Look at the History Channel’s from National Geographic and look at World War II what happened and after World War II what happened; also read books. When you read that and see that, the Black History Month will look like a tea party. I challenge you to look at the National Geographic and read books also. Can you already eat, unless you’re too busy with gangs, stealing or dropping out in the 8th grade.

  180. banned for telling the truth Says:

    from a business standpoint, i noticed the black overrepresentation trend beginning in the late 90s. i surmised it was simply coopting and pandering to the unexpected rise of the hiphop culture, which was packaged and sold to urban youth as sort of a new black american dream, something they unsuccessfully tried to do with the cosby show in the 80s.

    in any case, it was ramped up to absurd degrees long before obama. in my observation, they’ve since moved on to the homosexual overrepresentation campaign we’re currently in the middle of, and we are now witnessing the genesis of a transexual overrepresentation campaign. the latter will be the most absurd and blatant of the lot given the actual numbers of the demo.

    it’s obviously an ongoing orchestrated progressive agenda, as industry wouldn’t bother with the time, effort, and capital outlay when the demos themselves are incapable of generating enough return to justify any of it. the exception to that rule would be one off pander campaigns, i.e. the marketing for films such as the passion of the christ (the religious dollar) and black panther (the black dollar).

    it’s all rather machiavellian in its implications and only serves to further confirm the notion that consumers are idiots. the sole issue from my perspective is whether the open market is facilitating these practices or partisan governments are compelling it via regulatory legislation. while that’s not truly possible to determine, the aroma of a rodent is definitely hanging in the air.

  181. Anonymous Says:

    What about Visigoths? We are never represented in TV ads.

  182. saltine american Says:

    idky these ppl get catered to sooo much.. they blame others for their problems and think demanding, destroying and being assholes will help the world’s views on seeing them as the crybaby race they are.

    boohoo we can’t make it so it’s the white mans fault. 13% of the total pop make up over 60% of the crime and over 35% total welfare recipients and have kid after kid after kid without any responsibility and expecting the world to take care of their lil drains on society and if we don’t its racist.

    they mess up white ivy league schools and others cuz its all white and completely destroy everything that school was and lowers it scores and then open up all black schools.. define yourselves as blacktors and blacktress and so on, defend criminals only because they are black and use it to truly act like the animals they are when they loot destroy and don’t have to work then attack ppl, think they can’t be racist to whites and act like a child throwing a tantrum about everything that doesnt go their way.

    if by some chance they do accomplish something it goes to their heads and think they are gods of it now and have to say black this and black that like they have to make sure the world doesnt look at them as the fuckups they really are. like when that blk girl won gold in swimming all the blacks acted like they have been doing it undefeated and now with this shit movie black panther out they think its real history.

    they haven’t built an enduring city in over 3k years and they expect us to believe the bs they spew??they stole egyptian culture when they sacked it and took over and ran it into the ground. now everything thing prior to that is their accomplishments as well lol..seems familiar with anything else they are doing?? look at south africa. blacks are kicking out whites and white genocide and are saying all that is their success and accomplishments

    look up all the bs blacks are trying to say they invented.. even think they got us into space hahahah. (yes blacks were apart of the calculations and such but only because they were cheaper to use and it says so on the site but they ignore that) it still would have been done just not as fast. removing all our history and so on and trying to change it to black bs. they don’t want equality, they want to stand in the spotlight and say they are number 1 and want nothing else.

  183. Anonymous Says:

    The terms blacks, white, people of color and colored are all derogatory and stupid.

  184. Ted Powers Says:

    Just saw a commercial with a black female doctor. Looked up stats. 2% of doctors are black females. So ridiculous. This inclusion excludes white males.

  185. Steven Says:

    It’s getting worse every day. I cannot count the number of mixed families I see in commercials, especially the white guy with a black wife/girlfriend and mixed kids. I can count on one hand the number of such couples I’ve ever seen in real life, yet they are everywhere on TV.

  186. Anonymous Says:

    Advertisers are Return On Investment creatures. For some reason, it must be working?

  187. Kath Says:

    I guess that I dont
    To buy products
    With black advertizers
    Seems to b based them
    So guess it’s not suited 4 me

  188. George Connectal Says:

    The most racist were the Obozoites because most uneducated blacks voted for him simply because he was black. This article says if you voted for Trump you are a racist. How come blacks are not deemed racist when they obviously voted for Obozo simply because he was black and voted overwhelmingly along racial lines. TV commercials now pander to blacks. TV shows now have mixing of the inferior black race mixing with the superior white and Asian races and we all know thats BS.

  189. Anonymous Says:

    Blacks are the real racists. Why is the black guy the go to guy in the movies and TV? Believe me I truly know the ugly aspects of the black culture. I hate that commercial where the black guy is trying to sell you car insurance. In my neighborhood they don’t have insurance at all. How about the single mom on welfare with a bunch of kids, since half the young black men are in jail or unemployed. Get real you fucking lily white madison avenue advertising people.

  190. Jed Smith Says:

    Direct tv or at&t show a white male. He stands there as a black female throws his belongings out a apartment window. Smashes his guitar
    (Which may denigrate white music). Symbolic
    In rejection of white culture. Way to go liberals
    Now United Shades of America is on. Hosted
    By a Afro to show how racist whites are. My
    Poor self esteem

  191. “Why so many blacks in ads?” And (((White))) sociology professor: It’s racist for whites to have mixed-race children – BIO-WARFARE | Locust blog Says:

    […] so many blacks in ads?” is one of those burning issues that I was totally oblivious to until Frank S. Robinson, no relation to the Hall of Fame outfielder, as far as I know, laid it out […]

  192. Best10 Says:

    An interesting discussion is worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you need to write more about this subject, it may not be a taboo matter but generally folks don’t speak about such topics. To the next! All the best!!Best10

  193. Dave Says:

    Well, I guess they just don’t have to wait in line like everybody else. Talk about discrimination obviously if there’s that many on TV all at once as it seems there there solely because of them being black. Just like the Family Feud show black team and a white team or Oriental. I guess they just can’t wait in line like everyone else.

  194. Shemp Cocktale Says:

    more blacks because the Progressives run the ad business. It is a media business like show biz, etc. The progressives are doing their bit for social engineering. Black judges, black engineers, black computer geeks, black consumers of all higher end products. We know the drill. It is all about PC and shaping perception and our thoughts. We see through it and by the way, Trump supporters are not any more racist than non-Trump supporters I’ll have you know.

  195. Shemp Cocktale Says:

    I have seen on the news, more than once, when a black kid gets accepted to 40 or more colleges, especially Ivy League schools. And we do know why. Maybe the kid is smart, but we also know that it is affirmative action. And it does not make the news when a non-black is excluded because of non-black skin color.

  196. Cassandra Picasso-Wolfgang Says:

    We are already boycotting all major businesses that are propagating an overabundance of blacks in TV commercials where in reality they are not really there buying but only in fictionalized commercials. What about Asians, Hispanics, Whites, Middle Easteners, etc. all buy products from the major businesses much more than blacks? Again, we are not buying from those businesses anymore. Make a list and you will know which ones I mean. I don’t want to list any names but they are major brands. Hit them in the pocketbook where it really hurts. Spread the word.

  197. Cassandra Picasso-Wolfgang Says:

    Why is it that gorgeous JJ Watt is the only athlete who raises money to help people in major crisis? Why are all those black athletes so darn stingy with their money? Is it because they want to hold on to it for the cars and their drugs and to buy prostitutes? Check it out.

  198. Troot Betold Says:

    one of the things that advertisers must do is break through the “clutter.” Every add has to compete with hundreds, perhaps thousands of other ads and media messages to get the attention of the consumer. So ads must stand out. Advertisers will do anything to stand out to make their ads memorable and noticeable. No doubt, the progressives in media have an agenda. I am not disputing that, however, there may be the reason of breaking through the clutter. A mixed race couple is more noticeable than a white couple or a black couple. A mixed race child, etc. Creating an unusual situation in an ad almost guarantees that the viewer will take notice of the ad even more than when the situation is traditional, mundane, etc. Remember the old adage, “sell the sizzle, not the steak.” In this case, perhaps the twist on race is the “sizzle?”

  199. Cassandra Picasso-Wolfgang Says:

    Wait until Ebola comes for them, which is their natural predator. Its around the corner. U.S. getting rid of the Hispanic true workers only to have them replaced by Ebola-ladened Africans. Get ready.

  200. Anonymous Says:

    Why do all Chinese women dye their hair blond?

  201. Frank Says:

    ‘Minorities’ always get the junk white people leave behind in search of greater affluence. Current over representation of black and mixed race people in TV ads is symptomatic of declining network TV viewership, mainly on the part of the white majority.

    Way back in the 1950s, having a TV was a sign of affluence. Now, TV has gone full circle to junk status.

  202. Susan Magnuson Says:

    Black people aren’t cool or anything else. Have you ever been in Watts or Compton? I have, and they predicate on each other. My parents and I drove into Dominguez to get my grandparents out when blacks burned down Compton during the riots. We were let in by the military. Then I used to get my lunch money and anything else I owned stolen from me on the bus to High School daily, or else they were going to beat me up. Because you know I owed them a living because they were slaves? Only people who haven’t lived near or with black people think they are “cool” it’s crazy!

  203. Johnsen Says:

    Way, way over represented. Every pool party; house party; get together etc, does NOT have a black there. AND most of them do not live like they are depicted.o

  204. Anonymous Says:

    I have also noticed that almost all game shows are now hosted by black emcees. And, more often than not, the contestants are black vs. white. I have never seen so many interracial couples in my life as in virtually all commercials. Why is this necessary?

  205. Edward Lomba Says:

    Is there a minimum of minorities that have to be in commercials due to the unions that represent the actors that work making commercials. I ask because there seems that every group of people in a commercial always has one black friend.

  206. Anonymous Says:

    I love the ads with the new huge home and two brand new cars showing in the garage. you would have to be a millionaire at minimum to have what is shown in the ad.

  207. Anonymous Says:

    Racist inbred knuckle draggers go fuck your mothers if you know who the bitch is that is.

  208. Nick mascioletti Says:

    If the black population of America is only 12 percent then we should only see as many in the advertisements but we are being over saturated with the black presents in every advertisement .we are also seeing most couples on the advertisements being a black with a white mixed relationship. Their is such a huge change in advertisements that the black mixed couples are being crammed down our throats and makes me want to puke. It has created such a distaste that even love between mixed races has become sickening to look at. All the phycology is not working it has a reverse effect on me.

  209. Troot Betold Says:

    it is everywhere. There is not a single company that does not feature black people in its ads. Furthermore, if there is any negative to be portrayed it is by a white person. For example, this morning there was an article in the New York Post about the fact the you only need to get 30% on the test to pass high school in New York. So they show a picture of a young WHITE girl struggling to take a test.

  210. Jeff Stryker Says:

    They put niggers in because if they don’t they will be sued

  211. Lester Z. Says:

    The absurdity of seeing blacks in every TV commercial can’t be ignored. Its so disingenuous and disgracegul. Nauseating. Dumb.

  212. Pepino the Italian mouse Says:

    They are 12% of the population, yet the are there in over 85% of all ads. Furthermore, every couple consists of one white spouse and one bi-racial (of black) spouse. Every group scene is integrated. This is the choice of the media executives that produced the commercials, yet, I can’t help but think that it is the result of a contentious environment where Social Justice Warriors could easily create trouble for a company or brand by accusing it of being racist by excluding blacks/minorities in their ads. This despite the fact that only a very small portion of a company’s customers are black.

  213. Dinky Doo Says:

    The black percentage of the UK population is NOT 13%+ as you so VERY ERRONEOUSLY state ! At the 2011 census, the percentage who are black of the total UK population was 3% THREE PERCENT.
    At July 2018, it might have risen to 4%. That is, one person out of every 25. That is VERY VERY far from the 13% you wrongly said !

  214. Anonymous Says:

    I thought 13% was for the US not the UK.

  215. Pepino the Italian mouse Says:

    Yes, it is 13% of the USA, not of the UK

  216. Anonymous Says:

    ….but you would have thought that it was 93% who are black based on the proportional representation that the depicting in advertising – very upsetting !!

  217. Weltraum Affe Says:

    Redheads are popular in commercials
    A 2014 report by Upstream Analysis found that 30 percent of the TV commercials that run during prime time prominently feature a redhead. At one point, CBS showcased a ginger every 106 seconds. That’s a lot of red when you consider they’re just 2 percent of the world’s population.

  218. Anonymous Says:

    Blonde, brunette, auburn, wonderful just so long as they’re not fuzzy wuzzy

  219. Douglas Murphy Says:

    Negroes are taking over…

  220. Bill Says:

    I really believe that this is all political correctness. These minorities have an inferiority complex and this is proven by how overrepresented they want to be in everything. My biggest problem with this is the fact that most of them refuse to adopt and respect American values and culture, instead they want to demonize it and change it to make them feel better. They are a lie and they are whiners. All the democrats and liberals in the television industry need to stop this, because they are not being fair and they are actually creating animosity among the races.

  221. Archie Bunker Says:

    niggers and Mexicans are ruining this country

  222. B Dumas Says:

    The liberal media is trying to kill off white males in commercials….its so obvious. Almost all commercials portray white men as foolish or in a submissive role to their dominant wife…..you don’t even see a man driving the car anymore.

  223. Roscoe Rogers Says:

    and every white woman has a black boyfriend. They are even trying to remove us from the bedroom

  224. Peter Says:

    We have the same nonsense here in the UK, blacks in EVERY single commercial. Usually with a white woman, a big lovely house. As mentioned, white men are portrayed as dumb. They recently showed a school in the north of England where practically every kid was white but as soon as they talk to the kids they go straight to the black one and make them out to be a wonderful example. It makes my blood boil that this is happening. Blacks are good at music and sport and NOTHING else, they ride on the backs of the white man.

  225. tony Says:

    Why is it that blacks in commercials are all portrayed as upper middle class, with brand new cars, beautiful homes, and do not speak with any inner city dialect. What fantasy world do the people who create these commercials live in ?

  226. Bob Says:

    It just seems like a pathetic attempt to pacify the very vocal and often complaining black groups.

  227. John Grogan Says:

    Blacks are 13.2% of our population, according to the latest census. However, blacks appear in 99% of tv ads. The reason is because the companies are PC, radical, liberals that care nothing about reality but falsification of reality. I never buy anything from a company that shows a black man and white woman as either married or in a relationship.

  228. Anonymous Says:


  229. Anonymous Says:

    another thing that I have noticed recently is that a very large percentage of men in ads have beards. A much larger percentage than in the general population. Why? I think that they are trying to appeal to the yuppie market, where facial hair is cool. And perhaps kissing up to Muslims. They have beards too.

  230. Karl Schneider Says:

    Every nominally educated person knows that in the animal kingdom different breeds of a species exhibit vastly different levels of intelligence, sociability, adaptation and ability even though they can interbreed and produce progeny…of sorts. Dogs are the most obvious and salient examples to us because of our long experience with them. The same kinds of differences are present in the various breeds of all species of animals including the human variety. Anyone who denies this is either an apologist for thugs, a liar, or an idiot.

    Apologists for thugs claim that the only difference between blacks and whites is the hue of their epidermis. If that’s true, something ELSE has to be responsible for the fact that ~14% of the population commits more than 70% of violent crimes. That’s the important point and strongly suggests genetic predisposition to sociopathy.

  231. Anonymous Says:

    Who knows, really.

  232. Joni Says:

    WAY over represented on “The Price is Right” and “Let’s Make A Deal” too! Unfair.

  233. Anonymous Says:

    It actually not the blacks, or the immigrants, or even your sexual freaks that are truly behind this.

    They are the mindless pawns in the game; they don’t possess the brain-power or the financial power to be the true driving force.

    It’s actually all part of the Jewish conspiracy – set out to destroy the Christian backbone of this country.

    They control the media, and they are behind the Rap music, the liberal-biased TV shows and movies, commercials, fake-news, basically everything.

    They are trying to brainwash our youth into following the SJW cult-religion and liberalism that undermine the core values that have been the cornerstone of this country since its inception.

    They are buying off our politicians, who end up selling their country in the name of blind greed. Under the guise of humanitarianism, they are watering down every aspect of our culture by helping the immigrants and other minorities reproduce – basically paying them more of our tax dollar welfare money for every piece of offspring they can create.

    Once we are outnumbered by the mindless lesser-evolved-beings, and the younger generation has been completely brainwashed, they will have won their prize – the thing that they set out to do two thousand years ago.

    So sure – go ahead and put more blacks, immigrants, lesbians, gays, whatever-the-heck-it-is, into the movies, TV shows, commercials, and any other type of media that you can. Go ahead and call me a racist and a hater when I state my own opinions – all the while you are screaming about your rights to voice your own.

    Go ahead and break the backbone of this country – and what will you have? A bunch of blacks, immigrants, and whatever-the-heck-else-they-are who all rely upon the government to pay them to live and reproduce. Watch them turn our country into a third world country. Go ahead and create your mindless masses who will follow you straight into the gates of Hell..

    see where you end up.

    * you want to coddle the immigrants and minorities? Let them live in your basement if you love them so much.. but keep them away from me.

  234. Weltraum Affe Says:

    If Blacks are “overly represented” in commercials (and they are) there is only one reasonable explanation. Madison avenue profits. In one word – money. I works. It is a successful way to sell stuff. If it didn’t bring in the bucks why else would they do it. Who knows why it works?. Do you think they would continue the practice it it hasn’t been proven, year after year, to be a path to profits? Everything is about profits. Why haven’t you figured that out yet?

  235. HalJ Says:

    You think blacks are over-represented in the US? In the UK, with a black (African descent) population of 2%, every ad, every TV show, every piece of media, includes at least one black person.
    By contrast, the larger Asian (Indian subcontinent) population are included infrequently.

  236. Arturo Fonboninni Says:

    and if you think that blacks are over-represented what about the inclusion of gays and lesbians in every ad campaign. Just can’t wait for them to start including transgender.

  237. Anonymous Says:

    There is an ad for an HIV preventive medication that is loaded with gays and transvestites.

  238. Seymour Kaddodles Says:

    it is amazing how many gay and or gender confused ads are being displayed. A local health insurance company displays signs showing two women sitting together on a sofa laughing, one of them pregnant. The health insurance ad says something about “expecting.” My bank has a picture on the home page of two ladies standing very close together on a sight-seeing excursion. OK, so maybe they are not gay, but why do they have to stand so close together. Click to the next page and two metro-sexual looking guys are playing soccer on the beach having a laughing, grand old time. Why do many gays??? Are gays to numerous that they have to be included in so many ads. What the heck is going on?

  239. Weltraum Affe Says:

    “What the heck is going on?”

    It’s really quite simple. It’s called niche marketing. If gays are X% of the population why not make your product/company appear to be gay-friendly? Including minority groups in in advertising must work or advertisers wouldn’t do it. They analyze the hell out of everything the do both before and after. It’s all about profits. If showing minorities in ads didn’t do more good than harm to their bottom line they would have stopped doing it immediately.

    The world is changing brother, but it’s still about money.

  240. Chris Says:

    I am so fed up with seeing a Black face staring at me during almost all TV ads that I now switch over the channel when adverts come on. This goes for two gay people kissing. It’s not right to use queers to sell a product. I’m not even going to use a capital g as it had spoiled a perfectly nice word. Now I never use it. I hate it when a group of people sit around a table in a commercial, and there almost always features a black kid who is shoved in their to appease the minority. Very soon, the indigenous White person will be the minority in our own country. Very sad and out of order that blacks should get preferential treatment on TV over Whites. Disgusting.

  241. Popo Says:

    I agree brother. I see it as politically motivated and prejudice towards others by doing so just based on color and this new age pooitically correct garbage. This country is mostly white , founded by whites and it seems these days that others(especially blacks) hate us for it. I say to them…” get over it.” They and the biased media need to stop being jealous, stop demonizing whites and our culture, and get some help for their inferiority complexes. More people that are proud ofvthe white culture and what it has accomplished need to stand up and stop just waiting for it to go away. There are a ton of things that other races benefit from the accomplishments of whites and its time that we should be able to stand up a vocalize our pride in our culture, especially since the other minorities seem to have been secretly hating us all these years and now see that its their time to speak out against us. Its crazy.

  242. Blanche White Says:

    It has gotten to the point where I am surprised (I ain’t kiddin’) to see straight white people in an add. And if you do see a white person it is usually some type of yuppie or hippie. He has a beard, no tie, etc.
    Or, there are many people using the product and one of them is white or straight. The media elite are sending us a message and that message is, “you are obsolete white people, you are going to disappear, just like we have marginalized you in advertisements, you will be marginalized in real life.”

  243. Popo Says:

    Amen. Youre so right and you need to keep speaking out and envourage so many others to speak out against the media and all this social political correctness crap by saying something in public when you see this taking place and more importantly by speaking out online and sending your message in the form of complaints to all these stations and companies.

  244. Weltraum Affe Says:

    You guys would never say anything like this if you were on television. You are too scared of the liberal media kicking your asses and broadcasting your names.

  245. Anonymous Says:

    No one would be allowed to even express these opinions on the air. You would be shouted down as a racist and a bigot regardless that it’s the truth.

  246. Popo Says:

    Your dumbass is wrong as usual. Its just such pc clowns like you that call it racist if there arent enough blacks or people of color on tv, as if it fucking matters. Its people like you that have inferiority complexes and make everything about race. I was just commenting on some of the apparent pc crap that has been going on for past few years in tv and in other instances. It seems racist to me to give another race of people benefits and special treatment based on false narratives and beliefs.

  247. Anonymous Says:

    I believe my comment was misunderstood. My intent was to point out that any comment in opposition to the PC BS would be shouted down. I was in no way disparaging you or your comment.

  248. Anonymous Says:

    Popo: How do you know that I’m not an unapologetic racist and a White supremacist? You don’t. So stop calling me names and acting so PC.

  249. Anonymous Says:

    Anonymous: I understand. The point that I failed to make is that I believe that most of those who post on this thread are probably afraid of the liberal media and the self-appointed PC police. They lack the mettle to make their opinions known other than anonymously or on a back page website. They are afraid of being shouted down. They fear the possibility of any sort of blowback whatsoever, no matter how trivial. They feel the risk is too great, the price may be too high They are the PA (Politically Ascared.) They want a surrogate to say and do what the fear to do for themselves, and they usually end up disappointed. So they whine…and they wait…and they get what they deserve.

  250. Anonymous Says:

    The above two posts were submitted by Weltraum Affe, not by Anonymous

  251. Anonymous Says:

    Fuck the niggers

  252. Marvin Mikel Says:

    I think we have reverse racism in America.I am sick and tired of listening to people complaining about being discrimination against them.The person that is the most discrimated against is a white male.He is the only person you can say anything you want to about him without any cry of racism.

  253. Mark Says:

    The reason why they put so many blacks in advertising is because they spend all their money or their food stamps and everything else they save no money saved for their children, grandchildren. That’s the reason and also big companies dont get called racist. Everything else you wrote is bullshit.

  254. Mark Says:

    Niggers dont even work they are lazy motherfuckers they cant even afford half the shit on TV. We can blame all this really on the Jews dividing America! People dont see it but the jews are trying to ruin this country after we built fucking Israel for them. They use the niggers to divide America bc that’s the only way they can.

  255. Peter Says:

    You are 100% correct Marvin Mikel, if you are a white, straight guy you should be ashamed of yourself according to our warped society.

  256. Joey Says:

    They are only 12% of the population in the United States but if you look at advertisements you would think they were 80% and they are never portrayed as they really are in real life.

  257. Popo Says:

    You are so right. This is democrats and liberals trying to shove pc crap down our throats instead of adopting classic, conservative , traditional american culture and values.

  258. Richard Guzman Says:

    This article and point of view is totally off base.

    There are too many black people in commercials, it makes me not want to buy or consider the items being advertised.

    It has nothing to do with racism, it has to do with the fact that advertisers are over catering to a specific racial group that does not buy the products that are being advertised.

  259. David Lyman Says:

    So help me understand. Supposedly the black population makes up 15% of America. Although I find that hard to believe, let’s Just pretend it’s 20%. So in theory I should see blacks 20% of the time. Correct? I’ll answer for you. Yes!

    So getting back to blacks in advertising. Why are they becoming the majority with black overtones and Ebonics which further influences a culture most people don’t favor. It’s not just white. Where are the Asians, Indians, Mexicans and anyone else who makes up the demographics? Simple answer, they are not the ones burning down cities and committing crimes for attention. Hence, we now have more black in commercials. That’s the simple fact.

  260. JEFF HALTOM Says:

    Any white woman that would let a nigger crawl on top of her,would let a dog do the same thing

  261. 'Dr. Douglas Weston-Kolarik Says:

    Addressing this issue is very important. Everyone in my social circle has definitely noticed the over-representation of blacks in commercials. It has gotten to the point of being offensive and degrading to white Americans.
    Basic Social Psychology teaches that we identify with people more like ourselves. It is how we build our self esteem.
    Theoretically, the more blacks who are shown representing a particular product the less likely the white majority will want to buy that product.

  262. Onga bonga Says:


  263. Anonymous Says:

    I don’t associate with any company that have blacks and whites as married or with half bred kids

  264. Arturo Fonboninni Says:

    They want you to think that whites are invisible. They are co.ditioning your mind to accept the inevitability of a world in whch whites are superfluous. After your mind has been conditioned to accept this then they what to
    open the borders and flood the country with people to make it look like the ads.

  265. grim reaper Says:

    sick of seeing the blatant attempt of advertising companies to promote black adverts and mixed race couples in adverts .. its not neccessary but they are simply over appeasing the black population in my opinion which i have a right to state. when the muslim community starts their campaign for muslims to be seen in adverts where will it all end ? perhaps no white people in adverts ????

  266. Phuk Yu Libz Says:

    Wow! How did you get into the heads of “less educated (than who, exactly? A four year degree holder in Feminist Studies?)” whites to know they were merely voting against minorities, who are taught by people like you to hate whites in general. The most racist elements in this country are NOT white. Just take a leisurely stroll around a barrio or housing project one night. Just tell ‘em you voted for the Obam and Fat Anks Clin-Ton! You “woke” fella ya!

    Also, I hope guts down there who thinks it is the protector of “people of color” and embraced calling itself a “racist” for benefitting from not being a violent POS thug, gets an especially painful case of rectal cancer. It deserves it for being a “thing of no color.”

  267. JewBehind ItAll Says:

    everyone is sick of blacks

  268. doug Says:

    I’m white English, Niggers make me feel physically sick, they are the ugliest retards around. They are everywhere on the adverts, every channel and nearly every advert. Niggers only buy fried chicken so why are they on every advert?
    There’s an old saying that goes…if it looks like shit, smells like shit, it must be shit, that’s a real description of niggers.
    In England, we are swamped by niggers, pakis and indians. England was a white Christian country, my birth certificate reads COE on it which means Church of England, so why has our own white government forced this bullshit on its own people?
    Why is it also only niggers, pakis and indians predominantly that move to white peoples countries??? ask yourselves that!
    White people don’t want to live in their countries or even mix with the stinky fuckers, so we shouldn’t have to put up with them in ours.
    This is the Kalergi plan in action.
    My genes are 96% English, 2% Scottish and 2% Irish. I noticed quite a few years ago that England and the whole UK was being overrun with foreigners, so i decided not to have children, i didn’t want my fantastic genes being mixed with fucking half breed chimps, as there is a good chance that our children will breed with the nigger retards and produce mongrels. This is all down to pathetic liberalism and social engineering. For a quarter of a century at least our Government have told our schools to only teach the liberal way.
    So brainwashing of our children has been in place for a long time.
    Now we have shit loads of nigger and paki muslims in our country too. They have bombed us and our children in our own country, there are countless muslim rape gangs that only rape white kids, mostly girls but boys too! It goes to court occasionally and the dirty inbred muslims are let off!!!
    Nearly every single doctor, dentist or hospital doctor or surgeon is a paki/indian, same thing to me. I can’t even get to see a white English doctor in my own country.
    I love Trump, as he’s a good man with common sense who is trying his hardest to protect his own people, make sure you get behind him guys.
    Last word on adverts, there is only one thing that we can all do, make notes of who are using all the niggers in the adverts and don’t buy their products, that’s what i have done.
    It was like the Hollywood snowflake actors who came out slagging Trump off, i made a note of them and never watched a single film with them in it again.

  269. Will Hankers Says:

    Never was there a truer word spoken – Well done Doug for telling it like it is

  270. Doris Atkins Says:

    I am not the person’s name on this comment. Someone put it there as a joke. As to blacks. The reason there is such a wide racial divide in the U.s. is because blacks are so violent. You never see whites rioting, burning and looting, and destroying public property. Only blacks do it.

  271. rationaloptimist Says:

    Charlottesville. A white supremacist deliberately drove his car into a group of counter-protesters, killing a woman. White Supremacist Dylan Roof went into a black church in South Carolina and shot nine worshippers. Over a century, literally thousands of innocent black people were lynched — murdered in the most brutal sadistic fashion by crowds of whites. In 1921, in Kansas City, mobs of white people rioted against blacks, killing at least 68 and destroying a large section of the city.
    You fucking moron.

  272. Terry Prechtel Says:

    I don’t buy from any company that shows interracial couples ( black and white) as all my friends do the same. We buy on amazon. Why do you think these companies are going out of business. No one likes that crap

  273. Reality Tom Says:

    Its brainwashing plain and simple. Get whites more willing to have their culture/race GENOCIDED. That is the plans of the Jews, who run all advertising. They have billions, they dont even care about profits at this point, its pushing the black, gay, illegals, agenda, 24/7/365.

  274. Black on WhiteCrime Says:

    But they will hype up the rare white on black attack OVER AND OVER AND OVER, sometimes for YEARS.

  275. GEA232 Says:

    I wish that people would stop using “reverse discrimination/fascism.” That is just ignorant. Discrimination and racism have a definition on their own outside of any race or group.

  276. TRUMP DAT Says:

    I agree, its pc bullcrap. These forums are all we NORMAL CONSERVATIVES have to speak out minds and put our opinions out there because the mainstream media channels are all one sided.

  277. Alex Says:

    these companies must figure out who is buying your product And represent them. To do otherwise will Eventually cost them business.

  278. Ken Sauer Says:

    People of COLOR!?? I’m German American. And I am a ” person
    of color “, too! WHITE is a color !

  279. Popo Says:

    Firstly, the thought or opinion of trump voters/supporters having to be less educated and racist is ridiculous to say the least. Anyone who says that or thinks that not having a college degree makes a person less intelligent or inferior, is a racist and bigot. Lets get the story straight…..trump gets votes from the REAL AMERICANS, not the new age progressive wimps who down our country every chance they get and whine about everything. This president was voted in fairly and has not gotten a fair shake at anything he wanted or attempted to get done so far in his term. His supporters are unfairly labeled and treated like crap publicly by all sore loser democrats and liberals , who seek to turn this country into their watered down weak version and they are mad cause us REAL AMERICANS wont stand by and let it happen. Heres a news flash for everyone reading this article…..TRUMPS GOING TO WIN AGAIN AND THESE HOMOSEXUAL LOVING, ANTI RELIGIOUS, LIBERTARIAN, SOCIALIST, MUSLIM ASS KISSING, LOW TESTOSTERONE , ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT LOVING, CLOWN ASS FOOLS ARE GOING TO BE IN SHOCK AGAIN! Know your role and shut your hole, cause you have awakened the beast in this country and now you will have to pay the price.

  280. royston Says:

    Why are we forced to have blacks forced down our throats by over representation on all adverts…

  281. Pete Says:

    I think they are trying to compensate for the hard life they have had at the hands of the terrible white man. I’d say they’ve over compensated significantly.

  282. Mick Says:

    Not just america, the uk too. Immigrants have taken over the uk. We have entire areas that are no go. That’s a fact. I worked the doors in some of these areas and had to go with stab proof vests. Then you see these adverts showing black and whites laughing and joking together which just isn’t true. The segregation is there and until the culture is the same across the world or country there will never be cohesion. As cultures do not mix.

  283. Anonymous Says:

    Obama had a Czar in his first term to put more AA in ads and it has went up from there. I’m seeing more AA, along with LBGT, and interracial couples in ads. I’d say it more like a solid 80% AA on channels I watch and that’s not including BET.

  284. Anonymous Says:

    To put whites off buying the product

  285. RedPillin2019 Says:

    2019. Uncommon to see an ad without a black face. And 7/10 it is male. Brainwashing.

  286. Jimmy Says:

    With mainstream media touting Trump supporters as racists, combined with advertising telling us older Americans thst we are bigots, it cannot endure long.

    Also, with the younger generation abhoring our rights to self defense, it will not end well.

  287. dchoda Says:

    Wake up white people. Boycott any product that pushes this interracial crap. The mulignans don’t have the numbers or capital to make any company successful. Let the companies know how disgusted you are with your wallet.

  288. Red white Says:

    Sick of seeing such false garbage They’re
    only 12% w/ 73% illegitimate violent kids.
    They’re only 1 out if 8 of us and 73% of their births are illegitimate!
    Just like animals.
    Stop this false narrative.
    Stop fearing Al the devil Sharpton.
    Start telling the truth about them.
    Quit being so afraid of them.

  289. Weltraum Affe Says:

    All you racist are to afraid to do anything except whine and cower behind your sofas. I don’t consider myself to be a racist but I will admit that I have prejudices. I don’t even have anything against racists. But I have no respect for crybabies and that is all I see for the most part on this thread, and I have been following it for awhile.
    You like to say nigger and other hateful things as long as you don’t have to face the blowback. You feel safe on the internet. You haven’t the nerve to take your case into the real world because you are so scared that someone might be mean to you. You might get fired or arrested. Boo hoo hoo. You won’t stand up for yourselves or beliefs because you might get hurt. The people you fear and hate walk all over because they have no fear of you. You will never make a difference. You are always crying that 13 percent of the population is getting too much attention. So who are the real monkeys? You are! Gays aren’t afraid to march in the streets. Neither are women. But you are! You are pathetic. I am a white male and served my country in the USN. If I was as afraid and as disgusted as you all seem to be I wouldn’t be sitting here watching the game with a beer in my hand. Life is pretty good…oh look, there is a black couple buying an SUV.

  290. Nigger R Dumbasses Says:


  291. O'neill Says:

    With me being white,and not racist,but a realist,and blacks being so evident in advertising,I tend not to buy the products that are so advertised!

  292. Ricardo Vasquez Says:

    The big question now days is why advertising agencies are getting away with pushing a black/white agenda. Try counting the number of tv commercials that make sure they feature a married couple where one of them are black, usually the man. I have no problems with blacks in commercials, but I do have a problem with advertising agencies trying to make the black/white seem normal. They push that as hard as they push the product itself. I boycot those products whenever I can.

  293. Cheryl Says:

    Its overkill. Way too many blacks on every commercial. This does not represent the majority of socirty. Im sick of it. Reverse descrinination.

  294. Anonymous Says:

    I have quit buying anything that has a black and white couple in it. It’s being forced down my throat

  295. Christopher Twardy Says:

    Niggers ruin everything because they are angry stupid violent apes. Don’t believe it? See what happens to your neighborhood when niggers start to move in. THIEVING, RAPING, MURDERMONKEYS. Fuck you niggerlover.

  296. Roofus Datariuos Jamal Nignog Says:

    NAACP= Niggers Are Always Causing Problems.
    2020 CIVIL WAR 2.0
    I love my niggers armed!
    What do you call a nigger up in a tree holding a briefcase? BRANCH MANAGER
    Stupid fucking niggers.
    Bring it on dumb nigger. Y t is tired of your shit.
    Stinky apes.

  297. Donna Says:

    Here’s my reply two years after this article. I’m SICK and TIRED of seeing commercials which feature either only blacks with big Afro hair OR commercials which feature interracial couples. News flash!! There aren’t that many interracial couples. Advertising is forcing this on us. I resent it. White people are still 66% of the population in this country but you’d never know it from the ads on television. And if it isn’t blacks it’s either Hispanics or middle eastern types. I’m sick of all the ass kissing extended to these minorities. My race, White, is no longer represented in commercials. And I’m angry about that.
    Stop kissing the asses of these “less than” minorities. It’s enough and White people are tired of it.

  298. Anonymous Says:

    I’ve had enough. I’m leaving America so you can all be politically correct without me.

  299. Weltraum Affe Says:

    Where you going? I can’t think of any country that’s anxious to have American expats. Especially if you want to live with mostly white people.

  300. None of your illegal immagrant business!! Says:

    Bottom line is, all caucasians, asians, chinese, blacks, mexicans, think alike, cry afoul and bully anyone you think do not sit right with your agenda’s or ideals, when everyone of you are here illegally and against OUR League of nations of PRE-America!

    My ancestors were and still are the original inhabitants of this country and with all right we are the oNLY ones JUSTIFIED to complain about what has befallen this land with all your commerce ialized garbage, the abuses that you have done by stealing and CONTAMINATING our lands, POISONING our crops, kidnapping and raping our women and children, sending clothing and blankets infected with disease, politically plotting against our elders and imprisoning out forefathers with fraudulent charges only to enable your own forefathers to cripple our nations and deceive our elders with honey contracts and forced us onto reservations with destroyed contaminated lands and raiding our villages, homes, communities and FORCING your languages onto our children!!

    So keep whining and bitching like the miserable ignorant dishonest phones that you and your ancestors have ALL proven to be throughout EVERY century that you have all trespassed and illegally built here WITHOUT authorization!!

    WE the people of Turtle Island hereby EVICT all of you and DEPORT you all back to your own country of origin where you can rape murder lie steal burglarize poison attack war and ravage each other on your own territories and LEAVE our beloved lands alone, NEVER to return or be imprisoned as you have done to our ancestors and forefathers who rightly governed this land justly and do not need you or your approval nor your opinions!!

    So this being say, you may all STFU and go back to your own countries where you BELONG!!

  301. Little Willy Says:

    I can tell from the tone of your posting, that after you watched the TV which featured so many blacks on it, that you were so incensed with rage, that you typed in to Google “Why so many blacks in adverts”?? that you landed here, as we all did.

  302. John Smith Says:

    What a stupid article to assume Trump supporters are white racists. No wonder racism is alive and well with crap written articles by a lackluster author.

  303. Richard Says:

    These blacks are getting away with murder.
    White folks are getting pissed off.
    These people need to understand something… DO WTF YOU’RE TOLD and never have a problem.

  304. White Aryan Resistance Says:

    We all know what the disproportionate number of blacks being represented in EVERYTHING is all about, don’t we? One word, the word that underlies all of their advances since they left the cotton fields, that one word being, VIOLENCE!! ” Either we get our way, IN EVERYTHING, or we will, without a doubt, and proved by our track record, loot, kill, threaten, and go completely nuts like the animals we always have been, at the core, and always will be! There is no appeasing us, EVER!! ” Even though most sane white people actually want this repulsive group nowhere near them, the black mantra is, ” WE ” WILL” BE INCLUDED, WHETHER YOU WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR US OR NOT, OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU AND THE WHITE SOCIETY YOU BUILT!! ” ( of, course, they eventually ruin and downgrade any white built society they touch anyway, but that’s beside the point, isn’t it? ) For proof of the ” black effect ” you need only look at any major city where black influx or domination has occured! Rampant crime, ( murder and rape their favorites ) drugs, poverty ( self induced, because that is who they are, and who they like being, it’s their inherent nature ) The term, ” White Flight ” came into existence for a reason, it’s the only chance whites have, and that is to stay away from these creatures! Amen, brother! Let’s just call a spade a spade, shall we?

  305. Casey Hill Says:

    No, the One word is PLANTATION. The Marxist Left wants control and the way they get it is by destroying the dominant white. This has to be understood or else you will target the wrong villain. Get rid of the white by down breeding and they will easily take control.

  306. WAR Says:

    Christopher Twardy and Roofus NigNog: Praise be to you, brothers!! Finally, finally, a chance to see some sane white boys ( apparently ) telling it like it is about these repulsive creatures that try desperately to pass themselves off as human beings! Actually, I’m sure if the ” apes ” in the jungle could speak, they would be offended by being compared to this subspecies, this revolting, whatever the fuck they are, inhabitants of this planet, that we are being forced to be in proximity with, even though every fiber of our white minds and bodies scream out, ” KEEP THESE PUTRID CREATIONS AWAY FROM US!! ” Why, ( if He does indeed exist, which may be up for debate ) a God would create the angelic, pure, pristine, white child, and then, as the complete opposite, create the ugliest of ugly black heathens, is a perplexing mystery! Maybe God, in his infinite ineptness, enjoys battle and conflict! The Confederate South, and South Africa, and the Ku Klux Klan, definitely had it right all along! Apartheid is great, but let’s go a step further, and try to eradicate this pestilence ( the nigger ) which has been foisted upon us, against our will! My weapons are locked, loaded, and eagerly awaiting the time when I will be called upon to answer the call to arms, along with my white brothers, to take the front lines in meeting these black devils head on! A valiant and noble call to give one’s life for, if needs be, wouldn’t you say? I refuse to live near niggers, and am itching for the day, ( which I’m sure will come, judging by their long history of violence ) when that first black bastard kicks my front door in, so I may legally, and with much relish and gusto, splatter his black ass to Kingdom Come! I think it was Christopher Twardy who stated it so simply, and correctly, when he stated ” NIGGERS RUIN EVERYTHING!! ” I applaud you on that one, Christopher, although I must say, I have priority on that observation, because all who know me, know that I have been espousing those EXACT words for at least thirty or forty years! I will gladly share that correct take on these beasts with you any day! WHITE POWER!!!!


    Weltraum Affe: Simply put, ” You are a piece of shit!! “

  308. enzo Stewartie Says:

    Blackie wants your job without learning how to read or write or to do simple arithmetic. If the Commies do succeed in taking over the US they will send Blackie to work camps because the Commies don’t believe in rewarding indolence. They will be forced to work day and night. Only those who produce things of value will be given the light of day, like computer chimps and such. The only reason that Blackie gets away with so much bullshit is because of the stupidity of the welfare state. Once the Chicoms and their allies take over Blackie will have to earn his keep.

  309. Dint Do Nuffin Says:

    2020 and our USA ads are “happy black families in their SUVs” no, the reality is, black dad leaves mom and their 6 kids for meth, alcohol, welfare, stupid younger chick, all the above. Yet, the ads of today are these dam black families circling around “dad.”
    We are so sick of these ignorant ads being pushed down our throats, and will not do business with these advertisers. Period. Talk about a farce.

  310. D. Manding Overseer Says:

    Here’s some ads I’d like to see with black characters.

    1) Black actors in an ad for a bail bondsman (as the perp)

    2) Black actors in an ad for using food stamp and liquor stores and take out Chinese restaurants

    3) Black actors as robbers in ads for home security companies

    4) Black actors in commercials for homeless shelters and food banks (as the clients)

  311. Anonymous Says:

    WHITE ARYAN RESISTANCE: You are a typical white coward. You are afraid of women and minorities. You never stand up to them because you might get yelled at, or lose your job. You are the biggest kind of pussy.

  312. Fuck you Says:

    You are a faggot.

  313. WAR Says:


  314. WAR Says:

    By the way, Anonymous, who referred to me as a ” pussy ” and that I am afraid to confront minorities and women for fear of losing my job or being yelled at! First of all, let’s get a few things straight here: I don’t fear losing my job because I retired years ago, after military duty in Vietnam, and a forty year civilian career, and next, and please remember this very important item, I don’t hate women and minorities! Only NIGGERS, the only subhuman group, ( or species, I should say ) created! I have no problem living amongst Asians, Latinos, American Indians, etc. etc. The only ones I despise are your American, mainly, born and bred, repulsive, dregs of society, destructive, abhorrent looking, ( I laugh out loud when hearing repulsive, ugly niggers like ” Pretty Boy Floyd ” Mayweather, referring to himself in those terms! OMG!!! What a joke!! Pretty, indeed! Have any of these repulsive baboons had occasion to glance into a mirror? I doubt it! When we use the word ” pretty “, or ” handsome “, it is always associated with members of, mainly, the Aryan race, although I will allow that Latinos, Asians, and other groups, also, may qualify as ” pretty ” or ” handsome “! But as that great and memorable line spoken by that great actor, Joe Don Baker, when playing a repo man, in the process of repossessing the car of an itinerant, behind payments ( naturally ) nigger, said to the nigger, when the nigger swore at him, grabbed him, and tried to prevent ” Molly ” ( Don Baker”s name in that movie, ” Charlie Varrick ” – check out that great scene from that movie ) from legally repossessing his overdue payment vehicle, Molly simply smashed the nigger and said, ” Very few men speak to me in that tone of voice!! A few white men, maybe, ” BUT NO NIGGERS AT ALL! ” So I’ll use Molly’s line when describing blacks, when they actually believe they are either handsome or pretty! I say, ” NO NIGGERS AT ALL!! ” You’re right, Anonymous, and you other nigger lovers, I DO hate those black bastards, and want them as far away from civilized society as possible! As I mentioned earlier, it’s a true and known fact: NIGGERS RUIN EVERYTHING!! GET IT, DIPSHIT?? EVERYTHING!! ” As Richard Spencer, of the alt-right group so aptly and correctly put it, ” WE DON’T NEED THEM, THEY NEED US!! ” when speaking of niggers wanting to be near white, civilized society!! Spencer’s grand plan is to make America what it always should have been, a ” whites only ” country, then we don’t HAVE to have these lowlife creatures prowling our streets! Yup, ya got it right, ya niggerlovers, I hate these fuckers!!!

  315. Anonymous Says:

    This is a white country, too many blacks taking over the adverts

  316. Anonymous Says:

    “Spencer’s grand plan?” Are you referring to Richard B. Spencer who denounced Donald Trump and supports Biden? I understand racism, though I am not a racist. I don’t think that “race” as the NSDAP framed it, is a concept that will mean much in CRISPR 21st century. Humans are going to be designed, and probably already are being designed, and ancestry won’t mean much. The Alt Right seems to be stuck in the past,..in a vanishing Gobbles-esque geopolitik. The future. IMO, is corporate science-based globalism and probably authoritarian, but “race” will give way to pragmatic gene editing. Too bad you are so consumed with hate. That must be very painful. Black people aren’t a threat to anything meaningful or permanent. Calm down, we’re both around the same age. We don’t matter for much longer.

  317. Casey Hill Says:

    Too bad you are ignorant, especially of CRISPR being any sort of real solution. Moreover corporate communism that you reference is laughable. Too many generalities to even begin to respond. You are a joke.

  318. Deltron Says:

    In 2020 nearly 95% of ads I see are either all blacks, or mixed race, almost always with a white female, even when watching hockey games or antique road show or a black and white Sherlock Holmes episode. White males if they are shown, are portrayed as servants or burglers or fools. This is because the propaganda is created by people who hate whites and who have allegiance to other groups. This propaganda where the majority of the people are demonized in their own contries only happens in white countries. You will never see this in a “people of color” country. What is occuring is genocide of whites. You will notice that in American media no depiction of how shitty the lives of people are in non white countries actually is. Whites are the only group allowed in propaganda to be responsible for anything. “People of Color” on the other hand’s standard of living is depicted as being somehow the fault of white people, regardless of all actual circumstances. Take blacks for example, you can see for yourself how horrible their living conditions in all other countries are and how the women in Africa average 5-8 children each. But do you hear anything about that? No. You are not allowed to criticize anything non white. Look how everywhere in America that blacks live the crime rate is extremely high. This is always somehow white people’s fault, despite the very neighborhoods the blacks are living in used to be thriving white communities where the whites fled from once the neighborhood turned. Listen to black music now, it is disgustingly vulgar, yet it is being pumped into every childs head.

    What they are in effect doing is lowering the bar of civilization. You will continue to see the decline of civilization. You will also see whites start to fight back and reclaim the media once they realize the terrible future that is being forced on them.

    You can’t force anyone to like you, but you can attempt to be likeable.

    And if you have a child raise it. 74% bastard rates is your main problem. Quit blaming everybody else. Create a product/service people want to buy. That’s how our society used to work.

  319. Anonymous Says:

    Hill: I never said “corporate communisn” but I did say authoritarianism. I never said CRISPR was a solution to anything, but I do believe that it will be forced on humanity. Socialism = ask what your country can do for you. National Socialism = ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. Our country We brought so many NSDAPs into the US after WWII and put them in high places in corporate and government positions that one wonders if Jim Mars was correct in his book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich.” Care to reply without all the name-calling. Intelligent discussion is possible.

  320. M.L. Says:

    Did you not get the memo? White people are all slaves of blacks now. Keep working. Keep paying your taxes. When they come and burn your city down because a black with a long history of past arrests and a current warrant out for his arrest refused to follow directions during an arrest or reached for a weapon and was shot to death you better agree it was murder, smile, and shut up. Let your city burn, smile n’ shut up or you’re a racist bigot! Love blacks remaking all your childhood movies and superheroes. Even the new “Friends” reboot is going to have an all black cast! Peter Pan’s Wendy is now black. Make it all black. Worship blacks, take a knee and fist pump or else! You know what happens. You will be unable to bank, unable to work, unable to live period. If you happen to get beaten take it you had it coming cause you looked like a racist. If you say something better not get any ideas DOJ might just classify you as a Domestic Terrorist. Blacks are Kings & Queens you are all slaves. Good luck trying to do anything. With Marxist Communism you have no voice anymore. You are silenced. You are finished. Don’t forget “NO LIVES MATTER” until “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” so when you see a horse being ridden to death by a black man hired by Lori Lightfoot to prove that not even animal lives matter say to yourself it’s for the right cause of blacks. COMPLY! OBEY! SHUT UP!

  321. C. Hill Says:

    Anonymous- Communism, Authoritarianism, etc also you did say “corporate science-based globalism” which I referred to as corporate communism, they all share certain critical elements. The word “science” is dubious as the tenants of CRISPR are dubious at best. CRISPR being forced…maybe but there are other possible outcomes equally as likely. Moreover, dark forces have always had a tough time isolating everything to one algorithm even from a start, not to mention lasting for any significant time especially when attempted on a larger scale. Even if genes are [successfully] edited, there would be diversity for obvious reasons that shouldn’t have to be enumerated. Therefore differences (race is a set of genetic differences) would still exist and those differences would still “matter”. Further, which genes would be kept, edited, removed all of which could be considered selecting a set of racial gene set (until another gene set is chosen of course) over another?

    For clarity, no thinking person really believes blacks are the issue, you stated: “Black people aren’t a threat to anything meaningful or permanent” as you stated. Its obliviously the Elitists (Left, Oligarchs, whatever name) that exploit blacks which does impacts society in terms of the mixing component, wealth transfer, etc. To be honest, I don’t have a consequential issue with what you wrote as it was mostly your opinion.

    I think what got me is the we don’t matter comment. Truth is you could argue nothing in the material world ultimately matters as it will all end. If true, then even your comments are irrelevant, and hence hypocrisy. Fact is we ARE alive and it matters to us right now, so it may or may not ultimately matter but if your engaged in the debate then you argue as if it matters. Consequently, given in to the corporate /globalist/whatever argument.

    To your recent point on NSDAPs, lots of different groups are in high places. Further, that’s like saying Jews control media, WASPs are generally in charge of industry and science, etc. I don’t think its causative to a certain end. Surely different groups think different things but to pick an outcome is fruitless just based on probabilities alone.

    To me the US constitution itself is the likely cause behind all change, generation and decay outcomes. Its layers of liberty articles and controls did not keep the Leftist/Elitist cancer cells from metastasizing and disrupting the natural formation while respecting individual rights. Even one of the greatest books of all times, The Republic, pointed out that no matter how great the republic, if elitist men were allowed to grow the Republic would likely fail. Consequently, whether a free, socialist, communist or some hybrid, Elitist men, will distort it to their benefit.

    If you have a more narrow or subtle point that I missed. That said if I don’t reply for some time that is the likely reason.

  322. Anonymous Says:

    …And that ladies and gentleman is why there are so many blacks in advertisements.

  323. Anonymous Says:

    The muslim so called president is gone, so why torcher the human race with daily garbage with at least one token nigger in every comercial?!!!

  324. David Sanchez Says:


  325. Stone Laker Says:

    A black only demographic would be the payday loans stores in the south. 99% of clients are negroes. Blacks have bad credit and don’t save like they did. Negroes live for trends that Jews bait black folks with. I have seen this behavior in Africa as well

  326. Anonymous Says:

    As a youngster i saw no color, but now that I’m old I despice blacks and what they are doing to this great country

  327. Anonymous Says:

    As a youngster i saw no color, but now that I’m old I despice blacks and what they are doing to this great country

  328. L.R Says:

    Im so sick of the movies and entertainment industry representing black people in a way thats not accurate. Yes, there are “some” successful black people but the entertainment industry tries to make them look like middle-class white people, sorry they arent!! Why don’t they represent Hispanics in the same light??? Its really irritating, to the point that I and many people I know refuse to watch such things in the entertainment industry!! Stop trying to satisfy the “black quota!” It looks ridiculous!

  329. Dandy Leon Says:

    The elites are preparing us for the brave new world that they envision. No more whites…. whites will be interbred with brown’s so as to disappear… they view whiteness as something to be eradicated because they think it has caused inequality. Erasing whiteness will eliminate inequality. So don’t expect things to change. It will only get worse.

  330. Casey Says:

    You conclusion is fed wrong. “ they think it has caused inequality. Erasing whiteness will eliminate inequality.”. They don’t care about inequality what they care about is eliminating there competition in order to run the plantation. Equality, diversity and inclusion are merely Trojan Horses to power. People need to wake up…they just want to be in charge and you can’t be in charge of intelligent people so they make them dumber by mixing them. Come on man, it’s elementary.

  331. Mike Says:

    To many fuckin niggers in these ads GO BACK TO AFRICA 🌍 you black 🐵

  332. non-racist, but just my 2ct Says:

    Seen in most of Europe too, and it is getting more blatant with the hour. First you see it, then you start seeing it everywhere. You know that it is all a lie. Subsaharan africans promoting razor blades, my eye! You hardly see any of them with a clean shaven face. Et cetera. It doesn’t affect me at all, quite the opposite actually. One day I desperately needed a very expensive product, but the manufacturer advertised it with some overly happy “hip” African looking away from the camera and showing those pearly whites. I couldn’t identify with this at all, my senses were telling me that the products were geared towards blacks only. I ended up buying nothing, and saved my money. But I suppose they don’t care at all, they are getting slush funds for evil schemes like this and it doesn’t matter to them at all if the make gigantic losses that way.

  333. non-racist, but just my 2ct Says:

    one more thing, one more thing: I wanted to add after reading this Anonymous Says:
    October 17, 2018 at 5:54 pm , that indeed they are trying to portray men only with unkempt, patchy unshaven faces (I refuse to call these beards, because they are just a handful of hairs). I have nothing against beards, if you can grow an enormous manly beard to show that you are a real masculine man it is fine. But instead you’ll see only wussy hipsters with a couple of hairs on their faces, with weak postures, small shoulders, scrawny arms and high tenor / contralto voices. Where did all the Brent Huff-like, manly baritones go? (at least in Europe)

  334. Anonymous Says:

    What a racist

  335. Ann low Says:

    My father fought in wwll for white British people this is our country and feel we are getting pushed out by black people ..their are to many black people in adverts l don’t like it so turn them off.. lf advertisers want to sell their products to all people put more white people back in adverts l know thousands who boycott adverts because of it l won’t buy from Argos ever again.. because of favouritism towards them ..more white British faces in adverts please

  336. Marc Says:

    It is disgusting to see the continued pandering to blacks by the TV advertising industry since the muslim negro “president” administration divided the country with his miserable policies and racist speeches around the world. Being 13% of the population, proper representation of blacks means we should see one black for every ten others with 7 out of 10 actors being white, Being inundated with blacks in commercials makes us want to avoid them as much as we can and very negatively affects how we think about blacks in general. Add to that the fact that for fifty plus years blacks have had many advantages whites and others have not, affirmative action, lowered standards foe colleges and universities, lowered requirements for jobs, lenient company policies for work behavior and performance, etc., etc.. And in those 50+ years how much have the blacks improved? They have gotten worse. More of them on welfare, more of them dropping out of school, more don’t want an education, don’t have any marketable skills, more of them committing violent crimes, ( 98% of violent crime by blacks), 75% of black babies, the ones that are not aborted at taxpayer expense by planned parenthood, have no father support of any kind, black women having multiple babies with multiple sperm donors, the list goes on and on. There is no hope for blacks, nothing society can do will bring improvements to the black condition. Only they can do that but it is not in their genes. Their rude, beligerent, unlawful behavior is in their DNA. The government cannot force people to like what blacks are, more pandering, more affirmative action, more special treatment, more free money, it causes the opposite reaction. It causes more disdain for blacks, more disgust, more division. Sadly, those blacks who are good people, Condoliza Rice, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and many others, who should be listened to by blacks and looked up to as examples to black kids, are rejected as Uncle Toms and not to be acknowledged by the black community. Stupidity reigns supreme in this respect. It may eventually cause another civil war as there will come a time where enough is enough. The results will not be pretty for the blacks…

  337. Jim Pearson Says:

    Black crime matters

  338. Anonymous Says:

    The reason for the very excessive use of blacks in advertising is simple. Blacks are generally hateful because society has told them it is acceptable for them to be hateful. Whites, for many generations, have taught their children not to be hateful. In fact, most whites have taught their children that black people are at least as good as they are, if not better. At the same time, blacks have taught their children that they are definitely better than whites, and that any white who doesn’t agree should be assaulted or killed by them. This combination of ways in which children are raised has resulted in an easy decision for advertisers. Put black people in your ads. White people won’t care, and won’t feel any sort of animus or hatred. Blacks will feel the same superiority complex they’ve had instilled by the culture in general for generations now. Perhaps both groups will buy. However, advertisers know that if they don’t overrepresent blacks in their commercials, whites will still not care or feel any hatred, but the blacks will not only hate but perhaps riot.

    The entire equation is quite simple for advertisers.

  339. dolphin9 Says:

    It’s an attempt by the powers that be, the media/corporate complex, along with certain tribes that can’t be named, to keep just enough cohesion in America to keep this thing going.

    They can’t do anything, or at least choose not to do anything, about the growing black population. So they think, the next best thing is to integrate these black actors, and maybe we’ll sell more product without alienating whites, etc.

    Do not underestimate the lengths these people will go to. They will even manufacture thousands of mail in ballouts out of thin air if a presidential election is not going their way. They have trillions, quadrillions of dollars at their disposal.

    They want to keep you controlled, in line, and working for the system. And so far it is working. And it will work for quite awhile, until the energy/material reality hits America, and then you won’t really be able to run your cars and trucks and planes forever. Then it’s goodbye NFL and NBA and rap music and all the rest. But it will also be over for whites.

  340. John Dunning Says:

    Too many of them. A white person every now and then would be nice!

  341. Ann Says:

    I wind adverts on as soon as l see a black face l say not another a few minutes later I received a message saying Argos sale l just pressed delete I’ve stopped buying from Argos l don’t like blacks I’m disabled l am 76 lve been scammed by blacks my grandson was robbed by a gang of black kids they are abusive they threaten and abuse white people my father was a war veteran he fought for the UK my uncle was killed in the army they didn’t fight for those kinds of people fought for white people lm stating a fact not many people like them

  342. Anonymous Says:

    Advertisers spend their money carefully. Does anyone doubt that?



  344. JTKDE Says:

    Jews brainwashing the masses to accept these black beasts.

  345. Mitch Says:

    You’re a millennial idiot who doesn’t know 1/100th of what your talking about.
    President Trump has never been racist.
    In fact getting many rewards and recognition from the
    black community.
    You’ve been swallowing fake news again.

  346. Anonymous Says:

    I am so sick and tired of black being shoved down my throatblack Hollywood needs to stay out of our lives I teach my daughter everyday that she will never date a black man that they are evil and they steal and are corrupt you will never change our minds in America

  347. Anonymous Says:

    I guaran-damn-tee you that she will marry a black man. And YOU will be the reason why, How the frack can you be so dumb.

  348. Anonymous Says:

    I have been following this sub for years. It is absolutely amazing in it’s ability to attract racists. I believe that “blacks in advertising” is the magical formula to making money. Maybe, so many blacks in advertisements works because so many people hate it. Ever think of that. I can think of advertisements that have run for decades that have no blacks in them AND that almost everyone hated YET they ran on and on. When you see something you hate, your brain gives you a little shot of dopamine. Did you know that? It’s true. If you see lots of blacks in advertisements it’s because YOU INTENSLY see lots of blacks in advertising. I predict that this sub will still be here two years from now. I also predict that maybe one and possibly two people will actually address or attempt to answer the question the original poster asked, that is “Why so many blacks in ads?” You may have missed that. I’ll check back in June 2021. It will be mostly racist hate rants that have zero to do with advertising. In the mean time (pun intended) I’m going to get busy trying to make money on giving racists that primarily hate “blacks in ads” a place to post.

  349. Anonymous Says:

    By the way, check the date of the your post right after you hit ENTER. I posted this at 10:23 EST in the USA.

  350. Anonymous Says:

    On December 21st.

  351. Anonymous Says:

    Do the math.

  352. F U Says:

    It’s like calling the kettle black. He’s dumb and your dumber. Why would she marry a black guy because he’s dumb you reprobate?!?

  353. Ann Says:

    I’ve been brought up with the same teachings l married a white man and had white children.. lve taught. My children the same way all married white men and women and have white children…

  354. Luke Barnett Says:

    i really wonder if all these disproportionate, black/white black person ads are going to cause the opposite to happen to make up for all this wrong adverting methods.

    are they going to reach a saturation point where they will need to balance things out to make up for all this ad inequality amongst white and black people in commercials?

    i can say this is a fact: the overrepresentation of black people in commercials in america is wrong.

    this is wrong not because white people don’t like it, it’s wrong because they are using it as reverse racism which doesn’t do any good. it hurts white people as far as them not being used in these roles in commercials.

    it’s also wrong because it’s unrealistic to only show black people in commercials when they only make up 13% of the us population.

  355. Steve Says:

    Ads today are disgusting. So many with Trans freams and homo’s who represent a tiny percent of people. I cancelled hulu because of ads.

  356. Anne Lowes Says:

    I no longer watch any adverts and thousands of my friends no longer watch them the reason is their are to many blacks l don’t buy from shops with blacks advertising clothes adverts show clothes on black women face cream adverts have black women using them that DOESENT show if they would look right on a a white woman only if they would look right on a black woman no I’m put off adverts so are my friends and family

  357. Me myself and l Says:

    My son calls them walking shit on legs l agree 100%

  358. Me myself and l Says:

    Bring in the klu klux klan wipe them all out force them to go back to their own native born countries

  359. Palmer Uzi Says:

    As far as I am concerned mainstream TV has become unwatchable by myself. I am white. Not blackish but White. Yet the networks want to play this game of ‘blacks in your face’ constantly. CONSTANTFRICKINLY! I now choose to watch dvds of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ or ‘The Three Stooges’, even ‘The Waltons’ just to avoid feeling like ‘I am a slave to black advertisements’ damn it!. Even Asian shows that I cannot fully understand are more delightful than the BS being broadcast in North America, because there are no commercial interruptions from the uncaged animals whom are looting and robbing all around me. It just plain sucks Happy Martin Luther Ding Dong Day! Happy Black Shitstory month! Happy Kwanzaa Hut Day! Happy Porch Monkey Day is next!

  360. Anonymous Says:

    ………and about to get a whole lot worse now Camel Harris is in power (Biden is just a puppet/fall guy who will be side-lined when/
    if he sees out 100 days)

  361. Pam Willis Says:

    Now people are whining about being called black. Every month there is a new fad as far what they want to be called. And no one even agrees on one descriptive. So whatever whites say is racist. Well, screw it. Fine, all whites are racist. All the guilt dumping and white shaming makes me want to vomit. And this week, I think whites should be called “People Without Color.” If you are black and don’t say this, it means you are a racist. It’s going to change to a different PC name the week after that, so if you don’t keep up, you’re going to be publicly shamed and lose your job. I am working from home, so I see a lot of TV now. 80-90% of the commercial feature predominately blacks. Fine. A minimum of 50% of the newcasters are black (except fox). Because everyone’s so scared of being non-PC they are going extreme the other way. It’s a big ridiculous game. But still people are whining like moronic babies, calling everyone a racist, because 100% of everyone on TV is not black, and even then they’ll still whine like babies because they are not the right kind of blacks.

  362. Larry walters Says:

    I am so sick of nigger commercials

  363. bunnysnuggle Says:

    Like everyone else I’m sick of blacks in ads ugly black kids in toy adverts l turn every single advert over immediately they come to our country scrounge benefits have dozens of kids and abuse white people

    On Tue, 9 Feb 2021, 01:31 The Rational Optimist, wrote:

    > Larry walters commented: “I am so sick of nigger commercials” >

  364. bunnysnuggle Says:

    Far to many blacks in ads l don’t buy from a company that promotes blacks.. toys ads have ugly black kids when we’re these ads made during the pandemic l wouldn’t want my grandchildren near them they are lazy shift less scroungers who come here to get benefit.. they are abusive ignorant ill educated they try pushing people around one black tried to push my son into a shop window they must be deported they are not fit to live in our country l notice that hardly anyone talks to them on buses people make a fuss of a white baby and ignore a black one my father fought for this country he was in the royal navy he always spoke his mind my mother was in the land army she taught us we would marry white men lf we went near a black man we would be unwelcome she was right my husband children grandchild all white my sisters and brother married whites l find black men scarey and evil looking they give me the creeps

  365. Anonymous Says:

    Stop the niggers

  366. Anonymous Says:

    frank@fsrcoin.com Did you ever imagine you would create a hate magnet? I’m not saying you are a hater. You asked a reasonable question. But very few replies even attempt to answer the question. They just come here to post hate. You should try a “Why so Many Blacks in Ads?” weekly blog. They LOVE this shit!

  367. Anonymous Says:

    Oh yeah, I am going to print this to a .PDF file and start distributing it on-line every week to the major White Supremacist web sites. Don’t worry, you’ll get full credit. You can try to block me, but as long as this is up I’ll use it. Thanks in advance. Did you realize that there is 137 pages of this racist gold?

  368. rationaloptimist Says:

    Yes, Anonymous, I was trying to seriously discuss an actual question, and was stunned at the volume of comments — far more than on any of my other 1000+ blog posts in 12+ years — with practically all the comments embodying the crudist of race hate. What gets me is how these people actually think they represent a “superior” race when their comments prove they themselves are the inferior ones. You are welcome to go ahead and use this material any way you like.

  369. Deipucco ASU Says:

    The idea that today’s college “educated” are mentally superior to citizens who voted for President Trump is absurd. The push to socially engineer and advance political outcomes and socialism has drastically reduced the quality of public educators and education. The quality of education has fallen dramatically over several decades as many well respected institutions rejected their original mission and are now running on their prior reputations.

  370. Roger Says:

    Frank – I receive all of the comments, and most of them are astonishing in their vulgar awfulness. To your original question, people like to see people who look like themselves, not just black and Hispanic, but differently-abled, different sized, and the like. Why this is a threat to so many people is quite fascinating and disturbing. As I wrote, what, three years ago, is that when I was growing up, virtually all the people in the ads were white and thin. They certainly didn’t have vitiligo or a wheelchair. Now, it represents the population. I’ve seen some strained math that if black people are 1/6 of the population, then 1 black person out of four is over-representing. Your social science experiment is quite telling, not just about America but elsewhere. Lots of racism from folks in the UK as well. And Anonymous is correct. It is racist gold. I wondered whether you should stop the comments. Maybe they serve a purpose, that we’re not as advanced as we may think we are.

  371. Fred F Says:

    I remember this article was the first given search result when you looked for it and now it is gone. Seznam.cz does nothing too, only my good friend YANDEX helps. I have tried for days searching without knowing the name only the key words..that’s remarkable, to say the least.

  372. Anonymous Says:

    Fred F: “I have tried for days searching without knowing the name only the key words..that’s remarkable, to say the least.”

    What do you mean? What is gone?

  373. Cudaman Says:

    If people were really concerned about equal rights, commercials would have 60.1 % whites, 18.5% Hispanic or latino, 13.4 % blacks and 5.9% Asian. End of story.

  374. Anonymous Says:

    The reason there are “so many Blacks” in commercials is because advertising agencies make more money when there are “so many Blacks” in commercials. If you actually believe that having “so many Blacks” in commercials has anything to do with rights than you are truly a moron. It’s all about $Money$. Since when has it been otherwise?

  375. King Man Says:

    No actually the reason there are “so many Blacks” in commercials is not due to money from product/service sales, they already have money…Billions and Billions. You know its like charity for the Leftist man. What they want is a plantation. The white man is the only real obstacle to a two-tiered society, Elite and Serf. Its complete propaganda. . Democrats and Big Business are like Bonnie and Clyde. My company promotes under-qualified minorities all the time…is that for money? What they want is zero competition where only they have power…no middle class or wealthy conservative can challenge them. By making Blacks appear equal it allows them more access and thus more mixing (and more) and thus lower IQs. If money is a factor its the free GUVMENT sort they want (e.g. Covid payouts, etc). There is not enough Black people or Woke idiots like you to justify 90% the Black commercials, everyone with a few brain cells understands the dynamics, except apparently you. You really must be stupid, sounds like you are the Moron….at best!

  376. Anonymous Says:

    I feel that the overwhelmingly black commercial are creating a resentment and escalating racism amongst the population the commercial Port rails are unrealistic to the actual Black Culture it’s shocking how many corporations are following suit so that they don’t appear racist I wonder if the government isn’t paying them to use blacks to possibly increase black self esteem i I would love to know the truth

  377. Brett weir Says:

    In canada negroes are only %3 ( thank god ) and they are on %50 of commercials , and always blacks are the smart ones the heros and family man , like this ever happens , I say go to the %3 only or other tribes will get ticked off

  378. Alfred Says:

    Plain and simple.i think it sucks to do it on purpose talk about racist. The mere fact that this is here and it’s a thing should scream at you people are getting pissed it will bite all involved in the Ass !!!!!

  379. Anonymous Says:

    This headline is like a magnet for angry people.

  380. King Man Says:

    Alfred, not only are you illiterate, you make zero sense. The purpose of the comment illustrates the manipulation of the political left. It is they who are the racist by placing 90% blacks in adverts in order to create a plantation. The questions is, why are you drinking the Kool Aid? You should be asking why they are advertising so disproportionately. So go back to grade school and play hop scotch and let the adults speak.

  381. King Man Says:

    Anonymous- dont go away mad, just go away!

  382. Me Says:

    Stopped shopping at argo sainsbury mc Donald’s and now asda due to black adverts my father mother and uncle all British white ww11 veterans this is a white country adverts should not be full of immigrants its wrong bring back white people in adverts the latest advert to have blacks is post office life insurance butlind loads of toy adverts l think these famous shops have lost trade to aldiband lidl due to their racism against British whites

  383. Me Says:

    Black people are an ugly race they are closely related to primates you can see that l don’t need to tell you look at their mouths white people’s don’t look like that lm using the freedom of speech my parents and uncle fought a war for.. I’m scared of them they look evil they threaten people with violence I’ve witnessed a lot of that..

  384. Anonymous Says:

    They have their own station BET , that should be the place for them .

  385. Kent Kelln Says:

    Overloading commercials with a disproportionate percentage of blacks is unfair to blacks. It is just more racism being stirred up by the ultra wealth white trash that own the media of the country. They are destroying this country by creating and perpetuating division for their own purposes. In my book they are home grown terrorists and deserves the legal consequences our laws prescribe.

  386. Anonymous Says:

    Do you send this link to you racist friends?

  387. Fred F Says:

    OK never mind what I said, this article is now on page 7 or something while I do find the article immediately with Yandex…anyway, what I also need to add is that some people are downright delusional. If you fail to connect the dots, then you never see it coming. It is like the big loud train zipping past our noses, most of us stop while you keep walking straight face-first into that train. And for all of you that pretend not to know..well in the end it is gonna hurt you much more than it hurts me. Those of you who aren’t part of the super elites, and still laugh it away, the joke is on you.

  388. Hector Says:

    All My Guts and Soul’s comment on May 9, 2017 is so vapid. The idea that we would ever care what some morally indignant white person on the internet thinks about policing language boggles my mind.

    Plus, his special list of “acceptable” names for black folk is completely off. I was talking to a racist black person online once, and he objected to me calling him black, and said he was an “African American.” That’s the same term that our good friend Guts tells us is derogatory. This is the most irritating thing about Gut’s line of “logic.” It enables black people to play racial politics.

    Mr. Guts; it is polite to call an individual what they would like to be called. That’s it. It’s that simple. We don’t need your self-aggrandizing moralizing here. It would be wonderful if you would see yourself out of the site forever.

    Call an individual person what they want to be called. That is how you respect people without giving in to racial politics.

  389. Dewaine jones Says:

    Negro is over represented in TV

  390. Andrea mason Says:

    I train girls of all colours to be models, I treat them with the same respect I would give my parents, this question of diversity in TV advertising is all getting too much in respect that I feel like I’m being force fed the issue and it’s this I object to.

  391. pimpi Says:

    The BET station should be named “The EBT of BET”

  392. Anonymous Says:


  393. Nigger hater Says:

    Stop putting all these niggers in shows/commercials, they are not funny or good actors. They think they are better than whites(bullshit).

  394. MTG Says:

    The most racially divisive terms are black and white. They should be removed from all discussions of race. There are no black or white people. We are all shades in between.

  395. Anonymous Says:

    MTG: But wouldn’t that making hating more confusing? Hate should be easy so stupid people can be good at it.

  396. King Man Says:

    Hey Tards- White refers to European and Black generally refers to Africans. If you dont understand the perverse manipulation that was purposely designed to make the shades you referencing you are a moron. If you are unable to grasp what this thread is attempting to accomplish then please make your way to your Leftist master who is building a plantation that clearly you should reside on for their profit.

  397. Anonymous Says:

    It’s simple. American companies are being extorted to cater to blackie on all levels. It is so over-the-top now that these companies must scared to death of offending simian culture. So THAT is why you see a disproportionate representation of blackie in these commercials.

  398. Anonymous Says:

    Why do so many men dream of getting slulkfcekud by Trump?

  399. Mike Says:

    Racism I’s spelled ” black priviledge “

  400. rationaloptimist Says:

    Racism is spelled “can’t spell.”

  401. Terry O'Brien Says:

    Nigger nigger always Nigger

  402. Proud White Says:

    Someone trying my this hard to not sound racist but puts labels all Trump supporters uneducated white trash is counter intuitive. An noticing all these comments ” its not blacks its people of color” make me laugh. When they stop calling me white I’ll stop calling them black. When they call me a Germanic American I’ll call them African Americans. I may be the only white male left that doesnt care what they change their name to, because its different year to year. I’m just sick of all these ads trying so hard to appeal to the libtards by putting blacks in every single ad to try to show how with it they are.

  403. Jie Says:

    Obama is the one who started the racism. Not Trump!

  404. florida91 Says:

    I simply REFUSE to shop anywhere that obviously features all blacks, all the time in their commercials. They try to portray blacks as beautiful, poised, intelligent, classy, wealthy people and very few are. Any store or company that tone deaf who panders to a race that has nothing to do with me will NOT get my business!

  405. Lana Smiley Says:

    I have no problem with the ethnicity of people in ads, but I have a definate problem with all the homosexuals I’m seeing lately in ads!! What is up with that? Not homophobic, but 100% “homodisgustic”!

  406. Casey Says:

    It’s irrelevant whether you have “ a problem” or not with ethnicity. The point is the ads purpose is to unnaturally replace white people, manufacture reality vs represent reality. Your comment is evidence it is working. America has now been altered, the Marxist reports to his leader…god help us.

  407. Nate Higgers Says:

    I don’t get why these corporations even bother putting any blacks in their advertising. Most of these businesses don’t even accept ebt cards as payment, and blacks will just steal/shoplift from them anyway.

  408. Nate Higgers Says:

    I don’t care at all what they want to be called, I call them what they are, and always will: niggers.

  409. Anonymous Says:

    You are all mostly wrong. Advertisers are only interested in YOUNG customers, i.e., customers who have not yet bonded with a brand name. Brands are like religions or political parties. If you get them while they are young odds are you will have them forever. I can here you saying “yeah but…” The real “yeah but” is that there are very, very few exceptions. If you are over 30 the only advertisers that care about you are selling insurance or pharmaceuticals.

    Just because a person is only 12 years old doesn’t mean he or she is not already forming brand identities. By the time they are 16 it may be too late to win them over to Rams if they are already in love F150s of VW if they already love Subaru.

    Young people already mostly think inclusion is cool and advertisers know that because young people already believe that if you don’t believe that inclusion is cool then you are a racist. That is how it is. And it matters very little what old people over 30 think otherwise advertisements would look all white.

    Madison Avenue doesn’t give a damn about anything except successful advertising campaigns and the profits that come with them.

  410. Charles Dewitt Says:

    Omg try watching a basketball game 🤣. So cringe. Its like they think all blacks like dumbed down commercials. Talking about diversity and civil rights – so cringe. Its just a bunch of woke people on Madison avenue who are Racist trying to make up for it by putting some flava in their ads. Black commercials are retarded, woke, and Very Very White Guilt. I don’t know on black person who gets a tear when they watch these cheesey commercials that talk about hope and black empowerment. Its so cringey I feel bad for black people when I see one. Asians never got coddled to, it’s all good , they didn’t want it, and most blacks, except the woke ones who define themselves by their culture rather than skills, don’t give a sh** either. Stop with the cringe black commercials – it’s almost comical how 55% of commercials have to have a black person in them. Its because they are made by agencies in NYC and LA, if they don’t lode it up with Wokeness the woke mob will burn and look them.

  411. Sharen Seiwerth Says:

    I believe in equality. I do not see how making ads with 80 to 90 % African Americans is making things better. In my opinion, it is taking us back 50 years in progress. All you hear these days is “Black Lives Matter” This is true, but, on the other hand, All Lives Matter! There is no White History Month. With the real percentage of the black race, why should they be acknowledged to be superior.?This alone, has set us way back in racial tension. All Americans matter!

  412. Anonymous Says:

    Negros should be connected to whites . It is sick. Anything on tv is clicked off.

  413. Fred Says:

    why am I seeing 2/3 of the morning news that are black people when they are only 19% of population -Trump was right about the fake news-he took on the big three and lost. ABC CBS and Nbc are deeply engrossed in politics and are pushing these ads on us, the one ad on the neighborhood where he wore a t-shirt that said he supports black businesses -clearly racist but apparently approved by cbs – garbage now cbs has Nate Burrows which I will not be watching any of these programs

  414. Anonymous Says:

    This thread has been running for years. It’s popular with people who want to vent about how upset they are with seeing so many blacks in ads. Most people who reply are so eager to express their “feelings” that they don’t even bother to try to address the question that the writer posed, that being “Why So Many Blacks in Ads?” Put on you think capss boys and girls. It’s actually a question about marketing.

  415. Roger Says:

    Anonymous (couldn’t come up with a pseudonym?) is correct. This is the longest-running thread I’ve ever followed, yet most people ignore the original query.

  416. rationaloptimist Says:

    Thanks, Roger!

  417. Anonymous Says:

    Tired of seeing 10 percent of the population fill 95 percent of tv. Y does the mentally ill and other minorities insist they have 50 percent.of the jobs? Why would these people actually feel they were right when they are so obviously wrong. Just because they are ok with dressing up like their mother and wanting to be a girl. Which is mental Ilness. Doesn’t mean I am ok with my kids being exposed to that level of mental illness. And why does no one accept responsibility for their own shortcomings? How can an uneducated lazy niggerr blame someone else for their failure and why do people think they should receive help. I agree that they have a hard time not lbeing a drain on society but are we obligated to carry them?

  418. Anonymous Says:

    You may want to re-read the queation. I don’t think this was supposed clarion call out to angry people to please come and post off-topic rants. It’s supposed be about ADVERTISING.

    Is it painful to have all that anger inside you. Oh yeah, it’s for your children. Right. It’s always about the children. That justifies anything.

  419. Um you Says:

    Yeah this is pretty true. Seems to me that there is an outside entity kind of manipulating that. Maybe same one from 60s. Idfk. But I do know one thing I feel more prejediced now than ever. Didnt use to consider race much in my day to day. But now I am auto racsist due to my race and gender. Fuck you fags. Get some

  420. Bill davis Says:

    Blacks are 15% of the population but they are and every damn commercial I see on TV sometimes all of the actors are black. With the white people there will be a backlash there always is Hollywood tries to shove this crap down our throat just like they did with the gays people will only take so much no. Blacks act like they are owed by the whites that’s bulshit we don’t owe them a damn thing. How about the people that started black lives matter? Seems like they’re being investigated about the funds. Not surprising. Channel 15 the pencil they will say that the people are racist that are investigating them. And yet again when they are caught that’s what they always yell out

  421. Anthony Says:

    I don’t understand why the push for diversity. Minorities have more voice and protection in America. I believe that the over representation leads t divisiveness and angst. This should be toned down for the betterment of all. And especially for minorities.

  422. Anonymous Says:

    Pure and simple—– companies put blacks in their ads because they don’t want to be labelled as racist. It has nothing to do with their target audience.

  423. Charles Brown Says:

    Every time you see a commercial for, oh, say, waffles, and they put a
    negro in it, there is a full negro family. It is well known that 70% of
    ALL black children are born out of wedlock. Why are these advertisers
    not portraying blacks how they really live? Shouldn’t there be a welfare
    mammy popping some welfare waffles in her toaster while her boyfriend
    grabs a 40 from the fridge on his way to the corner to sell crack?

    I saw a commercial recently that just pissed me off. There was a black
    shipping clerk (I think he was a shipping clerk) who was discussing a
    revolutionary way to ship products: worm holes.

    That’s right, a negro was in a TV commercial talking about worm holes.

    What the fuck do negroes know about worm holes? Hell, 65% of negroes
    cannot demonstrate proficiency in high-school math, blacks score at the
    bottom on SAT and ACT exams, and the advertiser wants us to believe that
    a negro is well-versed in the theoretical aspects of worm holes?


    How many blacks are enrolled in college physics courses? How many blacks
    major in physics? I didn’t see a single black face in my college physics

    I am getting so sick of the liberal brainwashing that is going on in the
    media. We all know what failures blacks are in life. Why are these
    advertisers trying to get us to think otherwise?

    Why not a commercial where a kid comes home and tells his mother how
    terrible he did on the SAT? Why not a commercial where the black kid
    tells his mother he failed the entire high-school proficiency exam–for
    the third time? How about a commercial where a negro calls his homies
    from jail asking them to come bail him out? Or maybe a commercial where
    the mother takes her welfare check and goes out to the bar only to come
    home to discover the house burned down and her 5 unattended niglets
    burned to death?

    That’s much more realistic that the current portrayals of blacks on TV…

  424. Icanna Baleevit Says:

    Wait a minute, are you saying that advertisements aren’t factual representations of the world as you perceive it? Next, you’ll say that advertisers kiss ass to make money.

  425. Jill Larson Says:

    Why are there so many black actors in commercials now? Can’t white people even be in the ads? It’s very obvious and unfair to our race! Isn’t that racism towards whites? I’d say so!! I see it all over TV now! Entertainment Tonight is a strong example of it!
    Jill Larson

  426. Anonymous Says:

    It sickens me

  427. Anonymous Says:

    Do not force this upon whites..
    It’s like venomous snakes which we get fined if we hurt as they too are a protected species!
    Think about it .where’s the logic?

  428. John Hyle Says:

    This goes beyond economics; this is not about serving a target market so trying to view this through that lense makes no sense. Clearly the over representation of blacks in Ads is evidence this is all political. This is the Elite Propaganda tour no doubt. Trying to create guilt, empathy, race-based treatment, etc… phycological warfare. Not good for All people, whites or blacks.

  429. Miguel Says:

    Those are not the adds I’m looking for. I’m talking about the news. Why are nigers killing raping and robing the people of the USA?

  430. Rodney Says:

    The welfare sucking niggers have taken over.

  431. Anonymous Says:

    Every ad on Hulu is niggas

  432. RealWhiteSuzy Says:

    Why aren’t there any more white Senators or Congressmen? Why are all the generals and admirals in the Pentagon black? The entire CIA and FBI is all 100% black. Same at the NSA. It’s crazy! I never thought this would happen. My psychiatrist says it’s not true, but she’s turned black, too!

  433. Anonymous Says:

    White supremacists say “If you not White then you are black.”
    As an Indian I find the term “People of Color” just as offensive.
    Why should respectable people like Latin, Indian, Arab, Native American descent, etc be lumped in with the blacks?

  434. Anonymous Says:

    Why shouldn’t Blacks be on commercials? Isn’t their highest aspiration in life to be entertainers and performers? It only makes sense that would put their all into achieving some level of notoriety even it is only on a stupid TV commercial. Not every Black person can sing or rap or play basketball.

  435. Clyde Says:


  436. Darell palmer Says:


  437. Wolfgang stutgart Says:

    I purposefully won’t buy products or patronize businesses that have exclusively negroes in every ad. What’s that liberal word – inclusive!!!!!!! Bullcrsp. They think Joe public is so stupid!!!!!! Gonna backfire on you liberales and bidenites!!!! A pox one. Apox on ye!! Here here!!!!!!!here here!!!!!

  438. Anonymous Says:

    Because blackness is good and whiteness is bad. Google anything black and all positive results show. Google anything white and all negative results show. White Americans are the target now. Elimination of western white civilization is the end goal. Plan and simple.

  439. Anonymous Says:

    You have to remember who is actually behind this, who owns Madison Ave Ad agencies, who owns Hellyweird? JEWS do, they are foreshadowing white European GENOCIDE, it is the JEW that hates the White European Race and wants to rid the Earth of them. The Talmud even speaks of this. The absolutely truth is….THE WHITE EUROPEAN RACE IS THE TRUE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL…not the jew

  440. Bull connor Says:

    Corporate wokeness is the answer. Negroes are not a good demographic to place in ads since most loot or steal. Being primates they belong in a zoo or prison. Phuk wokeness and spearchuckers.

  441. Shane Says:

    I am educated, white, and upper middle class. I have no issue with black people, never have. The ads are getting on my nerves at this point. It really seems like they are trying to divide us. The emphasis on skin color and what kind of person you like to sleep with is such a sick and twisted self absorbed world view. People are people. This is a result of a selfish, lazy, no struggle, and Godless society.

  442. Hector Lopez Says:

    Not just sound racist but why so many blacks on commercials I can’t turn the channel without seeing another black person on a commercial what about lights what about Hispanics What about Asians Filipinos Hindus anything but blacks that’s all I see and then you go to the stores there’s nothing but Hispanic people buying the by the products Why do you cater to blacks I want to know this

  443. Shaun towell Says:

    So many niggers on tv it’s definitely a coon parade there only got the job so they stop moaning how it’s hard to be a coon … I’m white I wish I was nigger today they get everything because whites feel sorry

  444. Anonymous Says:

    I can’t stand seeing these niggers on our television. They are animals. They prey on our white woman and I don’t blame them. Look at their own breed of woman, nasty ass fake hair having bitches. Niggers smh

  445. Anonymous Says:

    I hate blacks and their jewish worshippers.
    Send em all back to africa and let’s have a real holocaust for the lying fat jews this time, no hospitals in the concentration camps for this go around.

  446. Alan Lott Says:

    I’m I’m sick of seeing the Grammys or Oscars all catering the blacks every commercial just about all black new movies all black new shows all black man this is reverse discrimination

  447. Wolfgang stutgart Says:

    All black in D ertizements- I won’t buy those products. Blacks are at the forefront all other races step to the back!!!!!!! Talk about discrimination!!!! Of course we the public are viewed as so dumb. Guess what – we know whT time it is!!!!

  448. JJ Says:

    Most of these comments focus on the Black race. If a zookeeper let out a bunch of monkeys, would you disparage the monkey?!? ALL focus needs to be directed at the source of the problem….Marxist wannabe elitist. They create the Ads, they fund riots, they discriminate in hiring practices. Of course the Blacks take the bait…feels good to be “rubbed” up and down and be told you are a victim. So once people get serious about pulling back the curtain and exposing OZ then true change will happen. Until then the central banks will redistribute your wealth to the Oligarchs and they will continue to fund the plantation and down breed to keep the population meek and week. Mean while you get poorer and poorer while they eat their Filet mingnon on Mt Olympus.

  449. Anonymous Says:

    @JJ Says: “…feels good to be “rubbed” up and down and be told you are a victim.” You like it too. That’s why you keep coming back to THIS rationaloptimist sub.

  450. Alan Says:

    Why don’t they say that all lives matter not just one rubbing in your face more celebrities are the richest that are black save a few.I think untill all are the richest and more white people are homeless wake up

  451. Dust Says:

    nope. not buying that. blacks and gays being crammed down our throats in every single tv ad, tv show, movie, and even song, has blown up in the faces of the so-called “envelope pushers”. when people ( mostly whites) complain that they are not fairly represented on tv or the big screen they are called bigots and/or racist. This has turned many who werent racist, into racists. And to those who say, “oh, he or she was always racist, it’s in their DNA, are the real racists, the real bigots, and the real problem. It’s really funny to me, that minorities will make racist cracks about whites, then think that “Blacks/Latino/Asian and all the ones in between, cant be racist. Racism is exclusively a white thing. Reverse racism doesnt exist. These types of things are believed by the non whites, thanks mainly to TV ads and shows, and movies. I never knew what racism was, until I got my first computer back in 1995. Once the good ol’ internet became a thing, i was given my first ( of many) tastes of racism, merely because I was a white teen. No, I didnt post anything to warrant the hatred. I was targeted by whomever just for shits and giggles. Fast forward 27 years later, and it’s still going on, only now, its “the cool thing” to hate on whites, regardless of who they are, or what theyve accomplished. So, naturally, this leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and since I’m labelled a bigot or a racist by society anyway, might as well live up to the moniker. So, well done, mainstream media. You’ve unintentionally (or intentionally, who really knows) have turned the younger white generations into racists, by creating these ads and shows, mis-representation of whites, and filling minorities heads with garbage like “If any white person isnt gay or dating/marrying a minority, they MUST be a bigot”. Cant wait to see what the Divided States Of America looks like by 2040.

  452. Mark h brant Says:

    I’ve had enough of the ugly spearchuckers.and the back to school advert where the ugly black kid pushing the white girl.if it was the other way round there would be a uproar.

  453. Alan Lott Says:

    In 2040 will be please master Leroy I’ll pick up the cigarette butt you just thumped please don’t hit me just because I be white

  454. Fabio Jenkins Says:

    This is a biased, narrow minded, analysis of black fantasy and brainwashing of whites. Typical conjecture from liberal educated dupes.

  455. Thomas Jeffrey Miller Says:

    The bottom line is the n***** still think we owe them something and yes I’m a f****** racist I have my rights in the Constitution as well

  456. Lisa Mccall Says:

    Every commerical I see features blacks that’s also racist. No french no kapanese only blacks

  457. Anonymous Says:

    Trying to make Niggers look like they are educated and contribute to society , but in actuality all you see are MURDERES , RAPISTS, AND ROBBERS ! We should have picked our own cotton

  458. Anonymous Says:

    I worked with black people that said some shit about us white people and I told them if I said that about them I would be let go from my job and they oh well so I think blacks are more races than us whites are some fuck them

  459. Bob Upnkiss Says:

    Too many niggers on TV, percentage is incorrect

  460. Michael Says:

    I totally agree. The black community is over represented in television. The whole point I guess is to show them that they are equal to the white man. But we know different don’t we!!??

  461. Anonymous Says:

    It’s funny how people of middling intelligence love to *tsk tsk* people for having pro white/racial beliefs. No one said any one is superior, we’re different. Why is racism bad for a group? Having an in-group preference only seems to help other groups. Look at how Jews in America take advantage of their self created circular economy. Sadly a lot of laws prevent whites from enjoying these same privileges. All of you high-minded “anti-racists” are the peak of average. You’re just smart enough to repeat talking points designed to make you feel righteous and good. There is NOTHING wrong with racism. Does this mean be an ass to people? No. Nor does it equate to any other strawman you freaks construct. You’re the ad targeted group. You’re the suggestable, and malleable group that will do what they’re told because you are receptive to signals that tell you what is and isn’t a low status opinion.

  462. Gregory Brouse Says:

    Of course you have to find fault wit Trump and his followers. Racism IS NOT what it was 50 or 100 years ago, but putting blacks in EVERY TV Ad, when they represent 13% of the US population, does nothing but toss gasoline on the embers of racism. Your left wing excuses are not helping at all.

  463. Anonymous Says:

    When are we gonna start talking about black privilege?

  464. Meiyui us Says:

    They are certainly over represented in most scenarios and channels. The networks are trying to get you to accept that. More important they are projecting this BS to you children. Wake up white people.

  465. F. Zappa Says:

    They are trying to brain wash you into accepting whites with blacks. Same with public schools. Same with the gay/fag/queer BS. They can blow that smoke up somebody else’s arse.

  466. Kojo Says:

    In his 1925 book Practical Idealism, Coudenhove-Kalergi envisioned an all-encompassing race of the future made up of “Eurasian-Negroids”, replacing “the diversity of peoples” and “today’s races and classes” with a “diversity of individuals”

    I am a mixed race canadian. My great grandmother, a blood cree, was blunt about what her people were.
    “They are cave men.” Indeed. A slave economy, ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, and no evolution at all.
    Coudenhove-Kaligri’s vision of man’s future has been enthusiastically embraced by the national-socialists of then EU, Davos, The US elite, and canada’s stinking totalitarian regime. Why?
    Simply, this nice brown race will never think of human rights. They will never question slavery.
    They will consume their ration of bugs, and huddle in the green desolation of the marxist utopia, and never pose a threat to the oddly light skinned ruling elite.

  467. JJ Says:

    Kojo you are exactly correct. The Why is always important when observing these statistical anomalies. The Elites dont want competition, rather slaves

  468. Anonymous Says:

    Sick of the sight of them. Niggers with everything. Never buy from any of tgese companys. Niger is as nigger does. George Flloyd. The most uselful thing he did for anyone was get caught doing wrong.

  469. Anonymous Says:

    Happy New Years Day to the most hardcore racists. My your granddaughters birth you many wooly haired grand children. Every time they hear you say “nigger” it becomes a little more likely. That’s how it works. I’ve seen it happen again and again.

  470. Anonymous Says:

    In the US of A women control 80% of retail spending. So, if you are an advertising executive producer and you know that women control 80% of retail spending, why do you have so many black people in advertisements. It’s not a coincidence.

  471. Barry Soetoro Says:

    We are tired of the Nigger Football League and the Nigger Basketball League and All the damn ads with the nigger faces and nigger men with white women
    DEVIL INCARNATE Biden is a Fucking Piece of SHIT with his Nigger Women
    SMIRKING Nigger Jackson he puts on the Supreme Court and the Bug Eyed Queer Nigger
    Press Secretary
    The NIGGER Football League and the Nigger Basketball A$$ociation
    We have a Legal Right under Our First Amendment to call them
    NIGGERS and to call Biden a DEMONIC EVIL FUCKA$$ who can shove his FUCKING NIGGER WOMEN UP his STINKING
    GOD DAMN him and All his NIGGERS and QUEERS and Trannie$ and Black Mooscums
    YOU BLACK NIGGER SHIT and we will Bounce the Words back up
    BLACK TRANNIE Michelle’$
    Fukobummer Black $HITA$$

  472. Martin Farthing Says:

    Why so many wogs in UK TV ads these days, fucking ell, rather you use apes and or gorilla’s…

    Fucking black SHITE

  473. Anonymous Says:

    You mad you have to see someone other than a Caucasian on tv??????…

  474. Karl A Meier Says:

    Frank my sister and I will watch tv together some times and for the past year or two we have been wondering the exact same thing,it is so disproportionate in the way the portray the make up of our society. If you were from another country or planet and all you had to base your views on was from watching tv you would assume that this country was made up of only 2 races of people 1 half black and one half white and nothing else, screw the Hispanics,the Asians the Indians (those of India) let’s not forget the indigenous population: the original founders of this country and the poorest population in this country, 5 out of the 20 poorest counties in this country our Native American reservations and 2 of 3 poorest are on reservations in South Dakota. So if there ever was or truly does have the right to scream and bitch and riot in the streets it be hands down the indigenous people of this country,but do they,no. I’m guessing the last time we saw that happen was on the 1800s at a place in the Dakota’s called Little Big Horn.

  475. Anonymous Says:

    I’m so sick of having Black America pushed toward me.
    There is no such thing as an African-American you’re either American or you’re African and get the fuck out of my country. If you are a black American then
    get a job and make my country a better place go back to school. Clean up and rejuvenate your neighborhood that’s your job not the cities.
    Raise your kids properly teach them and stealing and selling drugs is wrong.
    No you cannot sell your sister to make money.
    No you cannot sell drugs for your dad. Yes you must wash your hands after you touch your dick. Yes you must take a shower at least every 3 days if not every day.
    Human beings eat with a knife and a fork not their fingers.
    Most men marry the women they impregnate, not you welfare won’t pay for those children.
    No you cannot take whatever you want.
    It cost money you have to have a job.

  476. Chris Schene Says:

    The BLM riots added another 10 to 20 million people who were previously sympathetic to African Americans, to the many people who know believe the criminal and violence stereotypes about African Americans.

    The Elites, the people who control the corporate boards, have little to no knowledge of the street and their impression of “the Street” is basically what you see on the nightly news: that news does not represent reality. The elites are afraid Black violence and like ashamed that they persecuted Blacks in the past, and they are basically sucking up and virtue signalling.

  477. Anonymous Says:

    Sick of nothing but Niggers all over T.V. commercials. Niggers pretending to be doctors, homeowners, and responsible citizens of the United States. Rather than the animals they are , murderer’s, rapists , and thieves !

  478. Liz Harvey Says:

    Advertising agencies need to realise the majority of people are sick of watching black, fat or gay people in ads, and mostly record and fast forward past them all,so they are losing their consumer’s

  479. Steve Hill Says:

    too many jungle bunnies on tv commercials.
    Enough to make a tarzan movie.
    Stupi-d and illiterate sub humans.
    A failed species.@

  480. Alan Lott Says:

    Use I’m sick of. The super half time show the Oscars the Grammys the commercials all built around blacks and they got all that mayors police chiefs are all getting black faced and they now are like hogs wanting more and more squealing for reperations

  481. monvos1 Says:

    You all sound dumb af no one likes white people literally you guys are paled skinned lizards that steal and spread diseases, everyone knows this. Only dumb white people competing in here but it’s funny I’ve fucked so many white girls and tbh I’ve sucked a few too. Yoor women love bbc, look all over th internet. Your wife would love top put one in here mouth just scared to admit it but trust me. You’re all stupid clowns. black run the world we all know we’re smarter than you clown but WHITE AMERICA has stolen resources from us but thats cool because I knowmy family has more money than all you clowns commenting… 100% fact. But don’t be mad all your kids love black culture and your daughters want us inside them. No one wants play white skin that gets sun burned or get nasty pimples on them lol. You guys have dog hair and smell like outdoors, you are the true animals. I mean look at your hygiene. it’s worldly joke hat white people don’t use wash cloths in the shower just let the water run. This is why the prettiest of white girls now get tans and say towards the black culture look at the sexiest white girls with nice bodies and know how to dress…. oh yeah getting fucked by a black dude. White people don’t even wanna be white anymore thew world knows how barbaric you guys are lol school shooters, fart boys rapping girls lol even the sports you watch ran by blacks lol. only thing you have is hockey lol so all you white pale skin lizards stfu you guys arenmyt better than anyone everyone knows this but you clowns. the women are smarter thought this is why your wives love us. Allow your wife to fuck some bbq I bet she would and you know this… small dick white boys

  482. monvos1 Says:

    Karl A Meier you sound dumb af if you look at history the natives were that skin color of one reason only. Pigeon hair people forget blacks have more dominate genetic traits. this is why a half black half white kid will have more black features. you’re all just retards thinking everything started here in America with White people. when the rest of the worlds know white people just destroyed everything. but you clowns need to look at a map and go back to history class. something called the contential drift, eveyrythign shifted from Africa, why’s its called the MOTHERLAND you stupid dog smelling white people

  483. Michelle L Cruz Says:

    I just don’t like the fact that the little girl in the commercial looks down her nose at us. That’s insulting. It has always been perseived as insulting. I wouldn’t have any color child do that in a commercial. Makes me not want to shop at TJ Maxx.

  484. Thomas Says:

    Who do blacks think they are the leech off our country claim benefits and act like they own the country l hate them every day crime crime crime committed by black immigrants

  485. thomasjackman Says:

    I hate all blacks that l have come in since the 90.s to sponge off taxpayers l have black friends who came here in the 60.s at least they work for their money but these freeloaders comming here throw their weight about commit crimes threaten and attack white British people we need a klu Klux Klan drive the lot out

  486. Mitchel Says:

    You’re an idiot (Trump supporters are racists 😀)

  487. Anonymous Says:


  488. Anonymous Says:

    Don’t worry, we have a plan to save you. You know that Artificial Intelligence that you are so scared of? Well we found a way to turn everyone into Negroes! You’ll be fine and very happy.

  489. Anonymous Says:

    White people matter too.

  490. Eli Says:

    White people matter also. And are haritage.

  491. Fester Says:

    The fucking niggers are in the commericals because the kike jew democraps want them there…iboycott evetything the niggers promote….if niggers went back to africa….amazingly enough no one would be racist…..the niggers are racist not us….is there white entertainment tv….white history month .white parades white stars …..nope the fucking cock sucking democraps would say its racist….when its them that are racist…..no niggers no racist

  492. Anonymous Says:

    The funny part is is that your children’s children are most likely not going to be white. My “nigger hating” uncles and aunts ALL have black grandchildren. Their daughters get knocked up by blacks just to spite their “nigger hating” parents. Now they are single mothers with mixed race kids. My other aunts and uncles, not so much. All white grand children. That “jew” replacement plan seems to be working.

  493. Dennis Says:

    you and your TDS are the racist … ever wonder why Asians specifically Chinese are pictured with Blacks…mainstream media like you don’t want to anger the racist Chinese.

  494. Anonymous Says:

    Let me say this….blacks are racists too. Im tired og being attacked because Im white. And you people who are white and apologize for being white…… You had nothing to do with you being white. Oh you of little brains. But if you insist on being sorry for whitenes just doust yourself with gas and strike a match. Hell……Ill strike it for you. Wont be long you wont be white anymore🤪🤪🤪🤪. Wouldnt bother me if you and all blacks disappeared.

  495. Adrian Cooke Says:

    Here in the UK blacks are everywhere in ads as well including radio ads: and here they are LESS THAN FOUR PER CENT of the population

  496. ann Says:

    l dont watch adverts at all on tv or internet lm sick of seeing too many black faces and hardly any white people in a white country adverts used to be interesting they are not worth watching these days my parents were white war veterans who fought for the safety of white british people

  497. Anonymous Says:

    Authored bu apologist, white, beta, cuckhold.

  498. Anonymous Says:

    I am so tired of nigger commercials. I don’t buy from them

  499. Anonymous Says:

    I am so tired of nigger commercials. I don’t buy from them

  500. Anonymous Says:

    I will walk out of any business run or owned by a black person

  501. Tom Says:

    Filthy scumbag rapists child abusers niggers are the lowest form of garbage ever created they are money grabbing scroungers and thieves filthy disease riddled trash not one of my children grandchildren or great grandchildren are black we built this country not you it will never belong to you the only thieves are you black scum get on your banana boosts and go home

  502. Anonymous Says:

    Boats not boosts

  503. Anonymous Says:

    Blacks are a minority. Putting blacks in everything now and some things are too much. Enough is enough. They say whites are racists . Think blacks are . They have their own shows etc. That’s racists.

  504. Anonymous Says:

    Love is a wonderful thing.

  505. cschene Says:

    The hypothetical nature of the racism in advertising is that they were racist against blacks before, and now the c-suite idiots are racist against whites. Still the same basic evil: judging and favoring people based on race.

    I offer, from time to time, a university scholarship, which is only for “white Americans born males who are us citizens, are engineering junior or above with at least a 3.5 gpa.” The scholarship is called the “Henry M. Schene memorial scholarship ” I fund it when my stock market profits are on the rise.

    I have read the books by Robin DeAngelo and ibraham x kendi on white fragility and anti-racism and see both those authors as lacking intelligence. Our c suite tried that anti-racism crap and it was widely rejected by the employees.

    I married a black woman, and my children are black, and, as a family we reject the entire narrative.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass about exertion of extra effort to help blacks. I am opposed to affirmative action

  506. Anonymous Says:

    Businesses cater to the blacks because the blacks can’t afford their products…. wait, that’s a bad idea!

  507. Anonymous Says:

    Are you nuts

  508. Anonymous Says:

    Tired of seeing it, I canceled cable and only stream now, tired of having PC shoved down my throat!!!

  509. Anonymous Says:

    Black African Shaka Zulu Gorilla Nigger Apes make-up 13% of the US Population yet are now officially 72% of what you see in advertising. We have Jews to thank for this.

  510. Anonymous Says:

    No problem with blacks doing whatever in commercials but when blacks and white cant just be friends and want to have sex and babies that’s a shame disgrace nasty and it’s against Gods word of all 12 tribes should stay with their own kind. Dont let that hurt your little feelings its Gods words.

  511. bunnysnuggle Says:

    Sick of seeing the scum everywhere

  512. Anonymous Says:

    Black scum everywhere destroying our country

  513. Anonymous Says:

    Send the niggers back to Africa

  514. Anonymous Says:

    The Jews pandering to the Jig-a-booh’s uniting them against the white working man .

  515. Anonymous Says:

    Trump didn’t push racist buttons as this write up reads! Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, NAACP, the Liberal Media AND George Floyd RIOTS did that! How? Well, their character demonstrates they ARE-NOT civilized! Burning pharmacies, cars, destroying businesses, blocking hiways and you want to blame it on Trump?? Where is their family leadership?, Christian values?, pure BS!

  516. Anonymous Says:

    Why is it assumed Trump voters are uneducated? The left is riddled with stupidity. Blacks vote democrat and they are extremely stupid. In fact they pride themselves on being stupid thug killers. They have the intellect and the emotional stability of children. 

  517. Anonymous Says:

    Society wants to cater to the niggers now. Fuck them All … let them all swing . 🖕🖕

  518. Anonymous Says:

    I used to think that, for example, if there were just two characters in the ad, a married couple, say, and they wanted to be ‘inclusive’ they would make one black and one white: just to get the diversity in.
    Now, since this is so prevalent, I actually think they are pushing a race mixing, pro-bestiality ideology. They are saying a woman with a black is normal, you should do it too.
    Of course, they’re all ‘magic’ middle class blacks in the ads, as you say – not one of them is shown deserting the woman and children, beating her black and blue, or murdering her… that, as evidenced by statistics, would be normal.

  519. Anonymous Says:

    Wokism sucks ass and TV shows and commercials want to portrayed blacks as 99 percent of population but they smoke the most Tweed

  520. cschene Says:

    I can’t imagine this works out well for the company paying for the advertising

  521. Anonymous Says:

    Black presence has accelerated many fold over 2018-2023, partly in response to Advocacy, but also from a sense of obligation, not to mention the potential of an untapped $1.2 TN market. Hispanics & even Asians [South & East] have likewise begun to appear more frequently during 2023. By 2052, whites will be a mere plurality at 44% of the nat’l cohort. Crank in secularization, polarization, church scandals, job wipeouts, climatic exigency & flash acceptance of LGBTQs & Voila: blood & iron of which Bismarck would be envious! But if like me [as world’s eldest historian of culture & science], you read the 20 leading journals [Quanta, MIT, IEEE, AAAS, Nature, Aeon, Fast Co.,Axios, Grist, CityLab, Quartz, Bloomberg, Climate Brief etc], you’ll be struck by N opportunities for explosive socio-technical advance. Syntelligence, neuro-informatic brain implants, ‘miraterials’, quant, altergy, CRISPR & NASA’s Lagrange Pt-II parasol [rtn to 1850 temps in 15 years] are propelling us headlong into a planetary Novis Ordo Seclorum, necessarily embracing Colonia Martialis, absent cosmic calamity. Trump will be repudiated; GOP will fragment & collapse. [Don Bronkema: quondam boy-preacher, 1943-49. Have his prophecies ever failed?].

  522. Anonymous Says:

    You realize that 99% of MAGALOIDS that post on this site have 6th grade reading skills and have no idea whether this is a hate post, which they love, or some kind new woke stuff.

  523. Anonymous Says:

    We are colleagues in a 2-million-year struggle for sentience. Aye will croak soon, but you [statistically my junior] should carry on w/courage, defying destiny as an ash-filled urn on a mantle-piece or a corpse recycled on a body-farm. Our species in mandroid format mite reach the stars in a few hundred years as techne accelerates, there to provolve into varied species & genera, rendered nugatory in time. The universe will evaporate back into quantum mist in 100 TN years, whereas the kosmos is immortal in time & space, thus the infamous ontological conundrum. Worse, mentation & volition are mere 20-Khz sweeper-wave phantoms: autonomous personhood is risible. Chto dyelat? Que hace? Q’est-ce qu’on fait? No. 1: dispatch Trumpismo, regreen & pacify the planet. Apply syntelligence, neuro-informatics, ‘miraterials’, altergy, quant & CRISPR. Install NASA’s Lagrange Pt-II parasol, slash earth mean-temps back to 1850 in 15 years for $1.2 TN. Cheap for the benisons. Your view?

  524. Anonymous Says:

    Supra by Don Bronkema

  525. Anonymous Says:

    There are way too many niggers in adds there are hardly any white people in ads now and the niggers are being favored over whites in everything and they still bitch about everything that whites get and niggers don’t should have killed mlkjr back in 1962 and we wouldn’t have this problem we have today

  526. Anonymous Says:

    Resentment unravels few conundra, esp. the ontological species. Racial merger is ineluctable–best to adjust. [Don Bronkema]

  527. Anonymous Says:

    We have that here in the uk ,every advert has 1 black 1 brown 1 chink then last 1 white,? All couples are either black,brown or mixed ,LOL ,!

  528. Anonymous Says:

    Wake, adjust, thrive: the races will merge over the millennia. [Don Bronkema]

  529. Anonymous Says:

    I saw a blonde woman in a tv ad the other night and was so shocked I nearly fell out of my chair.
    Fuck the coloreds. Uppity pieces of shit.

  530. Anonymous Says:

    BTW Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and the KKK sprang up from the Democratic party. D’oh!

  531. Anonymous Says:

    The Parties have exchanged views & policies 4X since 1856, so their names are disgermane to ID. The GOP lost its popular majority before Reagan, but has gained power by appealing to angry deracinates. Now the crunch has come–it must define what it’s for, not just what it opposes. The choice between optimism & despair has never been more exigent. This country can enjoy fabulous tekno-social progress if it stops hating.

  532. Anonymous Says:

    The city I live in has been subjected to a mass influx of black people in the past few years. Crime has also skyrocketed. Coincidence? Nope!

  533. Anonymous Says:

    This is all about fear & pity.

    Seeing the Hobbit at a movie theater, all the white folks in there loudly gasped and then softy mumbled alongside one another about what they saw: A black character in the movie.

  534. Anonymous Says:

    Time to take all blacks of tv….. they’ve had their time because of that low life felon floyd… we are all tired of seeing them!

  535. Anonymous Says:

    TV is so stupid now there’s white people in the world not just black brown or whatever you call it music and everything is gone to. Crap dumb people are making the USA look like a freek show get real people

  536. Anonymous Says:

    Vide my four tekno-historical rebuttals [OC-NV]. Society is provolving: CRISPR repigmentation & age-old copulative merger will render the race ‘problem’ nugatory. Ergo, res laxa. [Don Bronkema]

  537. Anonymous Says:

    I don’t have to read history I have lived it. Race riots at my high school in the 70’s. I was beaten up by a black girl. I thought all this crap was cleared up back then. My brother was bussed to an all black school. He was the only white kid. Then my son robbed at gunpoint by 2 black men. Rap noise on every commercial. I will never buy from these companies. I’m glad I’m old. It can be you all’s problem. Just tired of this all being rammed at me. My generation not able to figure it out. I wish you luck. Their new call is that they just want what they are owed. Well, That all happened before my family was in America and before any of us were born. My family was persecuted in Europe and got out. None of them ever griped about it.. Sorry, I sound hateful, but I am tired of this.

  538. Anonymous Says:

    As a white woman, I am thrilled to see so much more diversity in television. I only wish it were implemented more and in more places. This is America, we have no established ethnicity OR even an established language for that matter. I love that we are a mixed country and I only hope more people fall in line with that.

  539. Anonymous Says:

    Let’s go back to Hanging Niggers and bring back KKK , Skin Heads, ECT.

  540. Anonymous Says:

    Am sick of seeing groyds

  541. Anonymous Says:

    Hey you dumb fuck Everyone that voted for trump was not a racist

  542. Anonymous Says:


  543. Harley Says:

    It’s sad 2 still live in a world of racism if all people would act and have respect 2 all our values and life might turn 4 better but I do agree. 2 many black commercials on every channel we the people can change it boycot stations write your congress or do the what they use 2 do go back to linching

  544. Anonymous Says:

    Pull up your pants quit being awigger nobody wants 2 see your black asses when the po.po. pull your ass over and tell you stop …put.hands up…listen 2what they say and don’t keep running your mouths and or play the black racial card get it together quit your crying belly ache bullshit

  545. Anonymous Says:

    One bigger fits shot n all hell broke loose. Hundred and thousand of us native Americans was killed n you don’t hear us crying. Wanting free $$$ n shit. I hope the world ends soon because of this bull shit. U niggers need to grow up n work n grow some balls at like normal people not a asshole r act like you can git away w anything

  546. Anonymous Says:

    oh otay..git sum dat ka sheelt to

  547. Anonymous Says:

    Burn the niggers

  548. Anonymous Says:

    You’re really an idiot with TDS syndrome.

  549. Anonymous Says:

    F this Woke Blackism bs

  550. Anonymous Says:

    Negros are parasites and the sooner we put them back in their place the better… These parasites are a plague to the White race and anyone who thinks otherwise has not watched the news or payed attention to crime statistics in the past 30-40 years… Not all blacks are bad, but 90% of them hate us White folk more than we hate them… FACT!!! However, they get a pass and a pat on their lice infected nappy heads because they are just little bitches who grew up without a father in the home… Most ghetto trash negros have the mental aptitude of a dirty toilet brush… FACT!!! We need to stop feeling sorry for these vermin and let them wipe each other out… Something they do very well, but still blame the White man!!!

  551. Anonymous Says:

    Stop hating. Read book.

  552. Anonymous Says:

    There is a difference between truth and hate. Observing facts and commenting thereto is Love. Sorry … looks like you lose four eyes!!! Hahahaha

  553. Anonymous Says:

    The fuckin niggers cornered the market in music in sports and now TV

  554. Anonymous Says:

    It’s disgusting. They are a much lower part of the population yet commit the large majority of the crimes. One of the crimes are too many of them on TV and advertisements. It is insulting.

  555. Anonymous Says:

    I am so tired of seeing black people portrayed in unreal situations in television ads.Love scenes always have a white woman with an amorous look in her eyes gazing at a black man.Many scenes show happy families with one or more blacks,of different ages, smiling stupidly.This is not Africa or a devout Jehovah Witness dream instead it is the result of the extortion by the NAACP of liberal TV executives.This is why the majority of whites keep the remote in hand.

  556. Anonymous Says:

    All BS trying to send a racial ‘Hey Look we like blacks ‘ if not go there on purpose we’re I black. It’s obviously lacking sincerity and I come fomya richly diverse family we have Asian Black and white and we don’t need singling out we are secure

  557. William E. Dorn Says:

    It is such a stupid and unbelievably biological ignorant categorization to qualify people based on “color of their skin”. This single feature has so many tones and hues that no manner of description has anything to do with the myriad of mental, social, abilities, skills, religious facts or truisms.

  558. Anonymous Says:

    Pigmentation is disgermane except in UVB latitudes.

  559. Anonymous Says:

    Youre a delusional idiot if you think President Trump is racist.

    It’s what the liberal press wants you to think.

  560. Anonymous Says:

    Trump may or may not be a racist. But, if you take the top 25% of the most ardent racists on this page I would bet you $1,000 that every one of the who can and plan to vote will vote for Trump rather than Biden. Would anyone here take that bet? I don’t care who wins anymore, but I’d love to take your money.

  561. Anonymous Says:

    Exactly they make up 14% of the population. They make up 50% of the adds. Trillions have been wasted on them. Look at every high crime rate in every city. Stop pampering the problem. Make them carry their load. See what has happened in Zimbabwean/ Rhodesia and now in South Africa. Really working well there! Unfortunately there’s something called reality

  562. Anonymous Says:

    And you don’t think you are racist, huh Frank?

  563. RJ Says:

    Blacks are most definitely over represented in the media. And also ridiculously and inaccurately portrayed. The media tends to portray most blacks as being wealthy upper class citizens, which is known as the ‘magic negro’ portrayal. It is obvious because of the current trend of being politically correct and not offending anyone that it is done this way. But I believe that the black culture should be portrayed more accurately. Then maybe they will realize that they need to do something to change their cultural deficiencies instead of blaming whitey. The truth is that the vast majority of blacks are ghetto niggers. Sure, of course there are many decent black people who are upstanding citizens and decent people. But they are an extreme minority within the minority, and tend to be people who are raised in society where they are around more white people and other ethnic groups. It is extremely obvious that when nearly all blacks infest an area, they destroy it, turn it into ghettos, and have extremely high rates of criminal behavior, especially with violent crimes. Instead of continuing this behavior, they need to realize that they are not entitled for anything from whitey, and they need to change their attitudes and culture themselves in a more positive manner. There are multiple reasons why they have gotten to the state that they are in. They tend to want handouts more than working hard to sustain themselves. This leads to poverty, which in turn leads to criminal behavior such as gangs and drug dealers, which further brings their culture down.
    I’m a biologist with MSc in biological sciences, MScRes in genetics research, and PhD in evolutionary biology. There is an area of the brain known as the supramarginal gyrus. This area is the primary source of our having empathy and compassion towards others. Multiple studies have shown that criminals who demonstrate violent behavior and other crimes against others such as theft have an underdeveloped supramarginal gyrus. And black people tend to have a much higher percentage within their ethnic group of being underdeveloped in that area. So combined with both their social deficiencies and evolutionary deficiencies, they are definitely at a disadvantage. So instead of being accountable, they demand that society makes them look more positive and inclusive than what they actually are. Of course, it is not acceptable to call them out on their true behaviors, so modern ‘woke’ society just panders to them instead. But this needs to stop.

  564. Anonymous Says:

    When I see a,commercial ichange channels just to see another stinking commercial,icounted 31 on a half hour program which is overkill 11th.

  565. Anonymous Says:

    Completely irrelevant point. One bet I would absolutely take is you are a low IQ moron! Hahahaha

  566. Anonymous Says:

    The gentleman should try stand-up…

  567. Anonymous Says:

    Don Bronkema rekoms stand-up!

  568. Anonymous Says:

    Racism is a myth designed by blacks browns and jews for keeping honest white men down and oppressed its not real.

  569. Anonymous Says:

    I am white, we have started a club to ban all products that continue to only show niggers in the commercials. The white people are the ones who pay the taxes and buy the products. Sick and tired of niggers in every single add!

  570. Anonymous Says:

    Well it’s on total overkill it’s ridiculous even they don’t like their black mugs all over everything! You open up IMDb and the ads on.the header black. Open Max up same thing. Maybe this sounds racist but as I say even the old school blacks I know agree, but they know they’re not the most pleasing thing to look at! It is what it is but Hollyweird lives by it is what it isn’t.

  571. Anonymous Says:

    Black people suck. A bunch of whiners SUCKING off the system. There are no successful black nations. Time to get rid of them. Once and for all. The only way mankind will survive.

  572. Anonymous Says:

    More to the OP’s post, why are the vast majority of ads now depicting he-niggers with white women? They don’t even want their own kind but we’re supposed to call this equity? It’s almost as if the Ultra-Nigger-Lovers are trying to force this shit down our throats in order to normalize it. WTF?

  573. Anonymous Says:

    Black plus white equals lower collective IQ. Lower IQ allows for easier control of population. Pretty simple actually. Throw in the inherent hate for one’s own kind… hells bells are ringing!!!

  574. Anonymous Says:

    The trend of depicting interracial couples in T V advertising began soon after the conclusion of the Black Lives Matter riots. Prior to the riots, there were very few interracial couples in commercials. Advertisers seemed to be testing the waters at first. But without any pushback, more advertisers followed suit and things got ridiculous. All couples in today’s commercials are interracial, usually black man, white woman. It seems that advertisers now feel that if they show a black couple, they will be accused of racism, and God forbid they would ever have a white couple in a commercial ! That would be taboo ! The advertisers seem to be saying, “Take our women ! Just don’t accuse us of racism !” It is disturbing, to say the least.

  575. Anonymous Says:

    Too many NIGGERS in TV ads!!! Sick of looking at NIGGERS!!!!

  576. Ka Man Ng Says:

    I think the US goes too far to portray only “blacks” in ads or only interracial marriages in which the children are “black” to the extent that it appears that they are only targeting “black” audiences as well as attempting to portray interracial marriages and mixed children as the new ideal Americans.

    I see nothing wrong with having people of all colors in ads as long as they do not over do it as in worshiping only one race over another. Overkill in ads makes people become racists against the color of the people in the ads if it never portrays the actual viewers.

    The way I see it, if the ads are focused only on “black” audiences, then I assume they only want “black” people to purchase their products. Otherwise, they would cater to all colors in order to show that they want all people to purchase their products.

    An example: If you see an ad for BMW and everyone in the ad is “white”, it portrays that only “white” people can afford BMW. If you see and ad in that shows only “black” people driving a Lexus, it implies that only “black” people drive Lexus.

    Why not have people of all colors in your ads to avoid the constant division among “races” and show that your ads cater to everyone that wants your product?

    If we stop calling people “black”, “white”, “people of color” and simply call them people, then there is no room for any kind of division or racism because there is nothing to base racism on if everyone are labeled as “people” (color excluded).

  577. Anonymous Says:

    With 90% of ads on TV being BLACK the companies who promote these have LOST me as a consumer

  578. Anonymous Says:

    It’s only getting worse, by design. democrats/globalists/classist Elites/socialists/invaders/subverters/historical revisionists; these are the enemies of The People, The Patriots, The True Natives, Americans, Europeans. WHO, WEF, Klaus Shwab, George Soros, Blackrock, Pfizer, and so many other NGOs are carrying out Social Experiments, PsyOps, Propaganda/Manipulation on the largest scale ever in the history of humankind.

    Anyone voting democrat, or giving money to companies that hate them or subvert their Forefathers’ heritage, sacrifice, culture, and countries, should be ashamed.

    There are good blacks, but moreso there are enemy niggers, and it’s about time we clean up our First World White Societies; we can start by holding criminals accountable, cleaning up our prisons via Death Penalties en mass, and destroying these BLM identity politic, gender ideology, race grifting For Profit NGOs that only ever talk about racism and skin color no matter what.

  579. Anonymous Says:

    It goes far beyond simple “pandering”. And you can bet many racists are voting for the democrat/uniparty/globalist/biden/obama regime. Democrats SELECT, not ELECT, and they are puppets to their funders and CEO Corporate Overlords.

  580. Anonymous Says:


    After reading a lot of the comments on this page I have to comment myself. I read responses that state that it is so that black people can see themselves in ads and feel included. That the product or service is for them. Well now white people are not seeing their kind on tv, and questioning whether these products and services are for them or just black people. That argument goes both ways. Personally I agree that the representation should match the population demographics. More white people means more whites should be represented. The black population of the US is about 13.6%. Thus only 13.6% black people should be represented on tv and in commercials (or anything else for that matter). Anything else is just plain racist/racism. Here is just a thought; Why do black people have to make everything about race? Since they think that everything should be about race, I’d say that it’s black people who are racist. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t think in terms of race. Black people are keeping racism alive by demanding more than their share. 13.6% thinks that they deserve 50% of everything. Thanks.

    God bless you all through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus holy name, Amen.

  581. Anonymous Says:

    I absolutely believe that all minority groups should be represented in the media, advertising, politics etc, however, I also believe there should be some realistic proportion to that same representation !

  582. Anonymous Says:

    This is more divisive rhetoric.

  583. Anonymous Says:

    Representation? Demographics. 13.5%? None of that matters. Anyone can buy advertising and put whoever they want in the ads. Put only Indians in your ads. Put only people who are not white in your ads. No problem. It’s your money. My guess is that for some reason, which I don’t understand, “so many blacks in advertising” sells stuff or the advertisers wouldn’t spend so much money doing it. This thread has been running for around 5 years and if anything there are more Black folks in ads now than ever. So, my guess is that these ads aren’t specifically targeting Black people. Companies are very stingy with advertising budgets. I think it’s funny that this drives a certain type of person absolutely out of their mind.

  584. Anonymous Says:

    Damm coons taking over everything and treating America streets like trash! Get out of my Country.

  585. Anonymous Says:

    Even in local and national morning new shows Latinos like disappered

  586. Anonymous Says:

    That’s not true I actually saw a white person in an ad about 2 months ago.

  587. Anonymous Says:

    I actually saw a white person in an ad about 2 months ago. It was a cartoon character but I think it was white.

  588. Anonymous Says:

    Firstly this is the most snowflake woke thing ever get over yourself. Secondly you use “blacks” and “white people” you can’t even hide your ignorance.

  589. Anonymous Says:

    May all your snowflake granddaughters (who you never say “nig*er” in front of) marry your worst nightmare.

  590. Anonymous Says:

    85% IQ people know everything so please keep showing how stupid your ads are. With people on their way to rob Walmart! Your ads are causing Walmart to have to shut down. Where are normal people gonna buy Hawg Rines and Mt Dew because of your stupidity!

  591. Anonymous Says:


    I look at tv and am filled with despair. Let me explain. I hear the argument that black people were underrepresented on tv. That is completely moronic. The reason why there were more white people on tv was because there are a lot more white people. As others have typed in this discussion, black people only make up a small percentage of the population. About 13% in the US, 4.2% in Canada, only 3% in England. Yet 75%, or greater on tv. This overrepresentation is in itself racist. I see that opportunities for white men are now nonexistent. This fills me with despair because people like me can’t get break. I’m told that because I am white I have privilege. I’d really love to see this so-called privilege. I am a white man that grew up dirt poor. I have never had any benefit because I am white. Dirt poor without any hope of escaping this poverty. Yet I’m supposed to be privileged. Everything that black people complain about has been my life experience. Inclusion and diversity are a sham. The try to include everyone except white men. As long as white people are being excluded I don’t want to hear about black peoples problems. I have the same problems. So please, stop your bitching about how hard your lives are. Everyone’s problems are just as important as everyone else’s. The only fair way to fix this overrepresentation is to stick to actually demographics on population. Example, US, there should be black people in only 13% of commercials or programs on tv. And only 13% of the jobs in society. Lately, the only racism I see is coming from black people. I even saw an interview online where a black man was claiming that black people are the superior race. Talk about racist. If a white man said that white people are superior, black people would lose their minds, but it is acceptable coming from a black person. Double standards. Black people claim that they are the most oppressed people of all time. The black people (western culture) were oppressed for about 250 years. The white people in Britain were enslaved and oppressed by the Roman Empire for over 400 years. Every other race that has been enslaved and oppressed have gotten over it. Moved on. Why can’t black people? Because they don’t want to. They want to play the victim. Oh poor us. When black people stop thinking that they deserve special treatment, racism will wain. But this is just my opinion. I can see how the current environment will lead only to more racism. thanks.

    God bless you through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus holy name, Amen.

  592. Anonymous Says:

    Respect. You put a lot into your comment. So “Why so many blacks in ads?” That is the title of this thread. This thread has been running for years but hardly anybody tries to answer the question. Maybe the question should be something along the lines of “Why is the over representation of Black people (13% US) so good for selling stuff?” I don’t think advertisers would keep doing it year after year if they didn’t already know that doing it works. My best guess that women like it. Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing through buying power and influence. 

    What do you think? Are women the target audience?

  593. Anonymous Says:

    I think they are trying to convince

    undeserved folks of color that they

    too are welcome to either be mindless consumers, and they too can afford

    to do just that. The folks in those ads are usually very bourgeois. 

  594. Anonymous Says:

    I call the recent and current predominance of blacks in advertising, media, etc. “melamania”. No matter how well-intentioned it is, it is devisive, inciteful and basically racist.

    The basic human trait of generalizing and categorizing the world around us in order to better understand it must not extend to individuals nor individual events.

    Tribalism leads to racism. Both are based in generalizations.

    In order to truly build acceptance, one must treat every individual event and person as such. Attempts at social engineering by advertisers and other media must be condemned and/or ignored by all reasonable people.

    The path the melamedia blitz has taken has also taken this country closer to civil war. I want no part of it. Speak out, boycott, do whatever it takes to help put this country back on track!

  595. Anonymous Says:

    black people know very well America isn’t racist but if they admitted that then they would lose their victim points. Why would you want life to be just as hard as it is for the rest of us when you can put the difficultly on easy mode and coast through everything with hand outs? I can’t even blame them for doing it I totally understand why they would blame white people for all their mistakes while simultaneously depending on them for everything. If they didn’t then they would have to self reflect and realize they are the problem. Like commiting the vast majority of the homicides in USA. I digress though. As far as commercials companies are doing this because they don’t wanna be labeled racist and would rather pander to a small % of the population who wouldn’t buy their product anyway than use white people and get some sort of bad publicity from it because there would be at least one black person crying and asking why there wasn’t any black people in the commercial.

  596. Anonymous Says:

    whites 1.5 to 1 repro rate equals extinction.

    Need 2.1 to 1 minimum to survive as ethnic group.

    Muslims 3 to 1. take over the world!

  597. Anonymous Says:

    kill all the niggers and that will solve the problem.

  598. Anonymous Says:

    how much more do the niggers want for there 13 percent ?

  599. Anonymous Says:

    I do not know why blacks think they are superior. It gets old, real old!!! This is not a good era to grow up in America, not good at all! I say f..k the majority of blacks! They are real a..oles! Crew em “ALL”! They are “NOT” people of color, that’s bull! Like white is not a color,what the heck,”HEY WAKE UP!!!” In JESUS name.

  600. Anonymous Says:

    Bastards have made it easy to HATE NIGGERS, and INVADING WETBACKS…


  601. Anonymous Says:

    I’ve noticed the same thing. Every ad has at least one nigger in it. I guess the NAACP must have been complaining. What really makes me sick is the ads and TV shows with interracial couples. I feel sorry for the white actors who have to pretend to be in a relationship with some black baboon.

  602. Anonymous Says:

    sick of seeing niggers in every commercial.

  603. Anonymous Says:

    It would make more economical and logical sense to apeal to the most successful and populous group of people being Asians. Not the least successful and minority group of people being niggers.

  604. Anonymous Says:

    WTF…. Black people just started being an ads and the ones they’re using aren’t so black. They think putting mixed mulatto people in ads is the same thing as casting black people….. Oh yeah I forgot the Jim Crow rule one drop means black. Most of the ads they are in are commercials with black style jackin so I guess it would be right to put someone black in there. What about all these new hate commercials for Jews and Palestinians? Have you ever seen a hate commercial protecting black people?….. HELL NO!!

  605. Anonymous Says:


  606. Anonymous Says:

    no more consumer cellular because of the Bnlacks in commercials.
    what a freaking joke🖕🏿

  607. Anonymous Says:

    I’m sick of all the black ads all the f..ING time . And all it’s doing is fuel my hatred towards all of them. it’s not just ads it’s tv shows movies . They want to portray whites as inferior to blacks and black men and white women. I hardly see white men and when they do it’s subordinate to a black pcs of st. They need to stop or face server consequences.

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